One of the two cars slammed to the brakes!

The wheel of the car slipped again and again on the grass, and because of this one-foot brake, the whole body made two consecutive turns in the mud!

"Boom! Boom!"

Two clicks of the accelerator to a low sound.

The wheel is setting off a series of turf!

This car actually rushed towards the music festival scene again!

"Has this car changed its mind?"

Many viewers were stunned!

The only one left now, in the RV facing the opposite direction, was holding the steering wheel with both hands to the left, and the man behind him

The seven investigative teams were silent.

"- Bunch of idiots! Idiots!!"

The left hand slammed twice on the steering wheel.

He gasped as the windshield wipers swayed rapidly.

"I'm not an action actor who only participates in romantic variety shows!! I'm relying on it!"

After shouting out a vent, (Nuo Zhao's) slammed the steering wheel to the left: "I'm sorry, everyone, my old Dou Xiang

Huaqiang is always a tough guy, I can't be rude!" (Sorry, my father Xiang Huaqiang was also a tough guy back then.

Han, I can't shame him. )

The last brake sound in the night sky!

Without exception, ten RVs rushed to the scene of the music festival!!

In a mansion in Xiangjiang.

Guo Biting, Xiang Tai, Xiang Huaqiang, and the housemaid were all sitting in front of the sofa.

Hearing the last sentence that Xiang Zuo shouted out on the TV just now, Xiang Huaqiang stood up and placed the high-end table in front of the table.

Red wine in hand.

The corners of his mouth were bent downward, but he still proudly said to Guo Biting, whose eyes were red and swollen: "If you marry me, you should

don't regret it

After speaking, the red wine in the glass was drained in one go!

Xiang Tai hugged Guo Biting tightly, crying bitterly: "My big boy vomited! My big boy ate!" (My son

The child finally grows up)

195. You can't believe a word of what you say!!

On a bumpy RV.

The lights in the car were on.

Gulina sat among the piles of guns, and she stared at the clown in a daze.

The clown sat opposite Xia Yan.

The revolver was still on the table between the two.

As the vehicle jolted, the revolver kept bouncing on the table.

The clown protected the pistol with both hands, like a cat grabbing a mouse, but he didn't eat it right away.

get it.

"Did you enjoy acting?" Xia Yan suddenly said.

The clown's hands stopped for a moment, then his head rose, and his voice suddenly returned to normal.

"It's fun to act, but there are still some follow-up things that have not been resolved."

After Gu Lina, who was sitting on the gun, heard the sound, her eyes flickered for a while, and then she gathered up again.

When I came, I saw the clown


It was Su Chen who had taken off the mask and put it on the table.

do not know why.

An extremely strong sense of loss came from Gulina's body.

She suddenly had a sour nose.

In such a short period of time just now.

She stood beside the man and was called his own woman by him.

Although I clearly knew that all of 497 was only temporary.

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