"Two minutes later, the bet between you and the Joker is finally settled."

"See if Fang Jianguo is dead or alive."

The audience in front of the TV is used to it.

Starting this evening, one wave has not subsided, and another wave has invaded for several hours.

It's all stormy!

From the very beginning, Xia Yan speculated that Su Chen would create the role of the clown.

Later, everyone in the escape group was arrested collectively.

Joker and Harley Quinn take the initiative to deliver to the door.

Su Chen relied on a seamless plan and rules of the game to force out the undercover, and eliminated the undercover star fruit with one shot.

Then play a thrilling game with Xia Yan with only six chances to ask questions.

Finally, the dam was blown up and the plan to "kill the world" was implemented.

At the same time, for Fang Jianguo's unacceptable choice, Noah, who became the clown, took his ark and went to

Save the one hundred and forty people from the crowd.

Everything about this is so terrifying.

Even at the end of this game, Xia Yan actually guessed what the clown was going to bet with herself.

And the bet between the two is actually Fang Jianguo's life and death!

"What are you betting on? Xia Yan made a bet before Su Chen said it?"

"That's right, Xia Yan made a bet, and she is still the bettor Jianguo die, not only that, the chips she bet should be

own life.

"Looks like it's true, if the Joker loses, then the paintball will hit his mask in half,

But if Xia Yan loses, then the role of the clown will still exist, but Xia Yan will eliminate Yu Xun!"

"Damn! Damn! Damn! This is the most stressful two minutes of my life!"

"Why are you so nervous? Fang Jianguo has a fifty percent chance of surviving now, and Xia Yan has a chance of surviving.

Also fifty percent. "

"The current situation is a bit like Schrödinger's cat! Have you noticed!"

"In the two minutes before opening the box, Fang Jianguo may be alive or dead. From the point of view of physics

In terms of him, it is more like he is in a state where he is still alive even though he is dead. "

"Fuck, is it so profound? Although he is dead, he is still alive? What the hell?"

There are still one minute and thirty seconds left before the golden escape time.

Time, like the grandson of Lord Bu Rao, is torturing every viewer in front of the TV every moment!

196. Fang Jianguo's "Death"!!

Two minutes ago.

The strawberry music festival scene.

The torrential rain in the world still has no meaning to stop.

The countdown in the upper right corner of the TV screen kept running out.

There are still three minutes and forty seconds before the deadline for the golden escape time.

People at the music festival looked at the cars leaving on the big screen on the main stage and didn't know why.

"What's the matter? Why are they all gone?"

"Didn't Su Chen get rid of the undercover agent just now? Why has the investigation team been let go now? What do you mean, I don't understand."

"Who can take a look, has the phone's signal recovered?-

The people who continue to follow "The Great Escape" are still asking around, but most of them have already started

Looking for a partner who wants to spend the night in the tent today.

In the crowd, there were luminous sticks and beer cans thrown on the ground after being crushed.

There are also many young girls who are supported by several men, and the road is a little unstable.

Inside the tents of the rest camp, many LED desk lamps with batteries have been turned on.

Of course, when it comes to doing business, it is better to turn off the lights.

Otherwise, the reflection inside will be clearly seen by those good people outside.

Just at this time.

Brush! Brush! Brush!

A full three RVs came galloping from a distance.

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