"As long as that critical point is passed within - minutes, then we can count them safe."

Su Chen stood in the rain, looking at the dark mountain road under his feet and said.

"Fifty seconds left." Xia Yan nodded.

At their level, as long as they make sure of it, they don't need to look at the watch for a short time.

Just counting in your heart will be as accurate as a real stopwatch.

In the second nine seconds.

At the corner of the mountain road, a bunch of car lights lit up in the distance.

Even in the heavy rain, that beam of light seemed to come and go, but it at least appeared.

Next up!

Second course! Third course!

With a "two-nine-seven" bunch of lights on!

All the audience who stayed in front of the TV couldn't help standing up and cheering!!

in the screen.

Su Chen also showed a smile, but soon, this smile was hidden by him.

"There are ten seconds left, ten cars, all of which have passed the critical point." Xia Yan looked at Su Chen and said, "The signal from the walkie-talkie has also stopped.

After entering the range that can be connected. "

Su Chen motioned to Sun Honglei beside him to take out the walkie-talkie in the car.

This was used by the investigation team to contact the driver in the RV, so Sun Honglei found the intercom on the right hand side of the cab

The machine was handed to Su Chen.

"Remember our bet, if Fang Jianguo dies, then there is a [-]/[-] chance that the clown will die."

"If Fang Jianguo is alive, then there is a [-]/[-] chance that you will die."

Su Chen said: "The last time we were in the labyrinth alley, we said that the next time we meet again, I will not give you a chance.

meeting. "

Xia Yan nodded and said, "Do you know why I bet Fang Jianguo will definitely die?

"Sorry, I can resist asking." Su Chen glanced at the paintball gun in Xia Yan's hand and said.

"It's okay." Xia Yan smiled a little sadly: "This question is given to you for free."


"It's human nature."

Xia Yan said: "If he told the truth of the matter among those [-] people, then I am afraid that no-car can

Exceed the critical point within the specified time.

"Because, if it is true human nature, those who can't get in the car would rather use their bodies to block the front of all RVs.

He didn't even watch the people who got into the car leave safely. "

Su Chen asked with interest: "But now all ten cars have passed the critical point, what do you think?"

Xia Yan's tone was slightly stagnant: "Because of this, I dare to be [-]% sure that Fang Jianguo has sacrificed.

Saying that, she pressed the walkie-talkie.

"Little bat, please answer when you receive it."

After a while, there was a noise from the walkie-talkie, followed by the sobbing of the little bat." Xia Yan

Boss Boss, he stood in the middle of the crowd, he didn't come out!!"

Although Xia Yan had already made preparations in her heart.

But when she actually heard these words uttered from the mouth of the little bat, she still felt her heart tremble.

Being able to predict things like God is one thing, but being able to keep your emotions free from the influence of the world is another.

something else

Xia'e, before we get in the car and leave, boss, boss asked me to give you a word."

Although Xia Yan had put down the walkie-talkie, the voice of the little bat still sounded on the walkie-talkie.

Xia Yan's lips moved slightly.

"He said he saved 140 people, but he didn't have the face to see you, and he wanted you to accept the identity of the commander of the investigation team.

share. "

"I accept." After Xia Yan finished speaking, her eyes couldn't help turning red.

"This fat man, he has done enough."

"But even so, does he still feel ashamed to see me?"

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