Take advantage of these points. "

"First, the location is chosen by us, so the location we choose must be a relatively safe and surrounded by

Empty location.

"Secondly, all the people who participated in your funeral, no ordinary people participated, which fundamentally eliminated the

Su Chen continued to use the public to threaten our possibility. "

When he heard this, Fang Jianguo's eyes lit up.


Fang Jianguo has not heard the three words "initiative" for a long time.

For so long, he has been led by Su Chen's nose, restricted everywhere, flawed everywhere, everywhere.

Touched a nose gray.

Although no one said it clearly, Fang Jianguo knew it very well in his heart.

He could imagine that there must be many viewers who said that Fang Jianguo came to the investigation team to be the commander-in-chief for the ultimate purpose.

In fact, it was to wipe Su Chen's ass.

Su Chen kidnapped the foreigner, and the other party Jianguo took on the international pressure.

Su Chen blew up the dam, and Fang Jianguo drove an RV everywhere to save people.

Wipe this ass, it can be said to be very sad. "You continued.

Although Fang Jianguo was tired, his spirit became more and more excited.

"The third, and most crucial, point."

Xia Yan said: "You must really lie in the coffin, we must let everyone know that although you are dead

But it's not finished yet!"

"You really need to wait until Su Chen and the others successfully hijack your "corpse" and help Gu Lina take the second step

After that, it is complete. "

Fang Jianguo's face trembled, isn't he waiting to be whipped!!

"When the escape team opened your coffin, your suspended animation was the fatal blow to them.

Xia Yan said calmly: "Before this, all our plans will be understood by Su Chen, then we

If you want to win this duel, it's up to you (Zhao's), Mr. Fang. "

Fang Jianguo nodded slowly.

He smiled wryly.

As a private detective for so many years, Fatty Fang never imagined that one day he would lie in his own coffin

materials to catch the thief. "What about you? The most direct cause of the clown's death is you." Hou Liang's voice was already hoarse.

Plus it's been raining all night, so it sounds like a broken gong now.

"Me too." Xia Yan's face was like water: "But I'm betting, I bet that Su Chen's brother is still hesitating, he is hesitating to ask

Don't use my death to fulfill Gulina's role. "

"Why do you gamble like that?"

"Because my brother Su Chen and I are not the same as the rest of you." Xia Yan said frankly.

Fang Jianguo and Hou Liang glanced at each other, and their lips trembled at the same time.

The new commander of his own group seems to be slowly getting addicted to Su Chen of the escape group.

205. Su Chen's theory about Schrödinger's cat!!

Look at Ruo Xiayan talking in front of the whiteboard in the conference room.

Whether it was Fang Jianguo or Hou Liang, they were all in a trance.

"Not a type of person, but they also live in this world, even if they can't catch up, they have to be caught.

Fang Jianguo said: "In this case, in order to prevent the news from leaking out, Hou Liang recently, he can temporarily stop.

to appear, ~ and I

"And you have to act like you're dead. You can't say a word, or move and let us toss." Xia Yan said.

"Okay!" Fang Jianguo stood up with Hou Liang's help: "I will not participate in all your plans."

"I'll play a dead man well."

Explain the scene of the show.

Lin Wen looked at Xia Yan's figure and praised: "The smarter the person, the more accustomed they are to use their weaknesses to transform their strengths.

In this respect, Xia Yan and Su Chen are very similar.

"It's true, now that 2 people have died and Fang Jianguo has died, in this case, ordinary people may choose

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