With this RV now, it has solved a lot of trouble for the escape team.

Although the water pressure is a bit low, it is better than nothing.

By this time, the rest of the group had basically fallen asleep on their seats.

Only Gulina and Su Chen were still awake.

The monster Jiang Yanan's long legs are on the window of the RV, his hands are behind his head, and he is chatting with Su Chen about the escape group

"On the surface, Fang Jianguo is dead, the clown is dead, and only Xia Yan and us are left."

"But what if Fang Jianguo is still alive? Are there many changes?"

"As placers, we need to consider all the reasons."

Jiang Yanan's expression changed slightly, and his brain started to move gradually after Su Chen's guidance.

"Schrödinger's cat! You mean this theory.

The sissy raised her head sharply and said in a shrill voice, "So you've given everyone a [-]/[-] chance.

Including Xia Yan, including the clown, and even Fang Jianguo!!”

Su Chen nodded: "It's Schrödinger's cat theory.

"Keep a cat in an airtight container with a small amount of radium and cyanide. There is a chance that radium decays, if radium occurs

Decay, it will trigger the mechanism to break the bottle containing cyanide, and the cat will die; if the radium does not decay, the cat will survive

"Like Fang Jianguo's situation when he faced flooding at the music festival site?"

"Before we opened the box with Fang Jianguo, from the point of view of quantum mechanics, that fat man is now

It should be in a superimposed state of death and living.

"No one can really predict things like God." Su Chen stood up, causing Jiang Yanan to look up at him.

"Unless, you have considered all the endings!"

see this time.

The audience who were already a little sleepy suddenly woke up!!

"Fuck!! Xia Yanso just made a plan for the escape group, but Su Chen's e-mail is here."

Fang Jianguo in the box "fixed it!!"

"This Nima still doesn't let people sleep? ? Fang Jianguo in the box? What's the difference between Fang Jianguo in the coffin and Fang Jianguo in the coffin?

Don't! My scalp is tingling!!"

"Hehe, a mountain is taller than a mountain! "Fang Jianguo in a box", is this a coincidence? Or is it the family of Su Chen?

Say it casually!

"In the middle of the night, my whole body is cold, can anyone really do this?"

206. Jiang Yanan, who was almost tortured and collapsed!!


Everyone who heard and saw this scene felt a complete chill behind them.

It is said that Jiang Yanan is a monster.

But at this moment, compared to Su Chen, Jiang Yanan in the TV screen is more like a simple little white rabbit.

"Mom, it's terrible, I'm completely messed up in the wind, I just heard Xia Yan's plan, I just

I think there is basically no problem with the investigation team this time, but now it seems

"Don't hehe, I'll finish the second half of what you want to say! But now it seems that your father Su Chen is still you Su Chen.

dad! !"

in the screen.

Jiang Yanan looked up at Su Chen.

At this moment, this extremely proud man did not feel any discomfort.

As if Su Chen was born to be looked up to by him.

"We've played five-five-zero chess." Su Chen said: "Just like playing chess, I can predict Xia Yan's next dozen or so moves.

step, even able to predict her backhand. "

"Similarly, she can predict my next move."

"So, why do you think I won?"

Jiang Yanan was taken aback.


Two equally matched people play chess, and everyone is betting on something that has not been determined.

But things that are still uncertain.

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