A total of eight members of the star pursuit team slowly approached the small red dot on the watch.

"Tony, be careful, Xia Yan said, this time our purpose is to harass, don't be too impulsive."

"Understood, now I'm afraid that the other party may already know that we are here."

In the continuous light rain, Tony turned his wet hair back, the paintball gun in his hand in his arms.


In front of them was the RV where Su Chen and the others were.

They stopped in a deserted alley, the alley extending in all directions, it really is Su Chen's cautious style.

Just when the investigation team was about to approach the RV, the high beam of the RV suddenly came on!

"Da-da-da! Da-da-da!"

Two consecutive shots, the water in the puddle in front of Tony and the widow sister splashed.

"They found us!" Tony leaned back against the wall: "What the hell are these guys, I

We are still a hundred meters away from them, so that they can find us too!!?"

Sister Widow's scalp was also a little numb. If they continued to take a few more steps forward, there would be no shelter around.

I can only be a living target of the escape team in the alley.

"" Miss Xia Yan is right, their awareness of prevention is particularly strong, we will fight back here, our real purpose is to

Fight them at tomorrow's funeral"

After Sister Widow finished speaking, she picked up her gun and fired in a row.

Say something.

Widow sister and Tony are both top stars in Hollywood, Tony was an arms dealer in Iron Man, and Widow

Sister is a super spy who can use any weapon.

In addition, the foreign gun environment is relatively loose.

So the two of them didn't practice guns less on weekdays.

This counterattack is indeed more stable than the domestic stars.

Viewers in front of the TV who saw the way they were shooting knew that these two were definitely veterans.

At this moment, Chen He and others who were in other directions heard gunshots.

"Let's go! They've already exchanged fire! The sound is within [-] meters of us, rush over!"

Chen He said, and ran to the source of the gunshots.

"Attention, shoot from a distance, no casualties, our intention is to interfere, what really matters is tomorrow's funeral!"

Just at this time.

The accelerator of the RV where Su Chen's escape team and others were located sounded, and with a clang, it hit the wall of the alley, and then went to the side.

Turning the wheel, the car disappeared in the depths of the alley in an instant.

Chen He also finally met Tony and the others.

After the encounter, Chen He picked up the microphone in his ear and said: "'"Report to the command, our harassment mission has been completed

"Okay, pay attention to safety." After Xia Yan finished speaking, she closed the microphone.

She was in the conference room of a five-star hotel, with two people standing in front of her.

Xia Yan frowned slightly, looking at these two people, she vaguely felt a little familiar.

But I can't remember where I saw them.

"Hey, the handsome Ya Fangfang looked at Xia Po and looked up and down.

"Report to the investigation team, if there is any use, just open your mouth." Huang Haodong sat on the ground carelessly


In fact, if you look at his face, you will find that Huang Haodong is actually the more handsome type.

But it is because of his wife, so now he has given up on himself and has become the current sloppy appearance.

"How many of you are here?" Xia Yan asked with a frown.

"The above said that all five people are here, and the two of us chose the investigation team. As for the others?" Fang Fanggu smiled.

Said: "We don't know either."

"Who are the others (the king's)?" Xia Yan had to ask clearly.

Because if you don't know when the other three will appear and which camp they will appear in, then Xia Yan will not have

way to completely control the situation.

"Besides us, there are also a pair of twins, they should choose the escape group." Huang Haodong said: "To

We don't know who the last person is. "

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