After Davis carefully read the agreement given by Ding Shuo, his face also showed a complicated expression.

Needless to say, as long as Ding Shuo’s business is completed perfectly.

The commission he can get, plus the commission that helped Ding Shuo operate gold futures a few days ago, can even allow him to retire early.

Because the money adds up to enough to allow him to achieve financial freedom.

However, he also knew that it was not easy to perfectly meet Ding Shuo’s requirements.

Therefore, he expressed his difficulties to Ding Shuo very sincerely.

“Mr. Ding, if you just want to buy the shares of these four companies, even if you want to buy as much as 30 billion US dollars at a time.”

“If I try hard, I can still help you buy it.”

“It’s just that your requirements are special, and you also need to have voting shares.”

“This makes things extra difficult, it’s really a bit difficult!”

Ding Shuo is also not a crow brother who starved for three days with his younger brother.

Therefore, when you hear the word ‘difficult’, you will not lift the table and ask the other party not to do it.

He just glanced at Davis casually and slowly spoke.

“If it’s not difficult, what am I going to do with you JPMorgan Chase for so much commission?”

“As long as the mind does not slip, there are always more solutions than difficulties!”

“Difficult? Then let me find a way to do it! ”

“Of course, if you JPMorgan Chase can’t do it, then I’ll go to Goldman Sachs.”

“They seem to be stronger in the Internet field than you JPMorgan Chase?”

When Davis heard Ding Shuo’s words, he hurriedly said: “No, we JPMorgan Chase will not be weaker than any opponent in any field. ”

“Mr. Ding, you are right, if it is difficult, find a way to do it!”

“Please wait for me for three minutes, I will go and make a call, ask our president for instructions, and then give you a plan that satisfies you!”


Three minutes later, Davis rushed back.

He said to Ding Shuo happily: “Mr. Ding, after research, we have found a solution to help you acquire these four companies. ”

“It just so happens that many of our regular customers hold a large stake in these four companies.”

“At most half a month, we will definitely help you get things done beautifully!”

Ding Shuo nodded and said, “Very good, I am waiting for your good news, and I will also send a team to follow up on the specific matters.” ”


After finalizing the plan to acquire shares in Microsoft, Apple, Amazon and Google, Ding Shuo did not leave Ruichuang Investment.

Ding Shuo set it up and raised a vote of employees, and he definitely didn’t let it look there.

Today, Ding Shuo’s funds have basically stabilized, and the next step is for Ruichuang Investment to act.

So, Ding Shuo held a high-level meeting at Ruichuang Investment.

After the meeting began, Ding Shuo first smiled and asked his chief investment advisor and president of Ruichuang, Will.

“How? Ever unhappy to see me take a large sum of money and let JPMorgan Chase help me operate? ”

Will is also an executive from Goldman Sachs and a veteran of Wall Street.

In terms of ability, it will not be worse than Davis.

He naturally understood the intention of Ding Shuo’s approach, and he said with a smile: “Boss, you have thought too much, I understand your deep meaning. ”

“What you want to operate is not something that the current Sharp Tron can do.”

“But rest assured, I promise you here to give me five years to lead the development of Ruichuang.”

“If after five years, this kind of capital operation still requires you to find an outside investment company, then I will immediately resign.”

Between Will’s words, he expressed a strong respect for Ding Shuo.

Ding Shuo nodded with a smile and said, “It’s good that you can understand my intentions. ”

“It would be even better to have the confidence to develop Ruichuang to a capital of $30 to 40 billion that can be easily operated within five years.”

“I also have high hopes for Ruichuang, I will leave five billion US dollars in Ruichuang, so that you can continue to short US stocks.”

Hearing this, Will suddenly lifted his spirits.

Lian Lian thanked Ding Shuo for his trust.

Investment companies need to have funds in their hands to operate in order to make results.

Five billion US dollars, let alone a newly established investment company like Ruichuang.

Even for the famous Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway company, it is definitely a lot of money.

This also represents Ding Shuo’s trust in him and Ruichuang.

Ding Shuo didn’t care about the gratitude of his subordinates, he valued interests more.

This time the financial tsunami in country M will loot the wealth of the eagle sauce middle class and wipe out tens of trillions of dollars of wealth.

These wealth, the big head must not be able to worry about outsiders like Ding Shuo.

He made more than $50 billion in cash through foresight, using ‘junk bonds’ and ‘gold futures’, which is almost the extreme.

I want to continue to earn 500 billion US dollars in the financial tsunami by taking these 50 billion dollars….

Even if Ding Shuo could do it, those consortiums that really had hands and eyes in the sky would not be able to allow Ding Shuo to seize food.

At this moment, his strength is still somewhat weak, not enough to confront those huge chaebols that have existed for tens or even hundreds of years.

Therefore, he can only retreat to the second place.

Take the majority of 50 billion US dollars to invest in Microsoft, Apple, Amazon and Google, occupy the right to speak in these four companies, and obtain high return on investment.

With more than $20 billion in cash left, he will only take out $5 billion to short U.S. stocks.

In this way, in the two years of the financial tsunami, another 20 billion US dollars will be earned.

Nor will it touch the fundamental interests of those big conglomerates.

After telling Will the direction of investment, Ding Shuo asked Will.

“How did you do by letting you contact Netflix and prepare to launch an acquisition of Netflix?”

Will said with a straight face: “A preliminary consensus has been reached with them, and they have also accepted our offer to wholly acquire them for 2.5 billion US dollars!” ”

When Ding Shuo heard this answer, he immediately acted very happy.

Knocked on the table and said: “Then don’t delay, within a week, give me all the acquisition!” ”

Will nodded and said, “Don’t worry, I will definitely complete the task you have assigned!” ”

After making the assurance, the look on Will’s face was a little tangled.

He knows very well how to tell Ding Shuo, an existence already known as the ‘god of investment’, how to distinguish whether an investment is right or wrong.

It’s a ridiculous thing.

However, as Ding Shuo’s chief investment advisor, he has the duty and obligation to timely remind and even warn some of Ding Shuo’s wrong investment ideas.

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