This time, although the major media did not take a penny from Ding Shuo, they all praised him in all directions without dead ends.

Poor little old man Buffett became the target of being trampled.

Statements such as ‘the stock god is old, the investment god is in charge’ can be seen everywhere.

There are also some undisciplined and low-limit media that put Ding Shuo and Buffett’s photo P together.

It is said that this is a big era of alternating new emperors and old emperors, Ding Shuo, the new emperor of the investment world, represents the future, and Buffett, the old emperor of the investment world, represents the past.

It is not clear what kind of impact these news and news will have on Buffett’s mood.

But for Ding Shuo, it certainly didn’t have the slightest impact.

He didn’t mean to be touted at all.

Because he knows very well in his heart that the public opinion field will always be a place with red roots and white roots.

Last time, Ding Shuo ate a lot of gold in the case of gold futures plummeting, and he was suppressed by various fancy methods of these media.

Now he is touted simply because he is currently the winner.

As long as he makes any investment mistakes in the future, these media who will blow him to the sky today.

Will show no mercy and turn the gun to blacken him.

This is the reality.

Therefore, today’s Ding Shuo is very undistracted, and he only wants to make money.


While the outside world is still in a state of disturbance, Ding Shuo has come to Netflix’s headquarters to hold a meeting with Netflix’s executives.

Netflix is different from Marvel.

Marvel’s high-level executives can play a good hand of cards to a sparse.

And Netflix’s gang played a bad card to the effect of king bombing.

Therefore, Ding Shuo on Netflix’s side only installed his cronies in key departments such as legal affairs and finance.

Other than that, there were no major personnel adjustments.

Even on the contrary, in order to calm the hearts of these capable high-level officials of Netflix.

Ding Shuo also wooed them by means of improving benefits and raising salaries.

This is also to eliminate the negative impact of the last high-level change at Marvel.

Yes, after he took a stake in Microsoft, Apple, Google and Amazon, the stock prices of the four companies, which had been falling, skyrocketed in a short period of time.

Even after the skyrocketing, it is still bucking the trend and is growing slowly and steadily.

This makes the entire Hollywood listing eager for their own company, can enter Ding Shuo’s eyes, and can let Ding Shuo invest in shares.

So that I can also enjoy the feeling of being carried by the god of investment.

However, after Ding Shuo acquired Marvel, he expelled a group of senators and even sent them to prison.

It also brought some negative effects to his wholly-owned acquisition of the company.

For example, when this acquisition of Netflix was carried out, these negative pressures were reflected.

Netflix’s senior executives also worried that after Ding Shuo joined Netflix, their future would be very gloomy.

In the end, Ding Shuo made it clear in the contract that he would not change the high-level and even increase the salary and benefits of the high-level.

This is the ability to make a wholly-owned acquisition of Netflix in a short period of time.


At the meeting, Ding Shuo confidently announced his plans for Netflix’s future with Netflix’s senior management.

“I didn’t buy Netflix to do disc rental business!”

“Now is the Internet era, in this era, the vast majority of industries, if they cannot embrace the Internet, are destined to be eliminated!”

“Unfortunately, our Netflix disc rental business is such an industry!”

“If we don’t embrace the internet, we’re going to die!”

“Today’s Internet, after years of development, whether it is market scale or hardware development, has reached the conditions that can support our transformation!”

“So, I decided to inject a billion dollars into Netflix and set up a streaming division!”

“I want to see that within half a year, any film and television work in Netflix’s copyright library can be found on Netflix’s website.”

The head of the technical department was a close friend arranged by Ding Shuo, and he immediately got up and assured Ding Shuo.

Ding Shuo said: “You must also do a good job of ‘algorithm’. ”

“I need to do it, as long as users stay on Netflix’s website for five minutes, we can accurately push the videos that users are interested in and maximize the stickiness of users!”

After Ding Shuo made a request to the technical department, the president of Netflix raised his own doubts.

“Boss, after the transformation of the Internet, how can we make a profit?”

Ding Shuo said, “Monthly membership fee!” ”

“How do we make users willing to pay to become our members?”

“In addition to achieving the ultimate in technology and using algorithms to improve user experience, what is more important is exclusive film and television resources.”

“We Netflix, we have to start the plan of self-made or exclusive purchase of film and television works!”

“I know, we have no experience in this area, but we have money!”

“I’m going to inject an extra $500 million to let Netflix start its own path.”

“In the early stage, I will let Brilliant Pictures cooperate with Netflix!”

“I’ve asked Brilliant Pictures to start working on a TV series called ‘House of Cards’ with the calculation of power in the ‘White Palace’ as the core.”

“You can send someone over to negotiate the details with Brilliant Pictures.”

“I believe that this “House of Cards” will definitely make Netflix famous in one fell swoop and become the only king in the streaming media field!”

Regarding “House of Cards”, Ding Shuo replaced the heroine with Nicole on the basis of finding the original team. Kidman.

After all, the benefit is definitely to cheapen your own people first.

Moreover, the heroine is beautiful is never a problem, only without acting skills will be a problem.

Nicole. Kidman’s acting skills are still guaranteed, and it will definitely be the icing on the cake for “House of Cards”.


After Netflix laid out the development plan, Ding Shuo did not return to Los Angeles immediately, but came to New York.

He came here for a charity dinner.

Originally, he was not willing to do anything charity in Eagle Sauce.

However, considering that he made 50 billion dollars here, and will make more in the future.

Therefore, when it is time to scatter coins, you still have to scatter coins.

This will be of great benefit to his reputation.

What’s more, this kind of donation is tax deductible.

To pay less tax to Eagle Sauce is to make them less bullets to hit the world.


As soon as Ding Shuo arrived at the hotel door of the charity dinner, he immediately attracted the interest of a vote of New York celebrities.

These celebrities even took the initiative to come and talk to him without any scruples.

Like Paris. Hilton’s ‘famous’ goods just greeted each other with Ding Shuo.

Just take her girlfriend Kim. Kardashian, whispered to Ding Shuo, after the dinner was over, they took the car to the hotel together.

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