For the rotten wooden box that the Immortal King was fighting for, many viewers were very curious and wanted to know what was inside

You know, to be able to let the immortal king even at a huge cost, but also let his big hand come!

This is enough to prove the importance of this rotten wooden box!

The only thing that can be confirmed is that this rotten wooden box is definitely not ordinary, and the preciousness of the contents may exceed the imagination of all audiences!

Of course, the two immortal kings made a strong move, and this paragraph of confrontation with the funeral king also attracted heated discussions from countless audiences, and even the crooked nuts abroad were stunned by this paragraph!

The collision between the two sides is so terrifying that it can’t show one ten-thousandth of it when it hits the earth with Mars!

Looking at the immortal king who collided in the picture, even some viewers felt that there were gods in this world.

Only the collision between the gods can be so terrifying, can it be so shocking, can it fill their hearts with awe!

Soon, as the plot progressed, after the Immortal King left, Shi Hao, played by Jiang Cheng, successfully captured the rotten wooden box and suppressed the Tianjiao in the foreign land.

However, over time, the Exotic Supreme powerhouse struck!

And it’s not just one supreme, but five supreme powerhouses, which shows how much the foreign land attaches importance to rotten wooden boxes!

Fortunately, at the critical moment, the Great Elder Meng Tianzheng played by Jiao Enjun appeared, holding the Great Luo Sword Fetus and the Ten Realms Map, and stubbornly regretted the five supremes of the foreign land with his own strength, and after killing the two supremes one after another, he killed back to the Border Wilderness Emperor City!

This scene shocked many viewers and almost lost their words.

Although the battle of the Supreme level is not as terrifying as the Immortal King, this is a real move, and the excitement is not inferior to that battle!

But it was just that the five supreme powerhouses who were the top in the Nine Heavens and Ten Lands actually failed to take down Meng Tianzheng, played by Jiao Enjun, and in the end, they were killed by two with one dozen and five abruptly, and fled back to the imperial city!

“I’m obedient, Uncle Jiao is too handsome, right? I TM a man loves to death! ”

“It’s so secure, the Great Elder is just like the Liu God before, he can always help at critical moments!”

“Love and love, in this drama, in addition to Shi Hao played by Jiang Cheng, my two favorite roles are Liu Shen and the Great Elder, which is really good for Shi Hao!”

“I counter-killed two with one dozen five, and finally I didn’t hang up, if this is put in the game, if it is my teammate, I will directly TM call daddy!”

“Laugh to death, if I have this kind of teammate, I will directly call the ancestor, super plus!”

When he saw the Great Elder played by Jiao Enjun and returning to the imperial pass with Shi Hao, played by Jiang Cheng, not only the characters in the play boiled, but even the barrage boiled.

There is no doubt that the Great Elder’s battle on this side has convinced nine out of nine audiences!

Even those crooked nuts abroad looked at it, and they called the Great Elder God Man, which is much fiercer than superheroes!

However, as the picture continues to change, the audience cannot accept it, and even the most angry thing happens again.

In the face of Shi Hao who brought back the rotten wooden box, the major families not only did not have the slightest reward, but even aggressively, oppressing Shi Hao with strength and asking him to hand over the rotten wooden box for the strong to see.

Not only that, when Shi Hao offset the crimes of the Shi Clan with his battle merits, in the face of the Immortal King of the Exotic Land, Jin Taijun of the Jin Family actually agreed to hand over Shi Hao, so that the Exotic Land swore not to attack for nine days within five hundred years!

And what is even more infuriating is that in the face of Jin Taijun’s proposal, the powerhouses in the imperial city were actually silent, because Jin Taijun said that if there are five hundred years, he may be able to wait for strong help!

“Lying groove, who can stand this Nima? Shi Hao finally snatched the rotten wooden box from the hands of the foreign powerhouse, and even made great achievements on the battlefield, and now the old woman of the Jin family actually wants to hand him over?! ”

“I’m really angry, how can there be such a disgusting person? It simply refreshed my three views! ”

“If this is really handed over, how many people’s hearts will be chilled? Besides, how strong is the so-called helping hand? No wonder the Immortal Ancient Period Nine Heavens and Ten Lands would be defeated, with such a person, how could it be possible to win?! ”

“Alas… How can high-level people like these pay attention to the ideas of some small people? In their eyes, if they can exchange a junior who has nothing to do with them, or even some hostility, for greater benefits, why don’t they?! ”

“This is human nature, but Jiang Cheng has made it infinitely enlarged in the fantasy world.”

“Gan, I’m angry, if there is no accident with the Great Elder, will it be the turn of this old evil woman Jin Taijun to speak now? Don’t slap her to death with your big mouth! ”

“Grandma Li’s, this Jin Taijun is more disgusting than any previous role, I can’t help but remind me of Grandma Rong in “Huan Zhu Gege”, when I watched Grandma Rong when I was a child, I also hated her!”

Looking at this scene in the picture, countless netizens were angry, and they couldn’t wait to rush into the drama to unload the old demon woman of Jin Taijun.

It’s really hateful, I’ve never seen such a disgusting person, obviously betraying heroes, and actually flaunting so righteous!

Not only that, the vast majority of those forces in the imperial city actually agreed with this proposal, which is really disgusting!

This couldn’t help but make the audience feel worthless for Shi Hao, and for the Great Elder and the ancestors who died in battle in the Immortal Ancient Period!

And the actor of Kim Taejun, after this broadcast, was directly on the top of the hot search, and was almost raped by the Internet!

Fortunately, today’s young people are still more rational, knowing that this is all a performance, so they just scold this character, but it does not rise to personal attacks!

Of course, there are also some “elementary school students” who actually attack together with the actors, and even want to find out their home addresses and the information of their relatives, and want to frantically abuse them online!

Fortunately, in the end, the Internet police made a move, coupled with the voice of the official blog of “Perfect World”, which stopped this farce.

However, the actor of Kim Tae-jun was also a blessing in disguise, and she exploded abruptly, and the popularity was higher than that of first-line stars, which shows how bad the Kim Tae-jun she played is!


Abroad, countless crooked nuts have burst into foul language in unison, and none of them have ever been so angry as now.

You know, a hero like Shi Hao is worthy of everyone’s respect in any country!

But is such a hero who was actually sold by his own people?

This made them want to copy the AK and give Jin Taijun and those guys in Diguan a shuttle!


PS: Dear readers, I will stop here today.

This book will be on the shelves at twelve o’clock tomorrow noon, some people may say that it will be on the shelves so early, the author is black-hearted, here to explain, the website is unified, 120,000 words on the shelf, and now the word count has arrived.

However, the little brother will update another free chapter before it is on the shelves tomorrow, I hope everyone can give the little brother a first order at that time, which is really important!

Finally, I don’t want to ask for data facelessly, thank you!

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