Luo Chen faced this stunning beauty in front of him, a little unresponsive.

After being reborn, this is still one of the few opportunities to meet this daughter-in-law known as the national goddess.

And unexpectedly, this woman met this time and put forward a request to him that made him even more stunned:

"Luo Chen, let's divorce, now you have nothing to blackmail me."

The Stunning Goddess showed a contemptuous smile, as if looking at the most ridiculous person in the world.

Luo Chen was stunned at this time, and couldn't help but rub his brows gently.

This is a habitual action in his previous life, when writing an article, when considering the plot.

Seeing him like this, Yang Mier couldn't help but feel a pang of disgust:

"Luo Chen, don't pretend, I know that you are not sick and have no headache, you look like this, you can only deceive my parents."

"Be honest, sign the divorce agreement, I'll give you a suite, and living expenses for the next few years."

"Don't make everyone so ugly, it's not good for anyone."

"You also know that you can't get anything with me..."

At this time, Luo Chen obviously recalled some memories of his new identity.

The second generation of stars, a little talent, small wealth, of course, most of them are earned by parents.

The predecessor did not have any skills, but had a good skin bag.

To put it simply, he looks handsome and has a good figure.

You can eat with your face.

In fact, just relying on this handsome face of 360 degrees without dead ends, he doesn't worry about eating and drinking.

Unfortunately, this handsome face could not charm Yang Mier in front of him.

This existence is known as the goddess of the Eastern people.

But when today's most powerful goddess, film and television songs are fully developed.

National recognition has reached its peak, and it can be described as a big beauty star that surpasses the top.

The key family lineage is okay.

The influence in the entertainment industry is extraordinary.

Something like an unspoken rule could not happen to her at all.

Because her home is one of the biggest forces in the entertainment industry!

Well, no wonder there was no reaction to handsomeness.

Dare to see a lot in the entertainment industry.

And Yang Mier is the goddess of countless people's dreams.

Therefore, in Yang Mier's view, Luo Chen is a waste.

As for why I married him.

The reasons are more complicated, most of them come from the pressure of parents, and the inextricable relationship in the past.

In the end she had to give in.

However, he has been married for more than a year, but he has never let Luo Chen touch it.

The two are like strangers at their most familiar.

Not many people in the circle knew that they were married.

No one knew that Luo Chen, a somewhat handsome eighteen-tier paste, was secretly married to the super national goddess.

And this goddess is obviously extremely dissatisfied with this marriage.

A daughter of Tianjiao like her does not know how many people worship and envy.

How could you be willing to be with such a nest?

What's the use of being handsome?

There are more handsome guys in the entertainment industry, and what she is most unaccustomed to is those who are handsome and self-righteous.

But there is no real talent to learn the little fresh meat.

The point is, these guys are not willing to work hard yet.

In Yang Mier's eyes, Luo Chen was completely incapable of the kind of person she hated the most.

It is also because of some things in the company that she urgently needs to deal with before.

At the same time, there is a need to stabilize the situation.

She reluctantly agreed to maintain this husband and wife name with Luo Chen.

Because it is beneficial to the layout behind her.

Now everything has settled in the dust.

She is not only the goddess of the whole people, but also the domineering female president who controls her family business!

Luo Chen no longer has any role or meaning for her.

This time is not a showdown, but when?

Seeing that Luo Chen neither agreed nor refused, he just didn't speak.

She knew she needed to give out a little leverage:

"Why, do you want benefits?" Or a breakup fee? "

Don't worry, what requirements do you have, although I mention it, I will..."

As a result, before Yang Mier finished speaking, Luo Chen smiled easily: "I agreed." Sign it. "

Uh..." Yang Mier originally had a big set of words to say.

The usual set of business negotiations is ready to be laid out.

is to fool this so-called troublesome husband.

Unexpectedly, Luo Chen agreed so easily?

"You don't want divorce compensation? Don't you want my property?

Luo Chen said with a smile: "No need, to be honest, this year, your family has taken good care of me." You don't owe me anything.

"A year of eating and drinking for nothing, good wine, good food and good life are already a lot of care for me."

"It's just that you remember that from the moment you signed, there will be no relationship between you and me, from now on."

"The mountains are high and the water is long, and there is a fate... Oh, maybe we don't have this fate, and we don't have to see each other again.

Luo Chenyun said lightly, while also picking up a pen and writing down his flowing signature.

People are like their names, and their words are like their people!

The word Luo Chen.


Out of the dust!

It's a great style!

When she saw this signature, Yang Mier's beautiful eyes froze.

Xiumei's eyebrows couldn't help but frown slightly.

It turns out that Luo Chen's words are so good?

Don't look at just two words, but it reveals a lot of information.

The average person simply cannot write such a calligrapher's font!

But Yang Mier thought: What is the use of light words, or waste materials!

It's good to break with him, and in the future I will be light.

It's easy to move forward!

It's the parents' side, explain it well.

After signing, Luo Chen seemed to have untied an important knot.

Heavy sigh of relief.

Seeing Luo Chen's appearance, Yang Mier couldn't help but feel a little depressed.

Why is this guy like he escaped from the Demon Cave?

Shouldn't it be her own ease?

This really made Yang Mier a little incomprehensible.

"Okay, Miss Yang, the words are also signed. We broke off our relationship, and I don't welcome you here. "

The meeting will be indefinite..."

Luo Chen smiled freely, turned around and left.

There is not the slightest nostalgia.

"This guy, what's so smelly..." Seeing

Luo Chen who turned to leave, Yang Mier didn't know what was going on in her heart.

It feels empty.

There is no-for-tat, no stalking, no imaginary tearing.


that's the end of it....

A little startled, as if a heavy punch that had been charged for a long time hit the cotton.

The key is Luo Chen's indifferent and free-spirited attitude.

It really made her a little uneasy!

On what basis? Shouldn't it be this big beauty of yourself who is lucky?

Why did Luo Chen seem to have escaped from the sea of suffering?

Either way, the result is good.

Yang Mier couldn't help but take a picture of this divorce agreement.

Send it to your group of girlfriends:

"Sisters, I am out of the sea of suffering! Congratulations to me! "

As a result, the original quiet group of girlfriends suddenly frying pan!

Girlfriend No. 1: "Sister, are you really leaving?" What about my brother-in-law? Girlfriend

No. 2: "Honey, you are so ruthless, can you do all this?" Where is Luo Chen now?

Girlfriend No. 3: "Little honey." Obedient, you are so good! So, what about my brother-in-law? Is there a place to go? Girlfriend

No. 4: "What, haha, it's a good departure!" Such a man should not stay with you. But is Luo Chen okay? Yang

Mier was a little dumbfounded when she saw the reaction of her girlfriends.

Wait a minute....

None of you cared about me, but asked my divorced husband what was going on!

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