When Gedina heard Bai Ru's movement, she couldn't help but raise her own question:

"Sister Bai, what are you doing?" My God, you wouldn't be doing something special with your husband, would you?

"I can't get through my husband's phone!" You must be together! Isn't it?

"Too much, isn't it? Sister, in vain we are still so worried about you, you actually went out to secretly be with your husband by yourself!

Bai Ru quickly explained: "No, no, Gedina, Xiao Di, don't think about it, my side is working overtime!"

"And Luo Chen's matter today, I still have some follow-up to deal with."

"Don't say it, don't say it, the colleague on this side called me, you guys stay at home first, and wait for tomorrow."

"Don't worry about Yang Mier's side, it will always be solved, it really can't be done, I'll deal with her."

"Okay, I'm busy on this side, hang up first."

Bai Ru hung up the phone at this time, and then directly chose to shut down, and directly buttoned the battery.

This time-space mobile phone is still in that simple feature machine stage, you can browse the web, you can also make some simple Internet reading functions and phone text messages, etc

., but it is only Luo Chen's previous life, that kind of Nokia old model.

Of course, this time and space Nokia is gone, replaced by some other foreign brands and domestic cottage machines.

Now the entire mobile phone industry in time and space is still in a backward state. Smartphones don't even have a concept at all.

But in fact, the industrial level of the entire East has improved a lot, and there are actually more possibilities for them.

Of course, Luo Chen doesn't have time to deal with these things now, he needs to build his own entertainment industry.

Of course, what is the career, not to enjoy life better?

Now Luo Chen is quite enjoyable.

Although he did not reach the final step of the real breakthrough with Bai Ru, everything else that should be done was done.

However, what Luo Chen didn't expect was that Bai Ru's physique was a bit special? He didn't use any means, and this young lady took the initiative to explain.

It's just a direct self-hilarious overkill, and then dumb....

In total, it took about three minutes, Sister Bai was completely knocked out, and Luo Chen was completely victorious!

In Bai Ru's own words, he has accumulated emotions for more than twenty years, and it is normal to break out today, and it is normal to hurry.

The key is that Sister Bai has already experienced the taste, although there is no real breakthrough at the last minute, but it has already made her very hi.

So excited that she didn't even know what to say....

"Husband, I think the previous twenty years have really been in vain, it turns out that we can have so much fun..."

"But just now it was too fast, it felt like it was over before it started, I was a little unfinished, can you let me do it again?"

"Hee-hee, I still want you to break the gong! I want you to take the initiative and can't help but explain it to me! Luo

Chen was already very close to her at this time.

Luo Chen cried and laughed: "I wish you could let me break the gong, but what about you?" I'm strong, but you're also too weak?

"It's not that my husband looks down on you, but my wife, you still need to work hard!" Come and complete a perfect self-cultivation! Hearing

Luo Chen's words, Bai Ru's little face turned even redder, but she couldn't help but coquettishly say:

"I refine!" Of course I practice! But you have to be my sparring partner, and you have to practice often in the future! This way I can improve faster!

"So, cultivation starts from this moment, husband, I want to try again, I don't believe in this evil, and I will fight with you tonight!" I have to let you take the initiative to break the merit! The

more Bai Ru spoke, the more excited she became, and the excitement turned into action.

As a result, five minutes later, she said to Luo Chen with a happy and sad face: "Husband, I seem to have explained it again, so hey, but I'm still fast?" "

Well, good, I timed, this time there is progress, five minutes, hehe, do you still have the confidence to let me break the gong?"

Bai Ru: "..."

On the other side, Gedina Zhen's phone was hung up, and you could hear that Bai Ru was anxious.

But how did it make Gedina feel very strange, Luo Chen and Bai Ru were not at home.

Both were turned off.

It is estimated that nine times out of ten, it will be mixed together.

Thinking that she broke with Yang Mier just now, but Bai Ru took advantage of it here, her heart was very uncomfortable!

But I still comforted myself in my heart, maybe it's not what I think?

On this side, the remaining two sisters are very calm, and Tong Yaya has already seen it.

She knew that she could not do without Luo Chen no matter what kind of situation, so she just waited for Luo Chen's call.

As for whether Luo Chen has other women, now she doesn't care about this matter, she just needs to stay by Luo Chen's side.

She believed that with her posture, ability, and other qualities, Luo Chen would definitely not be willing to drive her away.

And she is still so obedient and sensible, where to find such a good confidant big sister?

As for Jiang Yingxue, she is naturally still very confident, and she has absolute confidence in her figure.

At the same time, she can help Luo Chen and open up the situation of her career, naturally she still feels that it is a sure thing that she will stay.

Even if there is really only one left, she feels that she has the most important core competitiveness.

At this time, Jiang Yingxue said directly to Gedina: "I said Xiaodi, you don't need to think about it so much, anyway, our husband, just someone likes it, all this has long been clear to everyone."

"And he and Sister Bai must have communicated for a long time, if you really want to do this, it's useless for you to worry, the most important thing is to relax ourselves."

"Of course, if you are really not worried, you can also find it yourself, but this is likely to make Luo Chen unhappy."

"Actually, there's another way, I can find out if they did something wonderful tonight."

"At the very least, I can tell if they can really break through the last line of defense."

Jiang Yingxue's words immediately attracted the attention of the other two sisters, and Gedina couldn't help but ask curiously:

"What way?"

Jiang Yingxue said proudly: "Hehe, I didn't tell you, I have the art of watching people!"

"Whether they really had that happen, I can tell at a glance."

"It's like now the two of you are original, you haven't done that, Sister Bai Ru, don't look at her a little older than us, but she is also an original!"

"And Luo Chen, I have already seen it, he is still the first brother, Yuanyang is not broken!"

"Tomorrow, as long as I look at it, I can see if they have already tried this part, whether they have really eaten it!"

"Oh my God, Xiaoxue, you still have this function, for the first time I found that in addition to your hot body, you also have some use."

Jiang Yingxue suddenly became angry: "Hey, you can't do it, believe it or not, after I watch it tomorrow, I won't tell you the result!"

Gedina: "Hehe, little Cher, I was wrong, you are the best!" Hearing

Jiang Yingxue's words, Gedina was immediately happy.

But at the same time, it is very apprehensive, if Bai Ru and Luo Chen are allowed to stay alone for one night, it is difficult to guarantee that nothing will happen?

In fact, Gedina's fears have long been a reality!

At this time, Bai Ru was exerting all his efforts to make all his martial arts, all wanting Luo Chen to break the skill!

"Husband, give me two more minutes! Let's try again in two minutes! "

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