Hearing Gedina's words, Luo Chen couldn't help but raise his eyebrows: "Okay, young sister, are you in a hurry about this?"

Gedina couldn't help but sneer: "It's anxious, it's definitely anxious, Sister Bai has already made progress, and I haven't made any progress at all?"

"I like you so much, love you so much, isn't it so that I can be with you more?"

"Now I don't care, they are all here to share you, you want to give me a little time to enjoy you exclusively!"

"I don't care, you ate Sister Bai last night, although I know that you may not have a final breakthrough yet."

"But I saw Sister Bai today, so radiant and beautiful, I know that you must have done something good to her!"

"Anyway, I want this kind of good thing, you don't want to avoid me!"

"And I'm going to accompany you overtime tonight!"

"Brother, I have already broken with Sister Mi'er because of you, and I don't know what to do later, maybe compensate her for the liquidated damages, and I will return all the money I earned before."

"My savings are gone, I really want you to support me in the future!"

Hearing Gedina's words, Luo Chen couldn't help frowning: "She found you?"

Gedina said indifferently: "Yes, she was shocked to see your video last night, and then he called me to talk to me, and then I told her all about the current situation."

She seemed angry and didn't know why. I'm divorced from you, what's there to be angry about.

"Anyway, I've already told her to stay with you no matter what, and I'm likely to really have nothing soon, but in that case, will you dislike me?" Husband? I may not be able to make money for a long time? Hearing

Gedina's words, Luo Chen couldn't help but smile and said: "When I have nothing, you don't dislike me, why should I dislike you?"

"Don't worry, if that's really the case, I'll raise you!"

Hearing Luo Chen's words, Gedina immediately exploded with joy, and suddenly threw herself into his arms: "Heehee, I know that my husband hurts me the most, and the person I chose is really right!"

"Then let's say okay, tonight, I also want Sister Bai's treatment!"

Luo Chen rubbed her little head dotingly, and came to touch her head to kill: "Got it, got it, I'll look at the arrangement, and now I'm still ready to record a new show."

"By the way, it is estimated that we will start filming TV series in a few days, you are ready."

"If there is a problem with the contract, we will solve it as soon as possible."

The contract that Luo Chen said is naturally a problem on Yang Mier's side, after all, now, Gedina is already his person, if he is still constrained by Yang Mier's side, he is naturally willing to buy Gedina's brokerage contract at a high price.

Now buy Gedina, even at a high price, it is very cost-effective, after all, it can bring a very huge amount of traffic now, and her fan traffic is too much.

I just don't know what kind of impact it will have if the relationship is made public.

But all this is a matter for later, let's see step by step, first shoot the TV series and then talk about it.

Of course, now they have to finish recording the next series of programs, after all, a new "Hundred Family Forum" content needs to be released every day.

The planning of "Commenting on the Three Kingdoms" can be divided into a total of 52 episodes, which are recorded for several hours a day, and it will probably take a few days to complete.

After all, such a series of gushing speeches also requires physical strength, and the voice alone is not something that ordinary people can bear.

However, Luo Chen was able to go very smoothly at once, after all, he had A+ level speech skills.

Today, I wanted to invite these guests over, but Luo Chen naturally thought of some methods.

After all, many guests came to show their faces and rub the heat, so Luo Chen decided to arrange some different guests to listen to the class here in the morning and afternoon.

In this regard, Bai Ru is naturally very good at making arrangements for Luo Chen.

Last night, the program worked very well, attracting many people at once, mainly after Luo Chen announced his identity, there were many bigwigs who wanted to come over.

So today or afternoon to record, because there are still some new deployments in the middle, and then tomorrow's recording can allow artists from other companies to come over and brush their faces.

This time is also a resource exchange, Luo Chen can exchange heat, and these people can come over to cross the gilded long face.

After all, it's still nice to come and listen to such a high-end course.

At the same time, the most important thing is that these people also want to have a good cooperation with Luo Chen and Bai Ru.

Now that it has spread in the circle, Luo Chen is Bai Ru's man, and at the beginning, many people thought that Bai Ru's man might be a bad old man.

But now I saw that it was Luo Chen, a young and handsome male god, and he suddenly exploded in the circle.

The people who pursued Bai Ru at the beginning all set their sights on Luo Chen!

They all wanted to find out who Luo Chen was, and then soon they knew that Luo Chen was the owner of this royal courtyard!

Immediately followed by another important identity, that is, the pair of star parents he once had, Luo Chen is a cheap star second generation.

But if it is just a second generation of stars to be able to own this royal courtyard, it is impossible!

After all, the development strength of the royal courtyard is very strong, and it is impossible for ordinary people to get the benefits of this.

Even in many large families in the imperial capital, they were unsuccessful in trying to get one of them, and they did not reach a certain status, and it was a danger to get this courtyard.

Just as the so-called virtue is not worthy of the position, even if you get a little benefit, sooner or later you will lose your own strength.

But now that Luo Chen has occupied the top 3 positions at once, everyone has a very strong curiosity and interest in his identity.

How can the children of ordinary families come to be a star.

But then they found that Luo Chen was completely different from other stars.

As they investigated deeply, Luo Chen's strength unfolded on the tip of the iceberg, which shocked them very much.

For a moment, people who wanted to make a move couldn't help but retract their hands.

However, it is difficult to ensure that some of them are stunned, and they simply ignore some of the problems here, and they directly began to carry out some new actions against Luo Chen.

The previous suppression of the TV station, a sudden regulation and instructions has just begun, and Luo Chen's identity has not been exposed so much at that time.

And now a series of troubles are coming, Luo Chen wants to get the TV station up this time, and the difficulty has become much greater.

But he didn't care.

However, the women around him began to worry one by one.

Bai Ru couldn't help but ask Luo Chen at this time: "Husband, we may be in big trouble next, your identity is exposed, and they may take some measures one after another."

"Let's talk about who our opponents are." Luo Chen naturally wants to know who his opponent is, anyway, now this time he first wants this moment to find out the person who has made his black hand!

Bai Ru couldn't help it at this time, a little wanted to say and stop, originally she didn't want to say it so early, but now things seem to be out of her control.

She couldn't help but say the name of a tricky opponent.

Luo Chen couldn't help frowning after hearing this, but soon he thought of how to deal with it!


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Good noon, great readers. Thank you to the following readers who gave the gift: this user does not exist;.; User 00000000; Drink plenty of hot water; Aaaaah; Jedi Thunder; Swordsman; glazed marks; User 50126179; User 10160229! Thank you so much for your support!

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