At this moment, Luo Chen has completed the recording of all the hundred pulpits today.

But then, there may be even bigger changes.

Of course, all this stemmed from Luo Chen's original change in attitude towards the Zhou family.

Everyone is watching what comes next, because a lot of people feel that whichever side wins at this time will change a lot of unique things.

Of course, if the Zhou family wins, the change is actually relatively small, but once Luo Chen wins.

It really made the entire imperial capital rise because of this.

In fact, the imperial capital has also been eventful recently, and various characters, as well as intricate interest relationships, are playing their role.

It's just that ordinary people don't know the danger inside.

Luo Chen doesn't care about this, he just wants to build his own entertainment empire.

And at the same time make yourself stronger.

What about the others, what does it matter to him? The most important thing is not to provoke him.

This time, it happened that Zhou Can, together with his Zhou family, bumped into Luo Chen's muzzle, then he deserved to be unlucky.

At this moment, Luo Chen had already used the high-grade bad luck talisman and directly descended on the head of the Zhou family.

Therefore, the situation of the Zhou family on this side encountered very terrible things one after another.

First of all, Old Master Zhou, as the pillar of the Zhou family, and even known as the existence of a national pillar, suddenly fell with a bang.

It seems that he was angry by Zhou Can, a guy who is not a weapon, and he couldn't afford to get sick!

The deterioration of the condition is very serious, and the most important thing is that this old man is already old.

He relied entirely on his own will to bring a better future to his family, and hung in one breath.

Now seeing that his descendants are so incomplete, they were even beaten by someone, and they didn't breathe, and they almost hung up in an instant.

The entire Zhou family knows that the old man is still there, then their dependence is still there, in case the old man falls, the following things will be difficult to say.

On this side, the Zhou family quickly got the major divine doctors from the imperial capital, and if they wanted to treat the old man, they would at least continue their lives for a year or two.

As a result, the old man couldn't do it that night, and he was about to die.

When the old man returned to the light, he explained some of the aftermath, and asked the people in the family not to get used to Zhou Can anymore.

They were all before, too pampered this child. That's why we are in today's situation.

Although the Zhou family still wants to prepare to fight back, but now that the old man is like this, how can they still have the mind to take care of other things, and the more important thing is the layout behind.

However, without waiting for Old Master Zhou to make any real arrangements, one after another, someone came to the door.

That is the relevant departments, some looking for Zhou Can, some looking for Zhou Can's parents, and even directly, finding it is the old man's head!

This big son used to be arrogant and domineering, and there were also a lot of violations of law and discipline, and now I don't know why all of them have been turned over.

People may also have seen their current big family, chaotic situation, and released all the evidence found before.

The Zhou family also had many enemies before, and at this time, it was really the wall that everyone pushed down, and for a while, the huge big family became a rat across the street that everyone shouted at in the imperial capital.

This family, when Old Master Zhou was fine, did make a lot of preparations, but under the thunder means, and there were enemies from all sides.

It broke them in an instant, and there was no preparation and backhand!

The most important thing is that there is some evidence, and these opponents of the Zhou family do not know much about it.

But they received an unknown source of information and directly put a lot of incriminating evidence into their hands.

At first, they were a little skeptical, but these evidences can be verified, and the results are accurate!

With conclusive evidence, it is not impossible to take down such a behemoth, and it is even very smooth!

It went so well that all these opponents were very surprised.

At this time, they couldn't help but think of Luo Chen, who had just contradicted Zhou Can.

The circle of the imperial capital is so big, and these winds and grass in the second generation will actually have some clues from all aspects.

Many people saw this matter today, and many people in the major families saw how Zhou Can was miserable in front of Luo Chen.

However, Zhou Can had no room to resist at all, and now one after another, these enemies of the Zhou family were sent like heads, sending over so much incriminating evidence, and they were so accurate!

It can only be said that the other party is really powerful, there is no need to move anything at all, turn your hands into clouds, and turn your hands into rain!

The other party even saw these enemies of the Zhou family, and definitely wanted to kill the Zhou family, and he could borrow a knife to kill people by taking a little something, and the means were extremely clever!

Moreover, these people will not refuse.

Remembering again, Luo Chen easily lived in the courtyard of the royal palace.

Wang Fu Courtyard, is that a place where anyone can live?

Many of their big families do not have the guts and ability to enter it.

But Luo Chen alone, living in the top three positions of the royal courtyard, isn't it a symbol of status energy!

For a while, Luo Chen's origin and his true identity became confusing.

But everyone knows that Luo Chen has a special ability to destroy an entire big family!

For a while, the rumors about Luo Chen spread throughout the imperial capital.

And at this time, everyone couldn't help but think of the rumors that Bai Ru, the eldest princess of the Bai family, had recently lived directly in the Luochen courtyard.

The key is that it is not only Bai Ru who lives in that courtyard, but also several other big star goddesses who are very famous in the second-generation circle.

Of course, Jiang Yingxue, the little princess of a family in the south, also lived in it together.

So many goddesses revolve around this man together, and the identity of the eldest princess of Bairujing circle can't help but be willing to share it with other sisters.

Isn't that more telling?

Luo Chen is definitely a difficult existence to mess with, and may be the spokesperson of a certain behemoth!

Anyway, the current speculation about Luo Chen is a matter of opinion, but the only feature is that all the major forces in the imperial capital have listed Luo Chen as an unprovokable existence.

He also warned these young children in their respective families not to learn from Zhou Can, and go over to provoke others if they are stupid!

Don't drag an entire family down at that time.

For a moment, Luo Chen's reputation was even louder than the reputation of his young handsome scholar on the Internet!

He is even famous in this special circle of the imperial capital!

Luo Chen, at this time, did not feel that it had anything to do with this.

He was watching the impact of using various props this time.

At this moment, he can see clearly, these system rewards are indeed very powerful, sure enough, the system production must be a boutique!

But at this time, he didn't have the heart to care so much, and through Bai Ru's news channels, he knew that the Zhou family was finished.

The henchman went to a large piece, and the mood was naturally comfortable.

But what makes him more comfortable is still to come.

At this time, Gedina had transformed into a charming leprechaun and wrapped around him....


-The author has something to say:

Today's update is over, this chapter is considered a transitional chapter, and it will pass quickly. The career line and the emotional line go hand in hand. Then ask for a wave of five-star reviews and book reviews. Thank you to the following readers for their generous gifts: Don't forget; Stars; I want to say to you. Thank you for your support! Good night, see you tomorrow!

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