At this time, Luo Chen said his next plan: "I am going to make an anime, which should technically be an animated work."

In this regard, Xiao Xueer should be relatively clear that I actually have a national anime under my hand.

I don't know if you have heard of it, this anime is called Sea King! Hearing

Luo Chen's words, Gedina immediately knew, and Bai Ru was also shocked.

Bai Ru had investigated some information about Luo Chen before, and only knew that Luo Chen had good achievements in literature and songwriting.

I didn't expect that there was such a national anime in the anime industry, as my own hole card!

"Oh my God! Husband, this comic turned out to be drawn by you? What else do you have that won't?

At this time, Gedina couldn't help but go over and hug Luo Chen's arm and said with adoration:

"I'm a big fan of this anime, I like to watch it, you should update it soon!"

Hearing Luo Chen's words, Gedina was immediately excited.

She is also a young goddess, and she also has a great love for anime, and when she heard Luo Chen's words at this time, she immediately felt that her world lit up again!

Luo Chen didn't expect that this time it was actually urged by his daughter-in-law, and he suddenly cried and laughed:

"I actually have a lot of manuscripts, if you want to read it, just take it and read it."

Gedina suddenly said excitedly: "Oh my God, that's really good, where is it?" Where is it? I want to see it now! Okay!

Bai Ru helped Luo Chen speak angrily: "Old Justice is busy, don't be willful." Xiao Di, we should prepare now, my husband's plan is.

Although I believe that my husband must have a way to solve the current predicament, the long-term development is the most important.

Now that my husband has so many good things in his hands, then I don't think there is much problem with the development later.

It is how to arrange these works and follow-up resources, and maximize the benefits of these works, which is the most important! At

this time, Bai Ru directly stated her most pertinent professional views, after all, she is a super agent.

Now she also has her own place in the entertainment industry, and many people will give her face.

At this time, she naturally had to come up with some real skills.

And Luo Chen was also very happy at this time, after all, he took the hearts of 5 goddesses at once.

Each goddess has her own attributes.

According to their attributes, Luo Chen can get one of the unique attributes as a special ability that he has copied.

However, such an ability to replicate is really random.

But it also gave a very good reward, and every time Luo Chen can make good progress and play.

Now the 5 goddess attributes are Gedina's heat dance.

Tong Yaya's 18 musical instruments.

Bai Ru's, overall management (film and television direction)

Jiang Yingxue's animation editor!

There is also the business management of the beautiful housekeeper Su Qinger.

These are all very good skills, some are very helpful for film and television, and some are very insightful for their own business management.

Of course, Luo Chen has not tried all the abilities now, but there will definitely be a moment to use them after it is already in his hands.

At this time, what Bai Ru said was exactly what he wanted to do: "That's right, Sister Bai is right, so I'm going to make this anime next."

It's updated every day, and I've found a very good animation team, so you don't have to worry about the output.

Jiang Yingxue couldn't help but say a little surprised at this time:

"I basically know the animation team, which team is it?" Are the charges expensive? I can talk to them about the price. Luo

Chen only knew at this time that Jiang Yingxue's influence in the animation industry was of course also understood in advance.

But at this time, he can't say that he did it through the animation editor.

He just prevaricated and said, "Now a lot of people are staring at the copyright of my work, so I don't really want to use these teams."

I got a new team, and I had to do something very confidential about that.

And they are not willing to disclose some of their information, I have discussed the price, which is very affordable.

You don't need to pay much attention to this aspect, and you will give me a very good support when the time comes.

Bai Ru naturally supported him: "We all believe in you, you decide these things yourself."

However, the operation can be left to me, and I will help you maximize the benefits of these anime works.

By the way, if that's the case, husband, I actually have a little direction that I want to work with, and there are some brothers and sisters in my family, and they all have their own industries.

Maybe you can cooperate with them. And I have other resources on the title publisher that I can represent and talk to. When

Luo Chen heard this, he naturally had no objections, Bai Ru was a good hand in this regard:

"These are all handed over to you, Sister Bai Ru, I know that you are the most powerful!"

"And me, and me, I'll help too."

At this time, Gedina also raised her little hand, looking like she was begging for attention.

"Haha, don't worry, all of you are very useful, all of you are my right-hand man!

I depend on you to support my career.

Now that I have thought about it, Sister Bai Ru is responsible for brokerage and operations.

Gedina is in charge of film and television, Sister Yaya is responsible for music, and Xiaoxueer is in charge of anime! And I'm in charge of everything.

Of course, now I am the core of every project, and I have a very clear plan for the next step.

It is necessary for you to work together, it is really going to work overtime, I am talking about overtime at work, you don't want to be crooked.

"Che, who wants to be crooked? It's not that you think too much about it, as if it makes us especially like overtime. Bai Ru couldn't help but blush a little.

Gerdina: "Hehe, what is my husband thinking?" We work overtime, don't we also have to give us a little reward.

Jiang Yingxue: "That's it, why should you give us encouragement and encouragement?" We pay for and contribute, we really have something to do, nothing to do..." Hearing

that this group of young ladies became more and more outrageous, Luo Chen couldn't help but cry and laugh and said:

"Okay, okay, anyway, when the time comes, I will give you a good reward, whatever you want."

As long as we can survive this month, we will basically have a smooth road after that.

And I promised to give you a bright star path, so that you all become the most glorious stars in the world!

Bai Ru didn't say anything more at this time, and directly came over to help Fu Luochen's collar:

"It doesn't matter how we are, as long as you are happy, I think it is most important for you to become the brightest star."

The sisters are all dedicated to you, you still have to reward when it's time to reward, we don't want anything else, just have you.

At this time, a group of sisters couldn't help but gather around, and Luo Chen suddenly felt what is called left and right hug, and also felt their sincerity.

It was false to say that he was not moved, and he directly took them all into his arms.

It is estimated that only he can have this treatment.

Then at this time, suddenly an untimely voice came out:

"Boss, I'm coming, today we are going to show our strength and do a big job." Belch...... Am I not here at the right time? "

--The author has something to say:

(5) more, add more! Ask for five-star reviews, it would be better if there were more gifts! And special thanks to the readers: children's inspiration capsules, thank you very much! SPECIAL THANKS TO THE READER FOR GREATLY URGING THE CHANGE, THANK YOU VERY MUCH! Thank you to all the readers who sent the author a thumbs up and a mountain climbing invitation!

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