Hearing Tong Yaya's words, Luo Chen couldn't help but feel a pang of distress for her.

This big sister has always been understanding, gentle and considerate, and has always thought about Luo Chen to the greatest extent.

It is precisely because of this that Luo Chen also has a unique spoiling for this little sister.

Different from other goddesses, after all, Tong Yaya is also quite a special existence among several young sisters.

The temperament is more gentle, and at the same time, sometimes it seems that there is no competition.

But when it really comes to Luo Chen, she will also be strong when she is usually weak, and she will come together to fight for the moment when it is needed.

At this time, when it came to Tong Yaya, Luo Chen couldn't help but hold her gently.

I obviously felt that this young lady was a little stiff, but it quickly softened again.

"Sister Yaya, it doesn't matter. Just be yourself, and then you're going to help me make a good position in I'm a singer.

I hope you can make it all the way to the end. But I won't favor you, after all, there are a bunch of old-timers, and there is my uncle in it.

So you have to come up with 12 points, of course, if you want a song, I will give you the best song and make you sing!

Tong Yaya suddenly smiled and said, "Hehe, in fact, you give me the song is the biggest favoritism."

Some of your songs, one after another, are very classic, I believe that as soon as they appear, the whole music scene will be shocked!

I now know why you haven't released them before, and no one knows you're a great musician!

So wait here, you want to fight and become famous at this time, right? "

But husband, I really hope that you can also participate, so that there will be something to see."

How nice it would be that our husband and wife can also join hands and go hand in hand together!

It is estimated that it can become a good story in the circle in the future, or you will join this program recording! Tong

Yaya's words are undoubtedly very reasonable, after all, Luo Chen is the creator of many classic songs.

Moreover, Luo Chen's singing skills were already on full display during the rehearsal before.

In fact, Tong Yaya already knew that Luo Chen's singing skills were very powerful.

After all, it is precisely because of Luo Chen's musical talent in this aspect that this music goddess is attracted.

As a result, she became deeply curious about Luo Chen's subsequent series of things.

In the end, he was even more fascinated by Luo Chen's talent and ability.

So at this moment, she really hopes that Luo Chen can show himself gloriously on the stage.

When Luo Chen heard Tong Yaya's suggestion, he thought about it in his heart, but in the end, he didn't immediately agree, just said with a smile:

"I will consider this aspect, but let you all be prosperous first."

Now I have a lot of advantages with "Hundred Family Forum", and there may be other things to show myself later, so I am not in a hurry at this time.

But you can get to a very hot stage again with this show, and I hope you can go further!

Those old-timers came to help, and I certainly hope they will get the benefits.

As a person, I pay attention to the distinction between grievances and grievances, and whoever is good to me will be doubly good to her.

Just like each of you has already shown me your hearts, all of them are so good, I will definitely not fail any of you in the future. Hearing

Luo Chen's words, Tong Yaya was both happy and entangled, and the happiness was naturally because of Luo Chen's long-term love and heavy feelings.

The entanglement is because Luo Chen attaches great importance to this group of goddesses.

How good it would be if this man only treated her like that, but she thought about it, how could there be only one woman for an existence like Luo Chen?

Too many women like him, Luo Chen can keep so four or five, without constantly charging, it is already very good, he should be content.

Tong Yaya is good at this point, everything will be thought in a good direction, and she will think about Luo Chen even more.

Even thought of an excuse and a way out for her current situation, such a goddess, naturally, made Luo Chen feel that everything was so beautiful.

He felt even more that he had to cherish this group of goddesses.

Of course, it is not that he cherishes such a ability and opportunity to cherish it, and now he uses his system advantages to directly play a deterrent force in the entire Beijing circle.

But after all, there are still various resources behind the bad luck talisman, all of which are still relatively rare, and he is not an invincible existence.

Of course, after accumulating his popularity to a certain extent, he will continue to draw lotteries and continue to get more benefits.

At that time, it is still very good to take advantage of these advantages, and then he will really be fearless.

At this moment, Luo Chen gently comforted Tong Yaya, and also wanted this goddess, knowing that he had her in his heart, Tong Yaya was very sensible and obedient.

Naturally, she knew that now was not the time to be obsessed with Luo Chen, and she came here to communicate with Luo Chen well, after all, she herself was very much looking forward to tonight's experience.

But at this time, she still has to think more about Luo Chen, so Luo Chen still needs to work next.

And on that side, Chen Feng also brought a group of old-timers and slowly walked over.

Seeing Tong Yaya there, Sister Yun on the other side immediately lit up her eyes.

After all, they are all members of the music scene, and Tong Ya has sprung up and become a goddess with the best singing skills among the younger generation.

As a diva of the older generation, Sister Yun naturally admired this junior little girl very much.

As soon as she came over, she took Tong Yaya's little hand: "Oh, you are here, sister Yaya!" I've always wanted to talk to you more.

But after the last award ceremony, I rarely see you. How? Do you want to come and join me as a singer too!

Tong Yaya also liked this big sister very much, and responded with a smile: "Yes, our family Luo Chen asked me to come over, I naturally want to support it, after all, this show can show us very well!" Sister

Yun said with a look of urgency: "Hehe, it's all your family, okay, my girl, this man is really good!" "

When the goddesses appeared next to Luo Chen before, these senior figures in the circle already knew what was going on, so they were not surprised.

Hearing that Tong Yaya is also going to participate in this show, ordinary people naturally recognize it in their hearts.

Although I feel that the relationship between Luo Chen and Tong Yaya will not affect the subsequent process, there may be some different processes.

However, they are still willing to believe in Luo Chen's fairness and impartiality.

After all, Lao Liu patted his heart, and what he guaranteed was that they felt that they still recognized it very much.

At this time, they naturally came over to discuss the follow-up signing with Luo Chen.

At this moment, most of them are ready to come here to participate in the show.

Seeing that all the veterans of the music industry had arrived, Luo Chen was very happy in his heart, but he found that there was one less person.

Uncle Liu couldn't help but say to Luo Chen apologetically: "Old Zhou said that he wanted to come, but his previous itinerary has been arranged, and the first few recordings of the first few episodes, it is estimated that he will not be able to participate."

Now that it's been so calculated, it's been a few days since you started shooting, and we still have one less person, do I need to find someone else to piece it together for you temporarily? Hearing

this, Tong Yaya next to her couldn't help but say more interestedly:

"I don't think it's necessary, you can let my husband Luo Chen participate directly!"


The author has something to say:

the first is sent, good readers at noon, and the second is around 15 o'clock in the afternoon, see you then.

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