Heard Luo Chen's reply.

Elder Zhao couldn't help but be very pleased.

He was afraid that Luo Chen would directly agree to it.

Although he naturally knew in his heart that such a choice was the most correct.

But emotionally it is naturally unacceptable.

Luo Chen will be so uncompetitive.

You can hear Luo Chen's answer now.

Elder Zhao was naturally happy and relieved!

Still, he persuaded.

After all, in such an environment.

It's not easy for everyone.

What can Luo Chen do alone?

How about revitalizing this station?

It's already nice to have this heart.

But Luo Chen directly said his follow-up plans:

"Elder Zhao, you don't have to worry about what to do later."

"I've already thought of everything."

"Actually, I've been planning it these days."

"How to get the work behind the TV station running."

"Since it's all imminent now."

"I had to put some ideas in advance."

"All implemented!"

"Tomorrow I'm going to go to the TV station and have a meeting for everyone."

"By the way, settle their previous salary."

"Stabilize people's hearts!"

Elder Zhao actually wanted to say more at this time.

But Luo Chen responded directly:

"Don't worry, Elder Zhao, I know what you're worried about."

"Anyway, do your best and obey the fate!"

"We can't try it all and give up."

"It's a big deal, let's try this month first, what is the situation."

"If it really doesn't work."

"Let's give up again."

"Let's get through this month first!"

"And, Elder Zhao!"

"Please trust me once!"

Luo Chen's words made Elder Zhao stunned for a moment.

Finally, he nodded solemnly and agreed.

"Young Master, it's already very good that you can think of this!"

"I should listen to you!"

"Don't worry, I will do my best to help you and do all the work well."

"You must not lose the family business of the old man and the lady!"

"Young Master. You have really changed!

"If the lord and lady know."

"It will be very happy!"

When Luo Chen heard it, he just smiled bitterly:

"Hehe, I hope."

"Okay, then wait for my news tomorrow!"

"If only you were waiting for me in the TV station tomorrow!"

Elder Zhao stood up and respectfully responded

, "Okay, young master, tomorrow I will wait at the TV station, your big car is here!"

After speaking, Elder Zhao looked to the side.

Here, she was still looking straight at them talking.

I looked at Luo Chen again.

I wanted to say something more.

However, it seems inappropriate to say it now.

He finally nodded to Gedina.

Sort of, say hello.

Left in a hurry.

Now the TV station side can be described as stormy.

He needs to go back and stabilize people's hearts and clean up the mess.

At least tomorrow.

When Luo Chen went.

It's not so passive.

After all, the personnel on the TV station side before.

Since I knew that Luo Chen's parents had disappeared in a wreck.

Panic began to begin.

The time of these years.

Luo Chen also did not interfere in the affairs of the TV station.

I've been letting it go.

In the end, she married Yang Mier.

Of course, the news of this marriage is still very secretive.

Not many people know.

That's why.

The TV station felt it up and down.

Luo Chen has already given up this TV station.

And in fact, Luo Chen was on the most capable day.

Already jumped ship.

Not even a salary.

Most of the remaining abilities are people with mediocre abilities.

Barely able to support the operation of the TV station.

It is precisely because there is no better way out.

They just died and stayed here as live horse doctors.

However, he was not paid for three consecutive months.

Even if they can't hold on.

So for this little boss.

Naturally, they still complain!

So tomorrow is another trouble!

Everyone naturally expected this.

Especially Luo Chen.

This should be the first challenge he has faced since he was reborn!

But while staying at home for a year.

But it's not nothing.

This year.

Ordinary rewards have allowed him to upgrade to intermediate skills.

Some of the various rewards behind.

All brought a good foundation to his mission this time!

It depends on how to take down these personnel tomorrow!

Instead, Gedina suddenly appeared beside her.

Such a variable.

Luo Chen couldn't help but have a little headache.

However, it is precisely because of this matter.

Instead, it gave him a good excuse:

"Little Di, you saw it too."

"Now I'm in a lot of trouble."

"It is estimated that there is no time to deal with the affairs between us."

"Let's all calm down first."

"Live your lives well."

"When I'm done with everything on this side, if you still mean it."

"Let's consider the next possibilities."

"I really don't have the heart to think about anything else right now."

"So, I'm sorry..."

Luo Chen said this very bluntly.

After all, this should be one of the great changes in the family.

It's just that what surprised Luo Chen was.

Gedina didn't flinch because of this:

"I'm not leaving!"

"The more it comes to a moment like yours!"

"The more you need me!"

"Don't you know that I am a popular female star now!"

"Can it bring more heat to your TV station?"

"We can cooperate!"

"I can help you!"

"And I just see you like this, especially distressed."

"You're under so much pressure alone."

"Why never told us?"

"We are all friends, even if we can't become a couple, we can help each other."

"What's more, I want to work hard by your side now."

"This time, I am even more obliged!"

"Do you need money? I have!

"Do you need people? I have it too!

"Say, how can you accept my help!"

"Don't be stubborn now."

"You know, I'm going to be a lot better off with it."

"At least help you survive this month, I think it's no problem!"

"Brother, I'm here! I can help you! "

Hear this one statement from Gedina.

Luo Chen couldn't help but be even more surprised.

In fact, he hadn't thought about it before.

Through the hands of others, complete this task.

Because of Luo Chen, he has a very good ability.

He already had a workable solution in his mind.

I don't want to be because of one of my own factors.

Pull in the people around you.

But now I suddenly heard Gedina say.

He suddenly found that this seemed to be good?

And it was not his own initiative.

It was Gerdina herself who proposed it.

The most important thing is that Gedina may feel that this is helping Luo Chen.

But she herself didn't know.

It was because of this decision that she changed the fate of her life.

Let her go from a simple actor to a rare super existence in the entertainment industry!

Of course, she still has Luo Chen on her head!

However, with the help of such a goddess, Luo Chen's plan is completely like a tiger!

I'm working on codewords, I hope to be five more to everyone ha!

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