The filming location of the love apartment is a small space built with various set boards.

Sitcoms, good is that the cost is low, and then the transition of the shooting only needs to be carried out in a small space.

In fact, Hong Kong and Taiwan used to particularly like to use this kind of small scene to shoot some interesting themes.

Neighbors, parents are short and particularly humane.

However, this kind of sitcom naturally has great limitations, a bit of petty family, and the test is the ability of the screenwriter.

At the same time, it also tests the director's ability, and now Luo Chen is the director and screenwriter to grasp it with one hand, all by himself.

Of course, the director Luo Chen only exported the episodes that just started.

Then the latter will let the assistant director who followed him to take over.

Later, this director also became a co-director.

In this regard, the director was originally a little unconvinced.

Although he is not particularly famous in the industry, after all, he is still professional, and Luo Chen has just arrived, fighting for his identity as the boss.

Just pointing fingers here, he is naturally a little unhappy, and professional things should be left to professionals to do.

The layman guides the insider, and the final result is that the four are not the same, and the final result of failure, but also let them, the insider, back the pot, saying that their level is not good....

But in this circle, if there is money, it is uncle, if there are resources, it is uncle, and if there are connections, it is uncle!

And Luo Chen has everything, so he is the uncle of the uncles.

Plus all the investment and the scene and the deployment of all aspects are all completed by Luo Chen, and Bai Ru is assisting by the side.

Now everyone knows that Luo Chen is Bai Ru's man, and as Bai Ru's subordinate, the contracted director naturally has no way to say more.

It seems that a newcomer offended Bai Ru and Luo Chen before, and was directly banned by them.

In fact, what kind of person this newcomer is, everyone is actually not very clear, but let out the wind and say it, this guy has done a lot of things that are not good for the company.

In the end, naturally, no one dared to use it in the circle.

Plus now Luo Chen is in the limelight, even if he goes against him, that is, with him within other rules, causing some trouble.

But the people who were swept out by him, others did not dare to take them in brazenly.

Because it means that he really tore his face and worked against Luo Chen.

A small person is not worth letting them make a move and confront an existence like Luo Chen.

After all, the risk is a bit big.

So this director, weighing it again, naturally knows what his attitude should be, although he is not convinced in his heart, but his attitude is still very respectful on the surface.

After all, people are the husbands of their bosses, and they have so much energy, what is this circle paying attention to?

is to be a person, that is, to be left and right, anyway, to be a person a little rounder, a little smoother, still will not be wrong.

In addition, this director has also passed that kind of stunned age, and he has been in the circle for so long.

It was hard to sign a contract with Bai Ru, and he naturally had to work hard under the big sister in the entertainment industry.

But naturally I still want to watch a good show in my heart to see what will happen to Luo Chen next, and then it will be the time to show my value.

The result shocked and surprised the contracted director.

Luo Chen's directing skills are very standard, even more than him!

And most importantly, professional, quite professional!

At the same time, very dedicated and very serious.

For a while, this director immediately put away, his original somewhat contemptuous mentality, and soon he entered Luo Chen's deployment environment very seriously.

"White balance, adjust 10%!"

"Lighting teacher, show the faces of the actors a little brighter!"

"The film crew is ready! All units ready! "

Love Apartment, Scene 1, Mirror 1, Action!"

At this time, everyone watched Luo Chen's performance for this TV series, the first filming.

In the beginning, there were indeed many people, all of whom were suspicious and worried.

But as the first shot came out, several actors slowly began to interpret their first scene.

Everyone can see that Luo Chen is professional!

It's not a random one.

However, at the beginning of the first scene, these actors were still a little jerky.

They had already played against each other before, but when it came time for everyone and all units to dock with them, naturally, there was still a tense process.

This adaptation process can be long or short.

In the field of directing, the first mirror is also the most important!

Staying up is a way that many directors use when they first start.

It is to run hard in a shot, so that these actors can fully cooperate with each other.

Also in this continuous running-in process, quickly enter the state!

Luo Chen also needs such a process, but the process will not be too long.

After all, this is just a sitcom, not some art blockbuster, everything is fast!

These actors also need to find the right role positioning.

At the beginning, Luo Chen had not worked with these actors, and this signed director was also the first time to cooperate with some newcomer actors.

Naturally, there will be problems

: Luo Chen:

"cut! The others take a break, and a few of you will come over to me.

"Zeng Xiaoxian, you are not cheap enough, this role is to be cheap, but at the same time there is a little cuteness in the cheap, so that you can make the audience like you."

"Lu Ziqiao, your role has not grasped the last positioning, this place should be played like this

..." "Also, Meijia, your role, although it is said that Bai Tian has no heart and no lungs, but you can't be too stupid..."


Chen suddenly said some of the most critical problems in the performance of several actors.

At the same time, it also showed how certain places should be interpreted.

Gedina next to her couldn't help but be surprised at this time.

Because Luo Chen is directly performing a different role.

And to show these new actors, you also need to have certain acting skills.

In fact, in the entertainment industry, many directors have good acting skills.

After all, there are more actors to see, more places to think, and when you go to play a role, you will naturally have your own style.

And the most important thing for a director is to show his personal style more obviously.

Let everyone watch this film and feel that it is the taste of this director!

And Luo Chen at this time, fully used the super ability given by the system: the actor invited this, as well as the director's halo!

All this allows him to see very accurately the crux of the problem in this TV series and the filming process of the actors.

Where a movie is crucial, actors are part of it, but the director is even more important!

For a while, Luo Chen's words were like hitting the nail on the head, allowing everyone to see everyone's problems.

At the same time, their evaluation and perception of Luo Chen immediately improved by several dimensions.

This young director is much stronger than everyone imagined!

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