Suddenly faced with such a situation.

Tong Yaya was obviously a little caught off guard.

She was originally a shy and reserved personality.

It's completely different from Gedina's enthusiastic personality that thinks of doing it directly.

Even now.

Say such things to Luo Chen.

Tong Yaya has already summoned up enough courage.

During this period, he repeatedly cheered himself up.

That's why there was such an action.

But I didn't expect it to be so.

She's still one step slower!

It's frustrating.

If let the majority of fans fans.

Seeing Tong Yaya's appearance of suffering and loss.

It is estimated that the glasses will be shattered....

After all,

in their minds.

Tong Yaya is the most sacred goddess.

is the most perfect existence.

In their hearts, Tong Yaya must have been chased by countless male gods.

And not as it is now.

Tangled up for a man.

In fact

, these goddesses, by their side.

There are still many suitors.

Each of them has its own unique charm and personality.

It was originally a sought-after item in the hearts of men.


Now the status is reversed!

Luo Chen is such an ex-husband of their best friend.

At a certain moment by chance,

it hit them hard in the heart.

What's more,

Luo Chen didn't know anything about it!

Before, they all knew.

It is immoral for a man to rob his girlfriend.

It is not righteous.

And once such a thing is put in place.

Passed out.

For their status and reputation in the entertainment industry,

it was a devastating blow!

But now it's different.

Luo Chen divorced.


They can do it now, too!

In fact,

Bai Ru and Gedina were really fast enough.

Just a little closer to Luo Chen.

So here it comes.

Even Bai Ru herself did not expect that

she would be rejected so quickly.

And Gedina herself did not expect that Luo

Chen was not willing to accept her at once.

But among the sisters,

Gedina is clearly the luckiest.

At least now she has the opportunity to live with Luo Chen.

Now it was Tong Yaya's turn to get tangled.


face your own happiness.

She felt that now was not the time to be reserved!

If you still want to be like before, don't fight and don't fight.

Effeminate and weak.

In the end, your happiness is likely to pass by!

This is something she absolutely does not want to see.

So she decided,

make a decision immediately!

"Luo Chen, where are you now?"

"I really need to meet you."

"Tell you in person."

"I'm already at the imperial capital airport."

"You report me the coordinates, I'll go find you now!"

Hearing Tong Yaya's resolute attitude.

Combined with the performance of today's few young ladies.

Luo Chen had a feeling that he couldn't cry and laugh again.

You little sisters....

Doesn't it usually look quite gentle?

Why are they all so fierce?

Luo Chen thought about it.

I feel like I'll solve these things one at a time.

Seems a little better.

Then let's come together!

"Okay, I'll send you the coordinates."

"You'll come straight over later."

"It just so happens that Xiao Di is also here."

"You're kind of sisters meeting."

Luo Chen said this lightly.

But it touched Tong Yaya's nerves at once:


"Xiao Di is there for you?"

"So what you just said."

"My two sisters have already confessed to you today."

"Including Xiao Di?"

Luo Chen did not hide it, and responded directly: "Yes." "

But there's another problem.

Tong Yaya suddenly asked, "Then can I know who the other one is?"

Luo Chen also did not hide it: "Bai Ru, Sister Bai..."

But in his heart he was saying:

"Act, act again!"

"You usually wear a pair of pants."

"I don't believe you both don't know each other's news!"

Except for Gedina.

Because there is systematic authentication.

That is beyond the true heart of the goddess.

The other two little sisters.

Luo Chen didn't know what they were thinking.

No matter how much it is,

let's finish your own business first.

After all, at this moment,

Luo Chen's most important goal

is to revitalize the affairs of the TV station.

It was a thought his parents had left him.

Although it is a cheap parent in this time and space, it is also necessary to continue this thought.

It is equivalent to giving a wish of the predecessor.

It is also a goal for your entertainment career.

On this side, Luo Chen just reported the coordinates.

Tong Yaya immediately rushed towards Luo Chen's location.

After all, I have been working hard in the music scene for a while.

Tong Yaya also set up her own music company.

Most of them are singers that she values more.

Among some of the signed singers, most of them are girls.

After all, Tong Yaya is a female singer.

Some of her experience is more suitable for some female singers.

So the people who signed up are some young and beautiful girls, and they have very good singing skills.

This time I came to the imperial capital, on the one hand, because.

There are some signed singers, and she needs to be well trained.

On the other hand, it is naturally because of the most important things.

About the future of Luochen.

She was eager to make a change.

After all, this opportunity is too rare now.

She didn't know if she had this opportunity and courage after this time period.

So here she is.

No matter what, speak out from your heart.

Let's talk about the rest of the results later.

So at this moment, she used the company's car to directly send her to the location of Luo Chen's coordinates.

But see this one in front of you.

A unique moment of the royal courtyard.

Tong Yaya couldn't help but be shocked.

She didn't care much before, just asked the driver to send her directly.

But in front of this magnificent royal courtyard.

She felt that she couldn't help but feel a little apprehensive.

Is this Luo Chen's home?

If not, what does Luo Chen mean by letting him come here?

And yet, at this time.

A surprised voice beside him sounded.

At this time, Tong Yaya was originally standing alone at the door of the courtyard.

However, the voice next to her pulled her back to the shocking reality.

"Sister Yaya, why are you here?"

I saw Gedina standing beside her at this time.

It is also a look of suspicion and guard!

After Tong Yaya came back from her stunned look.

Instead, he showed a meaningful smile:

"I'm just like you!"

"Why are you here? Same reason for me! Hearing

Tong Yaya's words.

Gedina's little face couldn't help but change!

"Brother Dust told you?"

"My business?"

Tong Yaya's smile remained unchanged:

"It's not just yours."

"And Sister Bai's."

"Luo Chen told me."

Such a smile seems to be in hand!

In front of Luo Chen, she may have apprehension.

But in front of such a girlfriend little sister.

She is full of aura!

Now girlfriends have become rivals.

Naturally, you can't weaken the momentum!

But Gedina is not covered either.

Directly smiled and said:

"Huh, huh?"

"It seems that my brother Chen didn't make it clear to you, Sister Yaya."

"Start today."

"I'm about to start living with Brother Dust."

"You guys, you're not kidding!"

"This man, it's mine!"

Hearing Gedina's words, Tong Yaya's eyes couldn't help but condense!


The author has something to say:

(1) more to send, today guarantee the bottom four changes, strive for five changes. I hope readers will support you a lot! Don't forget the five-star review, love you guys!

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