There are some opponents of Luo Chen TV Station, and naturally there are other unique audiences, because they all want to see Luo Chen, and what kind of works are coming out later.

Now they faintly have a special concept, that is, Luo Chen's products must be boutique!

From the original Hundred Family Pulpit, the Sea King, to the current love apartment.

As long as all this is related to Luo Chen, it is very good-looking!

Even in normal times, the lecture that was regarded as the most boring by all students and parents was humorous and lifelike by Luo Chen.

Many people can't imagine that the lecture can be so fun, so addictive, and want to listen to it after listening to a class.

And the Voyager King is even more needless to say, it is simply the ceiling of national comics!

The influence of the entire national comic light is incomparable, even in foreign countries.

I didn't see that on the island side now, there are other European and American fans who are making a fuss, can they see the animated version of the Sea King synchronously.

However, in terms of copyright negotiations, there has not been a better degree of progress, so it has been delayed here.

Luo Chen naturally will not easily release these copyrights, because this means that the follow-up huge source of funds problem.

After all, he has seen that just the source of income in the comic version has directly increased his cash flow by several hundred million.

For his subsequent film and television productions, these funds are crucial!

Now he still can't use big productions, but later he wants to make movies and make more blockbusters, naturally these funds have to be used on the blade, and every channel that can get money must be grasped well.

This is a crucial driving force for him, after all, without money, it is difficult to do other things.

Of course, now with the prosperity of TV stations, after several programs break out one after another, subsequent advertisers and various copyright revenues will continue to rise.

It is the best trend for them and at the same time the strongest support.

Luo Chen is still very confident in this regard, and at this time, his new TV series "Full House" is about to be launched, which is more valuable than the time period of love apartment.

Because of the broadcast time slot of the love apartment, there are still some people eating, and they may not see these broadcast times.

But this time slot like Full House is now the most sought-after.

For many people, because of the joining of the national goddess Gedina, this TV series naturally has a greater appeal!

So when the romance comes out, a large part of the young people pay their attention to the broadcast time of this TV station!

"It's out, it's coming out, the new TV series of the hot goddess is coming out!"

"It's really too fast, just got the news that she made a new TV series, it can be broadcast here, such a production speed, really amazing!"

"Maybe it's only Roselle TV that can do this?"

"But how do I want to watch the performance of the male god, before I just saw some of his interpretations from the side, such as he is a screenwriter, director, and author, etc., all of which show that this treasure chest hides the male god is really strong, and now he actually acts as an actor as a male protagonist, I still look forward to it!"

"Anyway, I really envy this male god, you can play a couple with Gedina, is there a kiss scene later?"

"Haha, don't think too much, Gedina has never accepted this kind of scene before!"

"How do you know that you won't answer this time, this male god is too handsome, I didn't see it, Gedina seems to appear in many links around this male god."

"I'm a singer in the promotional video, is there her? The TV series has her, right? Then when the other hundred pulpits were recording, she was also among the guests! Recently, she has been very close to Luo Chen! Aren't they too close?

"How faintly, I smelled a little sour smell of love!"

"Don't say it, this goddess is mine, if she follows Luo Chen, what will I do?"

"Haha, you think too much, even if Redina doesn't follow Luo Chen, the people are not yours!"

"Draw the knife upstairs, tell the big truth!"

The discussion about this TV series on the Internet was not so enthusiastic at the beginning, because when he came here, Luo Chen did not make a very huge promotion and investment.

Perhaps in his opinion, even if it is not publicized, it can be taken out as a super weapon to plunder ratings.

This TV series does not need much publicity, as long as the first episode is played, someone will watch it later.

After all, the popularity of Gedina itself is very large, plus the popularity of Luo Chen TV Station and Luo Chen itself itself is also very powerful.

Just promote it a little in these channels.

Plus there is Bai Ru and her entire entertainment company for publicity, it is also very powerful!

Although it did not make the most extensive publicity at the first time, this TV series has attracted a lot of attention.

The point is that today is the first day of the broadcast date of I am a singer, and many people have long had strong expectations for this show, so this TV series that was broadcast before I was a singer will naturally attract the attention of some people.

In fact, at the beginning, many people did not come to watch this TV series, and even the love apartment was a reason.

But they're waiting here for me to play as a singer, so just take a look at it, and you can't stop watching it.

"Hahahaha, this TV series really subverted my perception of urban love dramas, what kind of crash amnesia before, or abortion, the result is so happy to come to them!"

"That is, the first episode made me laugh to death, and the big star played by Luo Chen is also very funny, but it is also unlucky enough."

"Gedina vomited people, and she still looked so rightfully so, but he was also so unlucky, how could there be such a rotten friend and sell her house!"

"This terrier is so powerful, so that the two people have a lot of space for follow-up contact!"

"Oh, why did you finish episode 1 so quickly, I still want to watch it, oh my God, I have to wait two days, wait two days to watch it!"

"What should I do? I want to watch episode 2 now.

"And the love apartment, I also want to watch episode 2, how about this?"

A large group of idle and bored TV fans immediately wanted to watch episode 2 after watching episode 1.

A large group of people came, and Luochen TV's official Weibo made a reminder.

"Oh my God, the TV series is so good, suddenly I found that Luochen TV Station is super good!"

"Exactly! Luo Chen's works must be boutique, as long as they are now producing new programs or TV series are super good, as well as animation, and even lectures are particularly good!

"This is over, I like this TV station very much, and I will lock this place in the future and not leave!"

And just when the general audience and fans are very enthusiastic, the ratings about the romantic full house are also released, this time not only a shock in the industry.

Even the entire network was shaken.

Along with it came high-quality reviews about this TV series, as well as countless people, crazy Amway two TV series moves.

Many TV fans and netizens have automatically become the same existence as tap water.

So Luochen TV, because these two TV series that have just aired an episode, are completely popular!

And immediately after that, these audiences who were still chasing the TV series ushered in a new wave of impact.

The first episode of "I Am a Singer" will be played soon!


The author has something to say: The

fourth more sent, good evening readers are great, there will be a change in a while, it is a thank you for your support in the past two days, and the readers who sent me inspiration capsules are great, lonely, add more for you!! Finally, ask for another wave of five-star reviews and book reviews, love you guys!

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