"Did I make a mistake? Luo Chen sang so well that he didn't take the first place, this show definitely has a shady scene! "

If you don't have the 1st place, forget it, not even the 2nd place!" That's too much, isn't it? Could it be, 6th and 7th place?

"Singing so well, even lower ranking than those old songs, then this show doesn't need to be watched!"

"Exactly! However, this is a show made by Luo Chen himself, right? I heard that everything was creative, and many songs were written by himself.

In such a situation, if he always takes the first, it seems that it is not appropriate, I feel that it may be Luo Chen deliberately doing it, just to avoid suspicion!

"That's right, if Luo Chen also won the first place, it is estimated that many people said that he used means."

"Haha, doesn't the face of the person who said such a thing hurt himself? How good this song Goku sang, it really made me cry, and finally it exploded! Such a song, no matter how you say it, it is well deserved to take the first place.

"Now I'm really not convinced by this result!"

At this time on the Internet, a large audience was complaining.

After all, it is now a synchronous live broadcast, and in such a link, the barrage has exploded to fly, and the computer screen is full of viewers and fans who are screaming for Luo Chen!

"I think everyone should be calm, after all, the results have not yet been announced!"

And the singers on this side naturally have some ideas of their own.

In fact, they are very impressed by Luo Chen's performance this time, in their opinion, this is a feat that has created a new genre.

However, whether the new thing can be accepted by the audience is another matter.

Sometimes, something innovative cannot be digested for a while.

This effect is also common, and if this is the case, they have nothing to say.

Now wait for the director to give one, the final result.

And Chen Feng did not disappoint everyone, he just smiled, and then said: "Yes, Mr. Luo Chen, he is not the 2nd, but he is also the 1st!"

"This is our first episode, but there is already such a coincidental miracle! There are two 1st places!

Mr. Luo Chen and Goddess Tong Yaya tied for first place! They all got the same number of votes, 412 votes! Congratulations, I feel like you've congratulated each other. When

she heard this news, Tong Yaya stood up happily, raised her hands and cheered, feeling even more excited than hearing that she had won the first place!

Just now, she heard that she was just a little surprised to win the first place, and then bowed to everyone, and kept saying that it was a fluke.

In fact, she does have such an idea, these senior singers are indeed very powerful, and everyone has their own killer skills.

This is undoubtedly a very good grind for her.

It's just that hearing such a good song as Luo Chen, he didn't even get the second place, and Tong Yaya was indeed a little lost at that time.

But this was originally a show made by Luo Chen herself, no matter what, she also had to give enough face to the family and cooperate with the recording of the program.

So at this time, I suddenly heard that Luo Chen was tied for the first place with her, and Tong Yaya jumped up all of a sudden.

I just suddenly found that this performance really felt very obvious, but I sat back down.

Seeing her like this, she finally looked even more shy, and the old singers next to her all showed kind smiles, and then looked at her one by one.

Tong Yaya's little face was even more flushed.

Luo Chen was generous, stood up and said: "Ha, I am also a fluke, this time it should be the luck of the ranking."

I was the last to appear, and then the way I acted was more special, maybe I left a little more impression on the audience.

So in this regard, I am indeed flattering. It is estimated that now all the old-timers also know that the order of appearance is very important.

In the next issue, depending on who draws the first place, it is estimated that it will be a loss. In

fact, Luo Chen's performance can naturally be said to be in the past, and it is also a step down for the two players who are ranked lower behind.

That is, the last two singers are completely influenced by various factors, first of all, they appear in the upper order.

In addition, the songs are slightly older, although there are also new ways of arranging.

However, for these new generation listeners, sensory stimulation and various aspects of performance are not enough to give them a new surging feeling.

Mainly because of the contrast, these singers are getting more and more powerful one by one, and everyone has their own characteristics.

Under the duel of masters, even the original works that were relatively good now seem slightly ordinary.

Mainly because the boutiques are all put together, as a comparison, so that naturally there is a different performance ability.

At this point, it is undoubtedly a hint for them that the next appearance order should be slightly higher.

At the same time, the arrangement and arrangement of songs need to make new adjustments.

And at this time, Luo Chen and Tong Yaya, hearing Chen Feng's prompt just now, both hugged each other.

It's just that Tong Yaya is like a little girl who sees her love brother at this time, cheering and opening her arms, really too little a woman.

This is completely different from the usual goddess style with some cold and iceberg style!

This state made the people next to him smile.

And Luo Chen was naturally polite and reserved, just hugging each other with her, but Tong Yaya was in his ear and said in a voice that only the two of them could hear:

"Husband, you are awesome, so powerful, I adore you to death!" Love you to death!

Luo Chen responded with a smile: "Hehe, okay!" Let's go back and worship slowly, love slowly, it's still being recorded, don't make it too obvious.

Tong Yaya quickly said: "Got it, got it!" When I go back, I must celebrate with you, today you are amazing! It is estimated that the sisters are in a hurry. When

Luo Chen heard Tong Yaya's words, he couldn't help but smile awkwardly.

Fortunately, they spoke in enough low voices to do some very sophisticated radio equipment on the spot, and they could record all their words.

"Ouch, what do you want to do after holding it for so long? Is there anything that you can't let everyone hear, and say it here by biting your ears? Uncle

Liu couldn't help but give Luo Chen a divine assist at this time, and it was also a reminder.

However, this action made Tong Yaya's little face red again.

At this time, as long as the discerning person can see that there is a story between Luo Chen and Tong Yaya, and the story is very close.

Luo Chen smiled, gently let go of Tong Yaya, and the two sat back in their places again.

But Tong Yaya's eyes have always been on this Luo Chen dressed as a Qi Tian Great Sage.

Now Luo Chen is really too handsome, when he came back just now, he took a closer look at Luo Chen's majestic dress, and these veteran singers present were all amazed.

They all said that they didn't know how many little girls would be fascinated by Luo Chen.

I don't know how many boys will once again ignite their love for Qi Tian Dashen!

The protagonist in this mythical story has always been a superhero in the minds of all young people in the East.

Who hasn't heard the story of Qi Tian Dasheng in their childhood? Who, didn't play Qi Tian Dasheng when he was a child?

This is the patron saint of all people's childhood!

And Luo Chen used such a theme, which is undoubtedly very flattering, and it is well deserved to win the first place.

And on the Internet, after hearing the final ranking, it naturally exploded at once.

Finally, as they wished, Luo Chen won the first place, but the difficulty of recording the program seemed to become more difficult.

Of course, what worries everyone is the two singers who are ranked lower in the starting lineup.

At this time, everyone couldn't help but worry about them.

But the next recording Luo Chen will help, but everyone doesn't know that after Luo Chen has this show, there is a new big killer ready to go online!

As soon as this big killer came up, it really made the entire entertainment industry sensational!

On the other hand, the young ladies are also quite excited at this time, except for Tong Yaya in the studio, directly hearing the competition ending with Luo Chen, and the other three young ladies waiting outside are anxious.

They all want to throw themselves into Luo Chen's arms now and love this man they adore so much!


The author has something to say

: Thank you readers greatly: the user 10442449 the reminder, thank you very much! Thank you readers: many mooncakes in the starry sky, thank you very much.

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