Soon, about the ratings of Friday primetime, it came out.

Although today is Saturday, it is also a very unique time period for the entire entertainment industry.

And now that they have received yesterday's ratings, especially Luo Chen's opponents, they can't help but be depressed at this time.

Luo Chen's Roselle TV Station is popular across the board, and the prime-time "Love Apartment" at 7:00~8:00 has a rating of 1.5%, ranking the ratings champion in the same period!

8:00~9:00 prime time "Full House", with a rating of 1.8%, ranked the ratings champion in the same period!

9:00~11:00 prime time, variety show "" and "I am a singer", with a rating of 2.1%, ranked as the ratings champion in the same period. Or the current monthly ratings champion in the same period!

After this series of achievements came out, a group of Luo Chen's opponents are really speechless now.

It's even harder to imagine how Luo Chen did it? Is this still human?

The key is to see that the rows of producers' names are all filled with Luo Chen's name!

Director Luo Chen!

Screenwriter Luo Chen!

Starring Luo Chen!

Guest Luo Chen!

All, the most critical position has Luo Chen's name.

Muggle, you Luo Chen is, a god man?

How can you get a foot in everything? The terrible thing is that everything can be done so well.

This time in the ratings of the same period, Luo Chen's batch of programs really beat all the brother stations.

The local TV station was no match for him at all, and this one really blinded everyone.

Especially these people who regard him as an opponent, and there are also some people who want to cause him some trouble, one by one, they don't know how to evaluate this matter now.

After all, by this time, they have nothing more to say.

As for how to deal with it in the future, all opponents are now blinded and confused.

Let whoever encounters such an opponent who plays cards unreasonably, with dimensionality reduction strike ability, will also be very depressed.

At this moment, a group of old qualified local TV stations can't help but faintly remember that more than ten years ago, there was such a existence, which suppressed them so that they couldn't raise their heads.

That is Luo Chen's father, the superstar who used to be a great superstar, and he also gave a very powerful answer.

The entire entertainment industry was shivering under his radiance.

And now his son is here, also with such a strong and domineering style, such a strong strength, dominates the entire entertainment industry.

Could it be that everyone with the surname Luo is so bullish? Where did they come from?

Why can they all break through the sky and come out of the sky, just like Sun Dasheng who jumped out of the cracks in the stone, without giving people a little way to live?

At this time, Luo Chen's batch of ratings quickly reached the top, and quickly set off an uproar in the entertainment industry.

"Luochen TV Station is rising again, and Variety Entertainment Channel 1 leads the trend! An unstoppable situation has been formed!

"For the follow-up development, we wait and see, Luo Chen TV is likely to walk to the top of Oriental Entertainment again under the leadership of his young owner Luo Chen!"

"The former No. 1 variety entertainment station can be described as a storm in the last century! Led by its previous generation of class leader, Mr. Luo! Once all the rage!

"The TV series, variety shows, etc. they have created have had a very great influence in the last century, and many people have grown up watching their variety shows and TV series and movies."

"The older generation, apparently already know the name of Roselle TV, accompanied by the sudden disappearance of the old class owner. Roselle TV collapsed, and major local TV stations quietly rose, falling into the era of multi-party chaos.

"And now in this unique era, Roselle TV has risen again, and his young class leader, the new young director Luo Chen, has once again rekindled the hope of Roselle TV with his fatherly style!"

"I don't know if they will return to their past glory again? Or go to a higher degree, everything is unknown! "

Some reports about Luoshen TV in the past, as well as some news about Luo Chen now, spread in the entertainment industry for a while.

Luo Chen was like a powerful character who suddenly burst out, born horizontally, like a shooting star, illuminating the night sky of the entire entertainment industry.

And such a performance quickly attracted the attention of all parties.

And the major TV stations, as well as the major forces in the entertainment industry, can't help but measure the comprehensive strength of this TV station again at this moment.

Luo Chen's overall number of programs is still relatively small, only a few programs, and there are only one or two TV series.

But people who can't stand are holding the ratings championship, or they don't do it, and they have to be the first when they do it!

This seems to have been the kind of code of conduct of Luochen TV in the past, but I haven't seen such a strong side of them for a long time.

At this moment, Luo Chen's arrival quickly stirred up the muddy waters of this entertainment industry!

But there is still some time before January, and no one can predict what the outcome will be.

Mainly because in the past period, Luo Chen's opponents were not weak!

Although it seems that there is no one who can fight now, it is the existence that sets the rules of the game that cannot stand people.

At this moment, another group of people began to gather in the TV Industry Association, and after they saw the data of this Luochen TV Station, they couldn't help but be a little stunned and surprised.

But soon they began to have new calculations.

Big Guy A: "Since they are so powerful, let's give them some new expectations."

"It just gave us some tasks, and these tasks seem to be unwilling to be taken over by major local TV stations." So it just so happens that Luochen TV is not powerful? Let them solve these puzzles. Elder

B: "Very good, I agree with this proposal, just to help us solve the siege, if they can solve these problems, then what does it matter to give them a chance to review?"

"Do you really let those so-called local stations work here without working?" You know, they take a lot of benefits! Big

Guy C: "Boss, I think, you are right!" The rise of Roselle TV is also good for us, saving some of the following people from becoming more and more lazy. "

They occupy the best resources, but they don't want to do things well, they always occupy the pit and don't, and now they should also have a little sense of crisis."

Big Guy B: "It's true, now in some local TV stations have become more and more unspeakable, but after all, there is also a little interest relationship with them, let's wait and see how it gets better, but all of a sudden, I still have a sense of expectation for this Luochen TV station." Big

guy A: "Haha, then give the task down, even if it is a little test for them, if this can be completed, then we will help them!" "

No one expected that several super bigwigs in the TV Industry Association would also make some changes in their thinking now because of Luo Chen's excellence.

After all, those who can bring them more benefits to their performance are really good partners.

And Luo Chen didn't know that because of his own efforts, more excellent performances had slowly changed the fate of his entire TV station.

No one knows that this is just the beginning, Luo Chen's road against the sky has officially started!

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