Help Gerdina carry things.

Of course, it is a very simple thing.

After all, Luo Chen is such a luxurious royal courtyard.

It's not just a yard.

The supporting services and a series of upgrades behind are very first-class!

Su Qinger was just a phone call.

A large group of professional porters were called.

One by one, suits and shoes.

All helped Gerdina carry things away.


most of these porters are women.

It may also be the reason to see Gedina as a popular actress.

So there are fewer male porters.

This is also one of the intimate services of the courtyard.

See this scene.

Tong Yaya's eyes couldn't help but light up again.

Luo Chen, this male god in her mind.

Sure enough, there are quite a few things hidden.

Didn't expect that.

The family is still so rich.

I don't know, if I let Yang Mier know such a thing.

What kind of expressions and thoughts will there be.

What a good man did he miss out on as a girlfriend?

But at this time, Tong Yaya will definitely not ask for trouble and tell Yang Mier everything.

Now she is full of satisfaction, it is Luo Chen's figure.

As long as you can be with Luo Chen.

However, Tong Yaya did not know something.

This courtyard was only arrived today by Luo Chen.

Even if she knew, she wouldn't mind.

After all, it was in her original thoughts.

Luo Chen likes it even if she is penniless!

Because she knew some of Luo Chen's unique talents.

It's just not shown in front of outsiders.

For example, his unique talent in composition and lyrics.

Once those works are published.

Luo Chen has a steady stream of work income.

This is why Luo Chen did not publish these works.

Tong Yaya doesn't know.

But none of this mattered, she admired Luo Chen's talent.

Fancy is Luo Chen's soul.

The so-called good-looking skin bag is the same.

Interesting souls pick one in a million.

In Tong Yaya's mind.

Luo Chen is that kind of soulmate who is very compatible with her!

But all this is known only to herself.

Never said it to outsiders.

After all, Luo Chen was Yang Mier's husband at the beginning.

This heavy identity made Tong Yaya quite entangled.

She fell in love with someone she shouldn't.

But at this time, Luo Chen's everything has been resolved.

Nature gave her incomparable hope and confidence.

I just didn't expect that at this time, there was such a competitor.

Gedina, the drive to chase.

It's definitely not about play.

This is expected to be a protracted battle!

But Tong Yaya is not afraid.

She felt that in terms of protracted war, she was not afraid of anyone at all!

And now Luo Chen is in the empty window.

Anyone can compete!

But Gedina, after all, wants to help Luo Chen.

And it is system-certified.

True Goddess!

So Luo Chen is still willing to take care of it.

Randomly let Gedina pick a room that was closer to Luo Chen's residence.

Of course, this one is only relatively close.

Not to say living next door.

After all, this royal courtyard is too big.

Luo Chen got him an independent courtyard.

More than enough.

And after settling everything down.

Luo Chen also asked the chef in the house to prepare a sumptuous dinner.

It can be regarded as a good treat for these two friends of the opposite sex.

Before dinner, of course.

Luo Chen couldn't help but ask Tong Yaya directly: "Sister Yaya."

"Didn't you say you had something very important to tell me?"

"It can be done now."

"Say it!"

Heard Luo Chen's words.

Tong Yaya couldn't help but feel her heart beat faster again.

He looked at Gedina next to him, who was reluctant to leave.

The meaning is obvious.

This matter can only be told to Luo Chen herself.

There was also an extra Gedina next to it.

What's that called?

Gedina seemed to know, too.

What Tong Yaya wants to do.

How can you do it without sabotage at this time?

"Heehee, Brother Luo Chen and I are also our own people."

"Sister Yaya and I are also good sisters, good girlfriends."

"What's the matter

?" "Can't you just say it?"

Gedina was right.

Tong Yaya didn't dare to be in front of all of them at all.

Directly say to Luo Chen that kind of words that express affection.

After all, she knew Tong Yaya's character too well.

Reserved and tender.

Usually some new friends communicate with Tong Yaya.

If you say two more words, she will blush easily.

He is not a good person who deals with others.

Those external relationships within the company.

It was all handed over to Tong Yaya's own agent to take care of.

And she is more about training new signed singers.

Create your own songs, create content, and more.

After all, she is a love song diva.

Very high popularity.

As long as a new song comes out, it can cause a big sensation.

Age group of fans covered.

It's also very extensive.

Therefore, she never took care of those business problems.

It's more of an artistic creation of one's own.

So sometimes she retains more of the temperament of some artists.

Such a woman is too well protected.

There is simply no other ability to deal with people.

Gedina sees that.

Not even one more person!

Tong Yaya is embarrassed!

It is estimated that he came to Luo Chen.

This big sister also plucked up enough courage.

How many times to cheer yourself up before you dare to do this, right?

She is not the same as Gedina.

Gedina is that kind of thing, think and do it.

People who like it and will say it!

Sure enough, seeing Gedina like this.

Tong Yaya's face really turned red.

But I couldn't open this mouth.

See Tong Yaya's appearance.

Luo Chen couldn't help but look a little uncomfortable.

You know it at a glance.

This is the eccentric Gedina next to her, teasing her sister.

Luo Chen also couldn't look past it.

Directly to Gedina said, "Okay, Xiaodi."

"Stop kidding with your sister, we have business to talk about."

"You go outside first."

"I'll have something to discuss with you when I'm eating."

"Tomorrow we are going to the TV station to face new challenges."

"You can't drop the chain for me."

"Now I'll talk to Sister Yaya first."

"Let's discuss things later."

"You go out first, I'll call you later."

Heard Luo Chen say this.

Gedina was immediately anxious.

Of course, she knew what Tong Yaya was going to say.

But now Luo Chen said so.

She didn't want to, leaving a rather unreasonable impression on Luo Chen.

In the end, he only said with a grind

: "Brother Luo Chen, beautiful women can deceive people" "Especially beautiful and old women, they can deceive


"You have to be careful!"

"Don't be fooled by casually!"


The author has something to say:

the third more sent, and there is another one, I ask readers to support ha.

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