When I heard such a news all of a sudden, Luo Chen, who originally wanted to talk to Bai Ruqing and me for a while, suddenly didn't feel much mood.

At this time, Su Qing'er was very respectful next to her, and seeing Bai Ru so intimate, sitting in Luo Chen's arms, her eyes couldn't help but be full of envy.

"Qing'er, what the hell is going on? You talk specifically about it. Luo Chen couldn't help but say softly to the beautiful butler beside him at this time.

Su Qinger hurriedly cheered up: "It's like this, the above has given us a new task, saying that we are a singer this time, the shooting was very successful, and it has attracted a lot of influence and attention in the society."

Although it is only one day, everyone has already developed a very strong interest in this variety show.

But after all, this show is all stacked by stars, and there are still some restrictions.

The above means that it is possible to design two music programs with national participation, and amateur guests can participate.

Then let everyone experience the fun of music, and also let more people pay attention to the dynamics of the music scene.

Now that the music scene is in a slump, they all want you to accomplish a goal with a new show.

And as mentioned above, if these two variety shows can perform well and have a good rating, then we can not only pass the review more easily.

Let our TV station develop further, and also give us more preferential policies! Hearing

Su Qing'er's words, Luo Chen's eyes couldn't help but light up, this was the first goodwill released to him above.

After all, at this moment, what he did has actually affected the interests of many people.

But the goodwill that has been released says a lot.

That is to say, the above has seen his efforts, and it has also mentioned the things he did to the Zhou family before.

After all, this matter does not seem to have any necessary connection with him, just just used him as an introduction.

In fact, everyone can imagine that those who really get some news can understand that Luo Chen may just be contributing to the situation, and does not really affect some independent decisions above.

The Zhou family had already violated a lot of bottom lines in many places before, so the above directly found someone to collect a lot of evidence, and the Zhou family was destroyed at once.

In fact, this is the real multi-line unrighteousness will kill itself, of course, Luo Chen secretly gave a lot of clues and evidence, which is very useful.

Let the Zhou family, which would have taken longer to be destroyed, suddenly found more reasons and evidence to eliminate them.

In this way, there is no possibility for the Zhou family to turn over.

So in the eyes of many people, this is a result of Luo Chen's hand, but in fact, everyone who knows the inside knows that there are more curves and turns.

Luo Chen just borrowed a knife to kill people, and immediately beat the other party down.

However, Luo Chen's hand is enough to deter many people, but the real bigwigs who uploaded it did not feel that Luo Chen was too much.

On the contrary, I feel that this young man is very powerful, and he also knows how to advance and retreat, what to intervene and what not to interfere, and he has done a very good job.

And in the entertainment industry, there can be such a young representative figure guarding, and you can also save the miasma of this circle.

The entertainment industry is still a very important circle in the entire oriental entertainment world.

This can show some excellent works well, and more excellent talents are stationed, which can make this industry develop for a longer time.

Sustainable development has always been a thing that everyone wants to do, so with Luo Chen, they feel that it is a good thing.

And the previous Roselle TV, because there was nothing to get hold of, but also because there was no one to care, and it has since declined.

Occupying a TV station's quota, licenses, etc., is actually a waste of some resources.

But now these resources have been integrated by Luo Chen again, and everyone has seen the chemical reaction generated by the use, and it has quickly been known to everyone that Luo Chen has obviously made up his mind to give everyone a bright performance this time.

So now the above decided to give Luo Chen a more excellent opportunity to show.

However, such two shows sound like easy to do, but it is not easy to do brilliantly.

In this way, Luo Chen couldn't help but feel a little inexplicable, and at the same time, he felt that everyone above knew that he wanted to do two low-cost music programs next.

And then specially sent him such a task?

In fact, Luo Chen previously launched a team incubation plan, because he still has a lot of variety shows to use later, and he needs a lot of variety show shooting talents and TV series shooting talents at that time.

In this regard, talent is really very important for a TV station, fortunately, Chen Feng and Sister Mei already have their own set of ways to cultivate talents.

Of course, Chen Feng may be easier to make achievements in indoor variety shows, and Sister Mei is good at doing those outdoor variety shows.

So at this moment, Luo Chen naturally had some new ideas.

And this time, the two music programs can be used immediately, and some talents that have just been cultivated in the incubation plan can be used.

Of course, these talents have just entered a good stage, and they still need a series of training to really pick the big beams, but now they really need to grow rapidly.

After all, Luo Chen still has many tasks to complete, and these tasks are not the tasks of the system, but the various film and television works in life and the tasks to be completed by ratings.

Therefore, talent is becoming more and more important to him, at this time Luo Chen couldn't help but make such a decision, he directly said to Bai Ru:

"My wife is playing a role for you again at this time, now I really need talents, although I have launched the team incubation plan, but if you want them to get started immediately, there is still a process."

Can you help me find some teams to shoot variety shows? In fact, my variety show team this time does not need to be too good, as long as it can complete the basic operations.

Next, I will shoot two new music variety shows, just like just now, these tasks issued above, I can complete them very well.

Bai Ru was suddenly surprised: "You still want a new variety show team to take over?" Don't let Chen Feng get them.

Luo Chen said with a smile: "Of course Chen Feng, they want to use it, but it is already a bit difficult for them to shoot me as a singer."

After all, a whole team has to shoot 7 singers, daily rehearsals and various documentary materials, which is already overloaded.

If they are withdrawn, the next shooting is likely to reduce the quality, so the gain is not worth the loss! Now we still need some other talents to join us.

Bai Ru said with confidence: "Hehe, leave this aspect to me!" Husband, I'm still very good at this.

Rest assured, I know where the person you want to find is, and I will bring you a batch of talents when the time comes, but do you have so many ideas.

When Luo Chen heard Bai Ru's words, he immediately hugged her tighter: "Hehe, have you forgotten?" As I told you before, I have a hundred and ten mature plans in my mind for variety shows!

Although I dare not say that all of them are so classic, but I still have confidence in winning a good rating, and the more variety shows are not more beneficial to us

" Bai Ru suddenly hugged his neck and said: "

Husband, you are really powerful, you are really my idol!"

At this time, Bai Ru couldn't help but show an adoring look, and Su Qing'er next to her was the same.

The more she worked with this man, the more she was able to experience Luo Chen's strength.

At this moment, Luo Chen's words suddenly gave her a new instruction, and then she was busy again!


The author has something to say:

I recommend a good book by a good brother "The Beginning to Save the Beiyang Navy Master", which is very well written, and readers who want to change their tastes can go and read it

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