Hearing such an imposing question from Gedina, Luo Chen couldn't help but cry and laugh:

"My God, my little Di!" I'm making cartoons, animated movies. Where did the heroine come from?

And there are no voice actors of Qi Tian Dashen, all of them are my own voices. Hearing

Luo Chen's words, Gedina's side breathed a sigh of relief: "Oh, it's okay, if you dare to let other female stars be your heroine in the first movie, I will really be over with you!"

However, no, husband, when did you make an animated movie, we don't know anything about it?

Luo Chen said with a smile: "Haha, the previous inventory, wasn't I idle for more than a year before?" Done at that time. Come back and show you my first movie.

Gedina was still a little dissatisfied: "Aaaaaa Husband, you are so unreal, I didn't even participate in your first movie!

Luo Chen couldn't help but joke at this time: "It's okay to let you match the voice of a female monster later, and you can be regarded as participating in the production."

Gedina couldn't help but blush at this time and said on the other side of the phone:

"Is the female monster the kind that was severely beaten by the golden hoop rod of the Great Sage? Your husband is good or bad, and at this time, you have to contemplate people.

Luo Chen was so crying and laughing again by her that she said: "Xiao Di, you have become bad." I didn't mean that at all.

It's that in the entire movie, the role of a female monster is a female dubbing, so I thought of letting you dub.

Of course, it doesn't matter if you don't deserve it, I'll just let Xiao Xue'er dub it.

Gedina was suddenly anxious: "No, no, you monster must be matched by me, I am a professional actress, and the dubbing is also barbaric!"

And say that I became bad or something, I didn't learn from you! I don't care, your movie, I have to participate in one, I'll go back now! "

In fact, I heard that Luo Chen made an animated movie by himself.

A group of young ladies had quickly returned to the courtyard of the palace.

Now that each of them has its own affairs, Gedina naturally wants to shoot two TV series, you from the stars, plus a romantic house, there are still quite a lot of scenes.

On the other hand, Tong Yaya needs to prepare me for the next competition as a singer.

And this time, Tong Yaya also got Luo Chen, a good song, but I don't know if I can take the first place like the last time.

After all, this time, they are all very powerful veteran singers, each with their own classics.

And some people have already got Luo Chen's song.

This time it feels like a small concert of Luo Chen's songs.

So with such a comparison, everything is a different situation.

Of course, Luo Chen himself is very relaxed, after all, he was No. 1 last time, and his songs are most familiar to him.

Naturally, there is a lot of room for manipulation.

On the other hand, Bai Ru is responsible for Luo Chen's brokerage contract, as well as her own entertainment company, and usually has a lot of things.

So miscellaneous things, after calculating it, the busiest among the several little sisters is Bai Ru.

And Jiang Yingxue is responsible for the promotion of Luo Chen's next few anime works.

Of course, now Luo Chen's comics have been drawn very adequately.

Next, there are many saved manuscripts that need to be helped by Jiang Yingxue and come over to revise it.

And Jiang Yingxue herself also has works that need to be updated, and Luo Chen wondered if he could animate Jiang Yingxue's works.

In this way, Luochen TV has more programs to broadcast.

Of course, Jiang Yingxue is still very happy and willing to do such a proposal.

And Luo Chen also gave her a special idea to draw.

At the beginning, after Luo Chen got the overview of this work, Jiang Yingxue immediately liked it for the first time, and he was very interested.

So recently he is also working on a new anime work, so that several young ladies are still quite busy with their daily work.

As long as Luo Chen needs it, they will return to Luo Chen as soon as possible.

This time, I heard that Luo Chen had a new movie, and naturally they all returned quickly and put down all the work under their hands.

Soon Luo Chen, the royal courtyard, and the 4 golden flowers all gathered together.

And after Meimei's dinner, it can be regarded as the first release of Luo Chen.

He decided what new works he would have in the future, and put them at home for these young ladies to see.

Then pick and find fault.

However, he completely forgot one thing, that is, the young ladies already had a blind worship of him.

Letting them find fault is simply a fool's dream, and now they worship Luo Chen, and they have become a brain-dead fan.

They have always loved Luo Chen, and Luo Chen is so good and powerful, can his works not be good-looking.

So when "The Return of the Great Sage" was released, everything was completely different.

When everyone looks at it, it is also a process of scrutiny.

However, watching and watching is completely addicted to the plot.

Especially this unique great saint, you can see the shadow of Luo Chen from the corners, it is to use Luo Chen as a model, handsome!

And such a Sun Dasheng is completely different from the previous Sun Dasheng.

It is very humane, and at the same time there is a sense of depression that confronts fate, but is pressed motionless.

He is more like a mortal than a mythical figure.

However, when he finally had a final duel with that big monster in order to save Jiang Liu'er, there was a burning feeling that the Qi Heaven Great Sage had returned again.

In an instant, all the young ladies sighed, and at the same time, the last one was a shocking friendship, which made them all cry.

At the beginning, the cartoon did bring a lot of humor and funny bridges, but in the end, you can't help it, and there will be a touching shock!

This may be a technique that Luo Chen often uses, making you cry and make you laugh, so that your emotions can't be overwhelmed.

After reading it, a group of young ladies cried like tears.

Bai Ru: "Husband, you are so bad, why do you make us all cry?" This cartoon is so good-looking, but in the end, Jiang Liu'er, is it dead?

Luo Chen said with a smile: "Of course it's not dead, I still have to prepare to shoot a sequel, as for when to release the sequel, that's another matter, I haven't seen the animation, and the final Easter egg has been hinted at, was he rescued."

Jiang Yingxue: "Husband, your animated movie is really powerful, but I know that in fact, animation is particularly expensive, every minute is money!"

Your animation special effects are so powerful, it's simply unimaginable, I have never heard of it before, what team in China can do so powerful.

How the hell did you do it? I really admire you so much. Jiang

Yingxue naturally knows that as an animated film, the consumption of special effects required later is really astronomical.

According to Luo Chen's current special effect effect, it is estimated that the cost of one or two hundred million cannot come down.

Did Luo Chen already have so much money at that time?

But after thinking about it, Luo Chen is a person who can even have the courtyard of the royal palace, and it is not strange to have a little capital.

Just let the team do this project, the industry has not received any rumors, this confidentiality work is good enough.

Hearing Jiang Yingxue's words, Luo Chen just smiled: "Hehe, the mountain people have their own tricks, but everyone has already seen this great saint's cartoon, shouldn't they taste it, the power of the golden hoop rod??" "

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