After all, Gedina had already said that she would live with Luo Chen.

Of course, now it seems that cohabitation is also a pretense.

After all, such a large courtyard walked from Gedina's small courtyard to Luo Chen.

It will take another 5 minutes.

Such a distance is not short.

And Gedina must be through cooperation with Luo Chen.

Got such a chance to stay.

At this time, I heard Luo Chen say that the TV station was in difficulty.

Tong Yaya couldn't help but ask:

"Look at you, I'm already like this."

"You can tell me anything, and I can help."

"And I want to be treated the same as Gedina!"

Heard Tong Yaya's words.

Luo Chen couldn't help but have another headache.

They all want to stay here.

But after thinking about it, they all confessed before.

It seems that if you want to stay here, it is a matter of course.

Just to get closer to him?

"Did Gedina tell you everything? You guys are really good sisters! "

After all, if according to such a relationship.

Gedina and Tong Yaya are a love rival.

So, under such a relationship.

He is also willing to share this matter with Tong Yaya.

It's also good to think about the sisterhood between them.

Luo Chen thought about it, and couldn't help but cry and laugh a little.

What is this called!

Divorced himself.

The goddess girlfriends of the ex-wife came to the door one by one.

And one by one.

Now it's all about leaving.

If only Yang Mier knew.

I don't know what kind of expression and thoughts she will have.

But what about her, anyway, Luo Chen has nothing to do with her now.

She thinks as much as she likes.

Does it work?

Hearing Luo Chen's words, Tong Yaya just smiled mysteriously.

Gerdina's little girl.

How could it be possible to give her this important news.

Of course, she guessed it herself.

Heard Luo Chen say this.

Tong Yaya knew that she had guessed correctly.

"Of course, now we all like you and confess to you."

"Don't you have to treat you the same, can't you favor one over the other?"

"You didn't give an accurate answer."

"I have the right to depend on you!"

"I like you and want to stay with you, help you, give you support."

"I want you to be happy, I want you to be happy."

"Like I just said, give me a chance to be nice to you, can't you?"

"And I didn't ask for anything excessive."

"Isn't it just living next to you, you have so many rooms, it's not worse than me!"

"I really don't have any good places to go on this side of the imperial capital, and the previous accommodation was arranged by the company."

"I don't really like it either, but for the convenience of work, I can also take it for a while."

"Now that I have such a good place as you, how can I still settle."

"Mainly because. Here you are!

"As long as you're there! For me, it's the place I want to be!

Tong Yaya said these words at this time.

Once again, let Luo Chen, I don't know what to say.

This little sister, since opening the skylight and saying bright words.

It seems to open up the two veins of Ren Du.

Speaking of love words, it's called a set of things.

There is no more, the previous one, the process of speaking shyly.

However, Tong Yaya also said these things hard.

She never thought it would be like this before.

Discovery though.

I opened my heart and expressed my thoughts.

When telling Luo Chen this.

She also doesn't seem to have the psychological barriers she used to have.

It became a lot more open.

It's just that after saying it, she herself felt that she couldn't be ashamed.

The little face blushed into an apple.

Seeing her like this, Luo Chen had the urge to move his index finger.

But at this moment.

A guy who spoiled the atmosphere appeared.

"Hey, hey, you've been in for too long."

"I'm hungry, the chef on this side is ready to serve!"

"Have you talked about it?"

Outside, came Gedina's delicate voice.

There is also a little bit of anxious and apprehensive emotions in it.

Obviously, Gedina was afraid that Luo Chen was going to change his mind because of Tong Yaya's confession.

Isn't she just an empty bamboo basket?

At this time, how can you come out to block it!

When Luo Chen heard Gedina's words, he couldn't help but smile and said:

"Okay, we've all talked, come in!"

Tong Yaya just showed her liking for Luo Chen.

Then nothing more was said.

She just wanted to give Luo Chen a relaxed atmosphere.

I didn't want to force Luo Chen to make a decision so quickly.

Anyway, give him time, she believes that she is so in tune with Luo Chen, there is a tacit understanding of the soul.

At that time, Luo Chen will definitely choose her.

Why didn't I say anything more.

Because the treasures she gave Luo Chen just now already contained her fiery heart.

If Luo Chen took a closer look, he would know how deep his affection for him was.

So she is not in a hurry.

She believed that Luo Chen would understand.

And without the anxiety before.

At this time, Tong Yaya once again returned to the state of an intellectual and gentle big sister.

The whole person behaves elegantly, calmly and calmly.

The eyes met Luo Chen, although shy.

There was a hint of a smile of understanding.

It looks very feminine.

At this point, Gedina had to obey.

This sister, on top of these performances, does have something extraordinary.

So that's what worries her too.

Luo Chen won't be attracted to Tong Yaya all of a sudden, right?

And Luo Chen did feel that Tong Yaya was more attractive after changing his mentality.

It's also a lot more comfortable to get along.

There is no such tangle as before.

Naturally, there are two more closeness.

After all, it can be liked by such an intellectual goddess.

He still has a sense of accomplishment, and he can't help but feel a little happy in his heart.

To say that you are not proud is false.

But, after all, come into this world.

Luo Chen also had little opportunity to contact other women.

Although he is quite handsome, his positioning has never been very clear.

Now it seems that this face is quite useful.

It has the potential to eat soft rice.

But will Luo Chen eat soft rice?

Absolutely not!

He has his own ambitions.

There are also their own ideas.

Reborn I has so many advantages, plus there is also system help.

Don't live a storm, don't stir the storm.

are sorry for their status as a born-again.

It's just that no one understands Luo Chen's thoughts and thoughts at all now.

Even in some little sisters who like him.

It was only shocked by the tip of the iceberg he exposed.

At the same time, I was attracted by his talent.

That's why we have the current situation.

However, Gedina came to Luo Chen.

Seeing that Luo Chen and Tong Yaya have a little bit, they are very coordinated.

I couldn't help but feel a little sour vinegar in my heart.

The young lady couldn't help but be very unconvinced and said:

"Hey, hey, why are you like this?" Can't walk when you see your pretty big sister?

"I'm also a beautiful sister, don't you want to look at me more?" My good brother!

"And you have to remember, the next thing to start living with you is my cute little beauty!"

See Gedina's breathy little face.

Tong Yaya didn't know why, but she felt very relieved.

Then she Shi Shiran said a news that shocked Gedina extremely much:

"Xiao Di, I'm sorry, I'm afraid I will be added to this list of people living with Luo Chen!"


The author has something to say:

the second more to send! At least two more!

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