"Husband, today I am optimistic about you, you must behave well!"

Bai Ru is now backstage in "I Am a Singer", preparing Luo Chen's clothes and decorations.

As Luo Chen became more and more famous, Bai Ru spent more and more time by his side.

The young ladies and sisters are also eager to stay by Luo Chen's side 24 hours a day.

This man is poisonous, so they can't quit.

And Bai Ru also slowly put down the work at hand and let the people below complete it.

She is more carefully taking care of everything about Luo Chen, and slowly has positioned herself and become Luo Chen's wife.

In fact, the focus of several of their young ladies is now shifting to Luo Chen.

All of this is focused on Luo Chen's career.

At the same time, they must also live their own little life with Luo Chen.

So with this idea, everyone's mentality changed a little.

And Bai Ru at this moment, when preparing for Luo Chen, the camera was directly filming.

These pictures, at that time, the editor will ask Luo Chen, whether it needs to be edited into it, will Bai Ru and them appear.

Luo Chen naturally gave them some new protection.

Bai Ru, unlike Gedina, is a popular star.

It's not like Tong Yaya made a very stunning performance in this show.

However, Bai Ru is an indispensable existence in his career and family.

The position occupies is self-evident.

Big sister is big sister, with her own style and style.

At this time, coming to the TV station is also to declare her sovereignty, to publicize that there is more than one woman around Luo Chen, but she also has to show her demeanor as a big princess.

When Luo Chen heard Bai Ru say this, he couldn't help but smile:

"Sister Bai, you have something to say here, haven't you been optimistic about me before?"

Bai Ru smiled charmingly: "How is it possible!" My husband is so powerful, everyone knows that you are very strong! That is, a moment of convergence point, don't be too scary, scare everyone.

Luo Chen was unimpressed: "I will naturally show it to my heart's content in a while, if I converge, it is still disrespectful to those seniors."

Every time I will give my best and show my best form and competitive talent, after all, now competing in the same field can be regarded as provoking my competitive spirit.

Bai Ru smiled meaningfully: "Hehe, then do you still want to take Yaya over and press her on the floor to rub?" Don't take care of your daughter-in-law either? Hearing

Bai Ru say this, Luo Chen was suddenly innocent, touching his nose and not speaking.

Bai Ru immediately knew that he felt sorry for his daughter-in-law, and snorted: "Hmph, I know, sure enough, you will treat Yaya differently." It's so painful!

Luo Chen smiled: "That villain is his own daughter-in-law and your sister, so naturally you must take good care of her."

Bai Rujiao was disgusted: "Of course you love and take care of it, every next performance, there will be good songs and new songs for Yaya, and the care is really meticulous."

I can see it now, you still prefer Yaya a little more in your heart, these days, she has the most time with you!

Bai Ru said this, not to say the usual working time during the day, but at night when everyone was confused and obsessed together.

Perhaps Tong Yaya can resist for the longest time, and naturally accepts Luo Chen's "care" the most.

Although the other little sisters now have the attribute of a tough aura, and the time is a little longer, they are still a little weaker for Luo Chen.

Although because the sisters joined forces, there was still a time to rest between them, but in the end, Tong Yaya naturally had the longest time by Luo Chen's side, who let the family resist?

When Luo Chen heard Bai Ru say this, he naturally knew that this Bai sister was a little bit of a snack vinegar.

But it's normal, women always have a little caution and selfishness, and he gently took Bai Ru into his arms:

"Hehe, is this jealous?" If you don't like it, well, I will take the initiative to attack you every day in the future, as long as you can stand it.

Hearing Luo Chen's words, Bai Ru couldn't help but blush, patted him on the shoulder, and smacked him fiercely:

"Bah, you scoundrel, usually say let's converge a little, why don't you converge when you are bad?" There are still so many people, you can't talk nonsense, spoil your image!

Luo Chen looked around and said with a smile: "Let's do it now, everyone knows, give us a little time to get along." How can anyone come and make trouble?

And speaking of which, you have to take care of me. You guys are all refreshed by yourself, let me a big old man not up and down, so Yaya resisted a little, naturally I took more care.

I'm also training you now, don't wait for me to achieve great success in a few days, you are even more overwhelmed.

Looking at Luo Chen's bad smile, Bai Ru gave him a shy and angry look:

"Hehe, I know you're amazing." Anyway, today you are going to sing a good song to me.

"Well, it should be good. I hope you guys like it. Luo Chen smiled.

Bai Ru quipped: "Yo, it's rare to see you so humble, I don't have to watch, I don't have to listen, I will definitely like it, the song sung by my husband is definitely the best."

Luo Chen scratched her nose spoiledly: "Haha, I like to see you unconditionally support me, go back and reward you well."

Bai Ru: "It doesn't matter what the reward is, when your divine skill is great, now the sisters think about it every day."

Luo Chen's evil smile was even stronger: "Then it seems that you are not enough to toss at night." Or after singing today, I will go back and toss and toss you?

Anyway, there is nothing to do tomorrow, you can sleep all day. To be honest, if I hadn't taken care of you usually, even if you added a few more sisters, it wouldn't be enough for me to fight.

Bai Ru rubbed in his arms a little attachment: "I know that you are powerful, but we still want to become your real woman!" And you can't add more people! At most, let Qing'er join in. The five of us are desperately trying to keep you!

The sisters are panicking now, because you are getting smarter, and I don't know how many leprechauns are staring at you like this.

Several of our sisters want to leave your original traces so that you can't leave, because we all know you! Once you have this relationship, you will be responsible for us to the end.

Luo Chen said with a smile: "Don't worry, I'm measured, do you think I'm that kind of unscrupulous stallion?" See one love one? Inexistent. It's enough to have you.

Moreover, I am now also responsible to the end, see what you say?

It's been a few days, I guess you know, I asked Qing'er to order something special, what's the purpose, right?

Bai Ru: "Hehe, it's the best, those safety measures, don't use them on me, you can toss me however you want, you know..."

At this time, Bai Ru's little face couldn't help but turn red, and the meaning was obvious.

Seeing Luo Chen, he couldn't help but have a kind of index finger movement, if it weren't for the fact that there were many staff members next to him, Luo Chen would want to do something to her now.

In fact, now this time the competition of "I Am a Singer" is ready to begin.

For some reasons, Luo Chen switched positions with other singers and prepared to sing for the first appearance.

So soon, it's time for him to play!


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