Tong Yaya naturally still has the repertoire she wants to sing when she comes here.

This time I am a singer, it is a completely different experience.

After all, so many singers compete on the same stage, and it is estimated that it is also the first attempt for Tong Yaya.

However, since her last amazing performance, her mentality has been much calmer.

The main thing is to sing Luo Chen's song, she doesn't want to embarrass Luo Chen.

In the future, she will appear in front of many people as Luo Chen's woman.

It is precisely because of this that her label, as well as her every move, represents not only herself, but also Luo Chen's face.

Therefore, for whether she can get a good ranking in the future, Tong Yaya is now particularly concerned.

In fact, according to her personality before, she didn't need to think about these things at all, just behave well.

She has always been that kind of gentle and gentle personality since she entered the industry.

Even if she goes to a very critical moment, she has no nervousness, does not want to be competitive, and has a very good attitude.

This is also a unique temperament that she has long had.

And it's also because of her personality.

But since having Luo Chen, even if she is indifferent, there are ups and downs!

Especially being pampered by Luo Chen like this, being surrounded by Luo Chen like this, and being pushed by Luo Chen like this.

Everything, as long as Luo Chen is there, then everything will change drastically.

Tong Yaya has adapted to such a change, and naturally wants to show the best side to Luo Chen.

But today, this time is undoubtedly a very unique day for Tong Yaya.

She also heard the song that Luo Chen had just sung in the background.

Interestingly, she also achieved a relatively high order of appearance with Luo Chen.

However, because they received a high number of votes in the previous one, even if they lost this one, it would not have much impact.

Besides, are they likely to lose? Apparently not!

Even if it was the first appearance, Luo Chen's tornado just now sang everyone's hearts.

The most important thing is to sing the hearts of the young ladies!

For them, everything about this man is crucial!

Whether there is another woman's position in Luo Chen's heart is more important.

Therefore, Tong Yaya is also able to understand Luo Chen's mentality of singing this song.

Perhaps it was also showing them something that Yang Mier would no longer appear in Luo Chen's life from now on.

At the same time, it was also a determination to cut off contact with her.

In fact, now Luo Chen has no connection with Yang Mier, and even the interaction on the Internet does not even have a word.

But even so, Luo Chen could still feel that in the hearts of these young ladies, that stone had not been put down.

So today on such an occasion, before he is about to win his unique popularity mission, he wants to make a statement to the young ladies.

In fact, Luo Chen's SSS-level mission is now at a critical juncture.

What surprised him was that the launch plan of the previous two cartoons allowed him to quickly gain huge popularity again.

What surprised him even more was the island side.

Because he knew that he was going to launch the animation of Qi Tian Dashen, the work "The Return of the Great Sage" suddenly attracted the attention of the island country.

At the same time, there is also the attention of the Kingdom of Korea and other Southeast Asian countries.

Popularity skyrocketed by more than 10 million at once.

He already had 80 million, but now it has soared to more than 90 million.

Now there are only a few million popularity limits left, and the remaining popularity accumulation task conditions can be completed.

For Luo Chen, all this is undoubtedly crucial.

This task is really tougher than his growth mission.

However, it is not easy for him to be able to do this.

After all, I have persevered for so long, and I haven't gone further with the young ladies.

It's not that ordinary men can hold on.

However, it is also because these goddesses are too unpretentious, and under his wishful golden hoop rod, few can fight a few rounds.

The golden hoop rod is indeed the nemesis of the leprechaun!

For this point, Luo Chen is full of confidence.

Anyway, the daughters-in-law can't run away, so it's right to let them feel at ease.

So today, Luo Chen felt that after recording "I Am a Singer", his popularity should skyrocket again.

In fact, there are some new increases in popularity every day, and these are the amount of his previous works that continue to increase.

In addition to the increase in movie launches, the impact of each TV series update is also bringing a great boost to his popularity.

At this time, after Tong Yaya came out, the audience at the scene cheered and enthusiastic.

After all, the blue and white porcelain last time made everyone present remember it vividly.

Today, there is a new batch of 500 public judges, but in some public judges, they have obviously seen the last performance.

Because of this, Tong Yaya's performance today is undoubtedly more expected.

After all, he was ranked as the champion at the same time as Luo Chen.

For a new generation of singers, it is undoubtedly a very unique experience.

It also brought an unparalleled and shocking performance to everyone.

But when everyone thought that Tong Yaya was going to go on stage and sing a song, he did something else.

Coming here, she saw the man of her dreams.

I couldn't help but open my arms and wanted to rush over.

But Tong Yaya was wearing a long skirt, and for a while she forgot the restrictions of her long skirt.

As soon as the footsteps were fast, he stepped directly on the long skirt to follow.

So the whole person threw himself forward like this, seeing that the whole person was about to fall on this smooth and crystal stage!

If you fall hard, you probably won't even be able to sing today.

However, at this time, Luo Chen's reaction was extremely rapid and he saw her like this.

Luo Chen knew that this young lady was moved to sing her because she heard the song "Tornado" she sang just now.

Even he could feel that the young lady was a little wet.

The eye sockets are wet, and maybe other places are also wet....

But all this is not important, what is important is that Luo Chen quickly reacted himself.

An arrow rushed to the front, and the whole person was like a human flesh mat, stunned, and caught Tong Yaya.

It's just that this action is a little handsome.

Because Tong Yaya, rushing forward, started too fast.

And when Luo Chen rushed over.

Along this smooth stage, a half-kneeling mode was directly adopted, and a gorgeous glide quickly came.

It's like the suit behind the whole person has flown up, but the posture is particularly handsome.

It feels like some super agents in the agent movie, doing a difficult action.

Then at the moment when Tong Yaya, who was about to fall, he caught her just right.

It's just that the two of them hugged together like this, like rolling gourds.

Such a live broadcast accident is estimated to be unexpected to everyone.

Tong Yaya herself didn't expect that she couldn't help but want to hug Luo Chen, and this kind of thing happened.

Fortunately, my husband is really handsome enough and strong enough.

Caught her all at once!

"Husband, I'm sorry, I seem to have run into trouble." Tong Yaya's face was red at this time, and she was also embarrassed to face some unique audiences.

"It's okay, everything has me, and didn't I catch you? Don't worry, every time you are in danger, I will be the first to appear! I won't let my woman get hurt! Luo

Chen's words directly made Tong Yaya's heart burst into flames!

PS: The following thanks are a bit long, but after the text has completed the normal word count. There will be another chapter in a while, thank you to all readers for their tips and support, love you guys!

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thanks to readers greatly: stainless steel urging; Thank you so much.

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