"You stinky boy is getting more and more presumptuous, dare to say anything!"

Luo Chen glared at Chen Feng angrily, anyway, these pictures could only be released after his approval.

So it doesn't matter if all kinds of images are happening when recording.

Everyone is used to it, and now the program group of "I Am a Singer" is a group of old friends together.

On the field, they really fight to the death. But offstage, they became old friends again.

Playing with each other, playing with each other, that's a common thing.

Luo Chen felt that such an atmosphere was better, after all, variety shows, there is no need to be so serious.

Of course, when they sang before, it was an artistic performance, and that had to be serious.

But offstage, that's a relationship between friends, how to be happy.

Luo Chen's words ignited all the warm atmosphere on the scene.

Uncle Liu said directly: "You, starting a family, I am happier than anyone."

When I really see you like this, I think that my nephew has started a family. The heart is solid.

"Okay, okay, uncle, you're right." Luo Chen couldn't help but say such words directly at this time.

Hearing him say this, everyone present couldn't help but laugh.

And before Luo Chen said anything, Tong Yaya next to him said very politely and obediently: "Thank you, uncle."

Uncle Liu was immediately happy when he heard Tong Yaya shout:

"Haha, no thanks, no thanks." Oh, but today you are meeting me for the first time as my niece-in-law, should I get some meeting gifts? "

Come to the red envelope, red envelope. Come and get the red envelope! Seeing

that Uncle Liu actually took a few red envelopes directly from his arms, the group of people was even more coaxed!

"My God, Lao Liu, can you still carry red envelopes with you?" Old Qin was even more stunned at this time, and this kind of operation?

"Haha, I don't know why, I just think there are happy things today, happy events. Then I took the red envelope with me, and sure enough, it brought me luck.

"Uncle, what about mine?" Luo Chen couldn't help but look longing and asked innocently.

Because Uncle Liu only gave Tong Yaya red envelopes, but not him.

"While you go, you usually take less of my red envelopes, how many red envelopes have you given since you were young!"

And now that you are so rich, you still ask me for red envelopes? Bad heart or not?

Uncle Liu directly slapped Luo Chen's outstretched hand aside.

This operation immediately caused laughter from everyone next to him.

"Okay, okay, stop making trouble. Listen to the results. After finishing this out, Uncle Liu just said directly to the director Chen Feng on that side like an elder.

Chen Feng smiled and said, "Hey, I don't think this result seems to be very important today." Because my eldest and my sister-in-law are together.

In fact, you have been together for a long time. It's just that this matter has not been made public.

Also in the minds of our brothers and a group of elders, it is also pressed like a big rock, and I am always a little worried!

But now that worry is gone, and the big stone in our hearts has also been laid down.

I can only say brother, you are good, if I don't dare you play like this. But you are such a pure man, I admire you! What

Chen Feng said was naturally Luo Chen, and he directly admitted the identity of a group of young ladies.

In this time and space, not every man has this responsibility to admit it.

There is no such strength to complete these things, and there are many men who even if they really have a concubine, they are also secretive and dare not take it out.

In the end, there were a lot of contradictions, of course, these things are other people's affairs, and they have nothing to do with Luo Chen.

As long as it is his women, he must protect them well and not let them be wronged.

In fact, Luo Chen has always followed this principle.

And now with such a performance, Luo Chen's perception in everyone's minds has been raised many levels.

Hearing Chen Feng say this. Luo Chen just smiled and said, "What is there to praise, it's just what I should do."

If I can't even protect my own women, can't give them support and care, and can't even give a name, then am I still a man?

"Well said, my nephew is good!" Uncle Liu couldn't help but give Luo Chen a thumbs up at this time.

Sister Yun next to her was also envious at this time.

"How could I not touch such a good one when I was young? Oops, so envious! Yaya, you have to cherish it. Sister

Yun naturally said this to Tong Yaya at this time.

Because she is from here, she understands very well that such a responsible man is really not easy in this time and space.

Mainly because Luo Chen's net worth is so rich, now I really want to admit the identity of these young ladies, and the share of taxes to be handed over is not ordinarily large.

That's hundreds of millions of assets at every turn.

In the eyes of many men, assets and money are much more important than women.

Women are likely to change and may leave you at any moment.

But assets, money, these things can be held in their own hands, as long as they do not die, they will always be there.

But Luo Chen obviously regarded his goddesses as much more important than these so-called asset money, and did not care at all.

The so-called tax is as much as it should be, and he will not give him a penny anyway.

He has always been a good law-abiding citizen, and at the same time, because of this, the upper echelons also have a very good perception of him.

After all, in the entertainment industry, some people are trying to do something to exploit loopholes.

But in Luo Chen, such a thing never happened.

The three views are very positive.

Perhaps except for a little flaw on the woman's side, Luo Chen is really almost flawless.

But it is precisely because of this that Luo Chen seems to be a person, if it is not for this weakness, then he really makes people feel like a god.

Tong Yaya was naturally happy when she heard this, and held Luo Chen's arm happily, and said directly to Sister Yun with a smile:

"Don't worry, sister, I finally got Luo Chen's favor, and I was able to be with him with difficulty, I value him more than anyone." In the future, everything I do will be Luo Chen. Hearing

Tong Yaya's words, Sister Yun and these male singers couldn't help but look envious.

Old Qin said directly: "Luo Chen, you kid can, your daughter-in-law is really good." You also have to cherish that you married a good daughter-in-law!

No, you're married to four. Oops, don't say it, I'm bad talking about it. It's a handful of age, not as young as you.

Lao Qi: "Hahaha, it's not a matter of age, but that you are twenty years younger, and you can't compare to others." Think about what you were doing when you were twenty? And what is Luo Chen doing?

Not to mention our country, even if there are few people in the world who can compare with Luo Chen. Just take your life. Losing to him, you are not a shame. The

old Qi next to him was also coaxing on the side, but he said a fair word, and at the same time saved some face for himself as an old brother.

Hearing the words of his old friend, Old Qin also smiled bitterly, saying that he was speechless!

At this time, Chen Feng began his own lowly hosting career again.

Coming here, the audience sees this mean director, and it is also a pleasure to torture all these top singers.

Chen Feng: "Well, everyone is done making trouble, and happiness is over." So who do you think is the number one today?

So everyone turned their attention to Luo Chen and Tong Yaya again.

Such a performance really makes everyone a little speechless, because even if there is no such a performance today, the performance of these two people is the top.

In particular, Luo Chen's song "Tornado" really sang everyone's hearts, and such a skill has conquered all the veteran singers present.

"Then everyone doesn't seem to have any objections. Right? So Mr. Luo Chen, my boss, what do you think? Isn't the position you're sitting in right now? "

PS: Fifth change, plus more chapter. Today's update is complete, readers, good night, see you tomorrow.

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