Hearing Chen Feng's words, these old singers present couldn't help but be surprised.

Luo Chen's performance this time is remarkable, although it is not as stunning as last time, but it is still a superior work.

For Luo Chen's ability to write songs, everyone has now seen it, and there will be no doubts.

After all, everyone can see that Luo Chen has unique conditions in this regard.

This is fatal or these songs created by Luo Chen, from the beginning to the present, even after a long time, they can still be endured for a long time and are very sustainable.

It can be seen that Luo Chen's control of the song has reached a point of pure green, and the style can be accepted by modern people, and even consider whether the song will be accepted by future people.

Such a kind of magic can only be said to have that kind of classic song.

After all, at this moment, both of them have clearly felt that his artistic creation seems to be making a new leap with the improvement of his identity.

In this way, it is undoubtedly a new inspiration for these other singers.

The situation they are in now is more embarrassing, because in the past period, they are still immersed in the glory of the past, and have not reached a new breakthrough.

But Luo Chen is different, what he does is to break through himself all the time.

Even though I have written so many songs, I am still working on them.

Such a strong creative desire and subsequent influence are really unattainable for ordinary singers.

For the result of this time, Luo Chen actually expected it.

After all, since the last "Wukong", everyone's expectations for him have not been ordinarily high.

This song "Tornado" is indeed very good, but it can only be said that it is within the scope of Luo Chen's ability and decent.

If someone else sings, maybe there will be a better effect, because they will not have a very high expectation like Luo Chen before.

On the other hand, Tong Yaya also has her own good performance.

Naturally, there are also some new influences, all of which are a different concept brought by Luo Chen's song.

In fact, this time the ranking has fallen into a fog from the very beginning when Luo Chen is not the first place.

After all, at the beginning, everyone thought that Luo Chen was the first, and Luo Chen's songwriting ability and his singing skills were also particularly strong.

And then, at this time, everyone can see it. Things didn't seem to be the way they thought.

The final result surprised everyone.

The first place turned out to be the ark that tried his best to save this stage!

And what he sang was another original song by Luo Chen "Station".

It was a song about separation, a song about separation, a lingering grievance and an unknown confusion about the future.

Let the ark be cleaned and pure. It also has an extremely soulful singing voice, and after singing it, it really has a special charm.

The point is that this time, the song of Ark Court Luo Chen defeated Luo Chen.

This matter was directly talked about by the later music scene, mainly because of another meme in this matter.

"My God, now I've discovered one thing. That is, only Luo Chen himself defeated Luo Chen. Brother Ark is singing Luo Chen's new song, right? At

this time, Old Qin couldn't help but voice his doubts.

Because he had long heard that this time, if the ark wanted to break the cauldron and sink the ship, it would naturally need to use Luo Chen's power.

And this time, after singing Luo Chen's new song, everyone's performance of Fang Zhou was really impressive.

Plus he is the sixth to appear, and the order is relatively lower.

The audience was also very impressed with him, so naturally, his ranking was high, but no one expected him to directly take the first place.

Such a jump, jumping directly from the last place to the first place instantly makes everyone feel incredible.

But it can also be seen that everyone likes the song and recognizes Fang Zhou's performance this time.

After getting this ranking, Fang Zhou was very happy, and at the same time, he directly came over and hugged Luo Chen;

"Oh, thank you brother Luo Chen of my family. Thank you so much to him!

I was indeed very surprised to be able to win the first place this time, but being able to get Luo Chen's support is the most critical factor for this success.

Whether it is the arrangement of the song or the details of the various subsequent performances, my communication with Luo Chen is very smooth, and I really have a feeling of sympathy.

We have a lot of ideas in common, and in the field of music, I really admire some of Luo Chen's creative ideas.

Although he is much younger than me, in a sense, he is really a good mentor to me.

Thank you very much, or thank you very much, today's first place is still Luo Chen's, because without him, I would not have won this position at all. "

Ark said very modestly, but at the same time everyone knows that this is the truth.

Ark is actually very good at singing, very remarkable.

However, after all, he is also an old singer with the mark of the times, and it is not easy to leave an impression in the minds of the new generation of young audiences.

Because they already have their own singing style and have their own unique imprint, it is actually very difficult to change and want to make a transformation.

This is also the most amazing part of the stage of "I Am a Singer", after all, these singers can be here.

Pick something they've never chosen before, try some performance styles they've never tried before, and finally play the stage effect, that's wonderful.

When Luo Chen heard Fang Zhou's words, he naturally said very modestly: "No, no, all this is the result of Brother Fangzhou's own efforts, I can only say that it is just pushing the boat along the water."

"Hehe, you said well this smooth pushing boat, Brother Ark was directly pushed to the first place by you this time." When will you push me too, Luo Chen? "

Sister Yun is undoubtedly very envious of Fangzhou's treatment at this time.

Her appreciation of Luo Chen is probably the most obvious of all the old singers.

After all, everyone knows that Sister Yun actually has a lot of unsatisfactory aspects in her emotional experience, and she is still single until now.

Once she was also like these goddesses around Luo Chen, she also became the concubine of a certain big guy, but that big man has never been willing to give her a name.

In the end, she couldn't bear it anymore and directly broke off the relationship with that man.

In the end, she concentrated on her career and has been reaching the peak of her singing career.

In this way, she lived more comfortably, just thinking back to those years, she had a feeling of encountering people.

Are there regrets and regrets? There must be.

But if she was asked to choose again, Sister Yun would still choose this path again.

Just when she saw Luo Chen, she was very emotional: Why couldn't she meet a good person back then?

She was especially envious of these goddesses and sisters around Luo Chen, and her luck was really good.

Their first relationship can meet such a super male god as Luo Chen.

The key is that Luo Chen is still willing to take on this responsibility, and he is very responsible to admit all this in front of everyone and push them all to the curtain.

Such a kind of courage and love for women is really rare in this oriental environment of time and space.

So now, even if Luo Chen is with such a few young ladies, they are all together. But it is still the best ideal object in the minds of countless girls.

Even there is already such a saying in the entertainment industry. If you can, try your best to join Luo Chen's wife group!

Because the entire entertainment industry is so responsible to Luo Chen. There is only one person who is willing to pay for women like this!

Marry someone to marry Luo Chen!

It seems to have become a mantra in the mouths of many girls.

Of course, now everyone does not know that Luo Chen can make these goddesses die, in addition to their own appearance and talent are very strong, there is also an important factor, a good waist, a good kidney, and a good body.

But now, Chen Feng is announcing the ranking here, and a group of goddesses outside are waiting for the fire.

Why haven't you seen Luo Chen and Tong Yaya come out?

These two won't already be on fire in a corner of the TV station, right?

PS: I took my child to check my body today, and I came back a little late, so the update has also been delayed until now, sorry ha.

Thanks to the readers: Attack on the little fat little leather whip !! Thank you so much!!

Thanks to the readers: a kick bends the moon; Blank, the urge to change. Thank you so much!!

Thanks to the readers: Where is the twilight; Shadow - Away from the mountain climbing invitation! Thank you very much!!

Thanks to the readers: Uncle does not lose money for three years; Shen Daxian; Multiple mooncakes 23349950 by users; Thank you very much!!

Thank you to the readers who sent mooncakes and likes: little handsome guy; The south wind knows what I mean; drizzle; Accusation; Slightly cool at the end of summer~; User 6075274812; 茫渡.;曦;User 20359347;User 13234547;TNT;Shura.; Drunken pillow scattered fairy; Qijiu Night; Me with Deep Alley; Hazawa; User 11387240; User 14333729; User 10675253; Later 36411840

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