At this point, a series of plans unfolded.

The two young ladies couldn't help but be shocked by Luo Chen's arrangement.

The main thing is that the script has long been printed.

Put it in front of them.

Take a look.

Gedina liked it so much.

"Brother Dust, I like this script too much. I feel like this role is just for me!

"No matter what, no matter what the results are, I have acted in this drama!"

Seeing Gedina look of excitement and longing.

Tong Yaya really envied Gedina at this time.

This little girl is a professional actress.

Recently, he has acted in two hot dramas, and his popularity is very hot!

And Tong Yaya herself is a singer by profession.

Although some cameo roles are sometimes made, they are basically supporting roles.

The acting skills are not comparable to Gerdina.

All the more because of that.

Let Gedina play the female lead of Luo Chen's play, Tong Yaya can't say anything against it.

It's envy!

Very envious!

Very special envy!

Because as the heroine, she will definitely have a lot of rivalry with Luo Chen.

And it's still a couple.

I don't know how many couples in the entertainment industry are in love because of the drama.

What an opportunity!

The point is that Gedina originally liked Luo Chen and wanted to be good with Luo Chen.

Be able to play a couple with a man you like.

And this is the most critical moment.

Anyone who has changed it must be envious.

But after all, this TV series is now related to some of Luo Chen's subsequent performances.

And the ratings of the TV station.

Therefore, Tong Yaya did not say anything opposed.

After all, she couldn't say that.

She is a woman who knows how to advance and retreat.

When it is time to support your own man, even if you are wronged, you must support it!

It's that this script is really well written.

After reading it, Tong Yaya couldn't help but ask curiously:

"Luo Chen, who created this script?" It's so well written!

Before Luo Chen could answer, Gedina next to him had already said very directly:

"Of course, Brother Luo Chen wrote it himself."

"Such a script, although it is wonderful, but where is it, Brother Luo Chen's talent is powerful!"

Hear, Gedina's words.

Tong Yaya couldn't help but be stunned?

"What? This was written by Luo Chen?!

Tong Yaya couldn't help but be even more shocked at this time.

After all, she had seen Luo Chen's talent and ability in original songs before.

It was a fortuitous opportunity.

Let her peek into a little secret of Luo Chen.

I knew he could write, lyricize, arrange, and sing!

Everything about singing, he can create, manage and complete in one roof!

I didn't expect Luo Chen to write a script!

Such a man is really born for the entertainment industry!

But to be honest, Gedina was also very shocked.

Before, by chance, she knew that Luo Chen could write novels.

Those two very powerful online novels, after reading them, she liked them very much.

At that time, I felt that this man was talented.

And the story she wrote really went straight to her heart.

I especially envy the emotional love described in it.

Then she decided that Luo Chen was a heavy lover.

People who also value feelings very much.

It's good to be with him, no matter what happens!

Coupled with Luo Chen's appearance conditions are so good, and his character and temper are also good, it is even more attractive.

That's when I saw this script.

Gedina's heart is full of sweetness.

After all, this script was written by Luo Chen for her, and let her be the heroine.

Could it be that Luo Chen had already written it and was waiting for her to come over?

It must be like this!

Gedina was full of joy thinking about the little secret in her heart, but she didn't tell anyone.

Looking at Luo Chen's eyes, they were even more full of admiration.

When Tong Yaya saw this time, she couldn't help but be even more envious.

But she asked curiously, "Ouch, Gedina! You seem to know that Luo Chen has other great talents.

"You'd say it."

"Otherwise, Luo Chen, tell me yourself, what other talents do I not know?"

Hearing Tong Yaya's words, Luo Chen could only smile:

"I don't have any talent, an ordinary person, just an ordinary man."

"So I don't understand, what do you like about me."

Luo Chen said this, but let the two girls roll their eyes.

Just that face of yours can fascinate countless women!

Heck's mediocre!

Get cheap and sell well, it's him.

But he really has some of that capital.

Who makes him really powerful, the main thing is that he is handsome, talented, and quite rich.

The character is also very good.

Such a boy is a good match that women dream of!

It's just that Luo Chen didn't expect it himself.

The two young ladies had so many thoughts in their hearts....

How could he have thought so much.

This work, whoever will act is the same.

As long as the acting skills are similar, follow such a train of thought, it is estimated that they can be popular!

Of course, Luo Chen is also very clear.

If you let an excellent popular actress interpret, it will make this actress red and red, add fire to the fire, and add fuel to the fire!

So Gedina to play this role is naturally a very good choice.

After all, at this moment, the popularity brought by the two goddesses is absolutely explosive.

After discussing all these things.

What should be done today is almost done.

Looking at the time, it is also around 10:00.

Luo Chen smiled: "Okay, two sisters."

"We've finished our meal and talked about things, isn't it time for you to rest."

"It's been a busy day, rest early, we still have business to do tomorrow."

Seeing the two girls grinding here, they didn't want to leave.

Luo Chen couldn't help but remind him kindly.

At this time, Tong Yaya couldn't help but brush: "Gedina, you are moving again today, and you are running before and after."

"It is estimated that I am also tired, you go back to rest first, I still have something I want to discuss with Luo Chen."

When Gedina heard this, how could she be willing?

It's midnight, leaving them alone in the same room.

Isn't this nothing to look for?

Just now, they all saw that Luo Chen received Tong Yaya's gift, and she was curious about what it was.

At this time, if Gedina is leaving.

Who knows, what will happen next?

Men, don't think how strong their determination is.

Don't look at Luo Chen's appearance as a straight man of steel now.

But the straight man of steel sometimes finds the right way and can break it in one fell swoop.

Especially Tong Yaya, a gentle little sister, is definitely the favorite of the straight man of steel.

Gedina is still a little self-aware about this, so she can't go at this time!

So Gedina said directly: "Haha, it just so happens that I also have something to discuss with Brother Luo Chen."

"I can't go now!" Or Sister Yaya, you first tell me what your business is.

"Finish your business, I'll wait for Luo Chen to discuss my business, I'm not in a hurry."

Hearing Gedina's words, Tong Yaya couldn't help but condense her beautiful eyes!

Eyes, that's called a sharp!

Just now, I was talking about Luo Chen TV's plan.

Both of them expressed their opinions, and the atmosphere was relatively harmonious.

At this time, I didn't know what was going on, and it quickly became another atmosphere.

Facing Tong Yaya's eyes with a little murderous aura.

Gedina also showed no signs of weakness.

The little face raised gently, and the eyes also had their own arrogance.

Two eyes, as if with electric light.

A series of collisions with sparks crackled in the air!

The first one is sent, good afternoon, readers great!

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