When you see this system prompt.

Luo Chen couldn't help but think of the confusion he felt when he first came to this world.

Then she married Yang Mier by mistake.

When Luo Chen came to this world, he inherited the new identity of the original owner.

It took a while to get used to it.

The emergence of the system gave him a strong capital.

At the same time, you can also better understand the world.

It turned out that this world was still 780% similar to the earth he was on before.

But a lot of people and things have changed.

The biggest change is that many literary classics have long disappeared, and the stars in the entertainment industry have changed a lot.

There are simply no such superstars from past lives.

Interestingly, the entertainment industry at this time.

Whether it's movies, TV series, variety, songs.

There are all kinds of classics, but compared with Luo Chen's original world.

It's really 108,000 li behind.

Not on a level.

But the thing that makes him depressed is the of this system.

Although there are a series of tasks, the most important condition is to stay at home.

Every day you stay at home, you have a different reward.

Of course, there is no punishment.

If you're not at home, there's no reward.

And there are two more conditions for system upgrades.

Upgrade condition 1: Let Yang Mier fall in love with the protagonist Luo Chen.

The direction of development and upgrading is unknown!

It's just that after leveling up, there will naturally be more powerful functions, and you don't have to stay at home to get rewards.

Upgrade condition 2: divorce Yang Mier.

Similarly, the direction of development and upgrading is unknown!

In contrast, Luo Chen felt that it seemed simpler to let Yang Mier divorce him.

Just stay at home all the time.

In fact, it can be seen in the few exchanges with Yang Mier.

What Yang Mier hates the most is the kind of man who stays at home and wastes.

Especially the kind that eats soft rice and does nothing.

What can't you do.

And Luo Chen seems to have filled all these points that Yang Mier hates.

But when I first came to this world, I didn't have any capital at all.

If you don't stay at home, do you go to this world and wave casually?

Luo Chen is well versed in the truth of obscene development.

At least understand the world process, and whether there are some worlds in which the original classic masterpieces are not available.

If he had come up with a work, the world would already exist.

That's a real shame.

Even if you are a copyist from another world, you must have a bit of technical content.

The final ending was really just like Luo Chen thought.

Divorce ends!

But the man at home is really waste wood?

This Yang Mier really underestimates the world's otaku!

Many otaku in this world are the elite of the elite!

They can endure loneliness, endure boredom, and shine in their own field!

They just don't want to waste time on other things!

At this time, Luo Chen has obviously completed the second condition of the system.

The system is automatically upgraded!

"Congratulations master, the upgrade system was successful!"

"Get the upgrade package."

"Do you want to get activation now?"

Anyone who does not say no at this time is a fool.

So Luo Chen was very direct and chose another definite option!


"Congratulations to the master for obtaining, comprehensive directing skills one."

"Integrated directing skills. Including variety show director, TV series director, party director, MV director, film director and other directing skills! "

Activate the popularity lottery function!"

"Through the popularity points obtained by the master, you can obtain various special skills in the lottery pool!"

Seeing these two functions, as well as the rewards, Luo Chen's eyes couldn't help but light up.

He already had a very good understanding of the world before.

After all, for more than a year, everything that should be understood has been understood.

The entertainment industry of this world, for him, can be said to be like a blank piece of paper for him to doodle.

Although they also had their own development trajectory, they were far from the other world he knew.

At this time, he took a random thing out, it is definitely very good, at least he can make money.

And this time for him.

Everything is a new beginning, less marriage, less this one Yang Mier, this so-called super goddess suppression.

Luo Chen felt that his world suddenly jumped with fish, and the sky was high for birds to fly!

It's time to show the real technology!

But for now, the most important thing for him is to find a place to stay.

Of course, he was there, and the imperial capital was not without nowhere to go.

In addition to the Li family, he also has the Ben family, to be honest, his original family is still very good.

He is also from an entertaining family and runs one of the few private television stations in the East of the world.

If it was before, his parents were still there.

Then this TV station is really domestic, very famous, performing arts and variety TV stations.

There are many programs and TV series in it, all of which are very classic.

But now, with his parents, after disappearing in an aviation accident, everything collapsed like an avalanche.

Although the TV station is still there, the talents in it, walking and jumping.

There have long been few people.

This TV station has always been operating, but it broadcasts mostly variety shows and TV series that they left behind.

Tough to hold on.

It's basically unsustainable, anyway, the situation is quite difficult.

From the original very famous private TV station.

Until now, it is basically a chicken rib-like existence.

There are also few advertisers and sponsors willing to support the operation of the station.

It is estimated that it will not take long to be yellow.

After marrying Yang Mier, he actually begged the other party to see if he could help.

But at that time, Yang Mier herself was difficult to protect, and in terms of the family business, she also had some problems of her own, how could she have time to manage Luo Chen's affairs?

Plus you can't manage it if you want to.

It is precisely because of this that Luo Chen's predecessor can be described as depressed.

Under all kinds of pressure, alcoholism becomes sex, and it seems that the body and bones are not very good.

In the end, he drank himself and cheapened the reborn Luo Chen.

At this time, Luo Chen will take a look at the popularity exchange function of the follow-up system.

When this function was first opened, the system was also very intimate, rewarding a free lottery.

Seeing this moment of free lottery, Luo Chen's eyes suddenly lit up.

Free stuff is always good, just like a tomato novel, always allowing everyone to see the best free reading.

At this time, Luo Chen couldn't help but rub his hands.

Get ready for a free draw.

See what kind of luck you can have this time.

After all, the upgrade package just now rewarded the intermediate comprehensive directing skills.

Although all directing skills are intermediate.

But the victory is comprehensive enough.

See what good things can be rewarded this time!

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