Today is an unforgettable day for the entire Roselle TV, a big day.

Because their young owners finally take charge of the entire TV station, they don't care about it like before.

For such a young man, most people have not seen much.

It is only known that he is the son of the previous two founders.

When the two big stars founded this TV station, it was huge.

Countless friends in the circle, as well as many elite talents in the follow-up, have joined the creation behind this TV station.

So much so that he has created many classic works, whether it is TV series or variety shows.

In the past period, their results have been very good.

It's just that it's all old things, with the disappearance of the two founders.

The entire television station has entered a gradual decline.

And in the past two years, local TV stations have been particularly powerful, and more and more TV stations have risen.

And Roselle TV, which broadcasts old programs, is naturally abandoned by the audience.

After all, the old shows are played back and forth, and the ones they watch are old.

Soon they were out of interest.

Now that Luo Chen is back, I don't know what kind of effect it will bring.

However, when everyone saw Luo Chen bringing two goddesses over, they couldn't help but be shocked in their hearts.

After all, it is really not easy for these two national goddesses to ask for help, and ordinary people can't ask for help at all.

Inviting Luo Chen over is obviously a very good relationship.

The people below couldn't help but set off a series of speculations.

And at this time, Luo Chen directly took out the big killing weapon.

Directly let all employees receive salaries, and even pay a little more bonus, which is a little compensation for everyone.

At this time, Luo Chen, sitting in the conference room of the TV station, one after another, let these employees come in.

It seems to be very troublesome, but it is the key to Luo Chen's grasp of this employee information.

Because he wants to see what these people have their specialties and real skills.

Put them in some place where they deserve.

While paying salaries, they also arranged their follow-up work.

After many employees passed, they were a little stunned when they saw Luo Chen so young, and then saw the two goddesses next to them.

However, after the new small boss paid his salary, he arranged a new job for them, and they couldn't help but be surprised.

Those middle managers, one by one, could not sit still.

Most of these people were subordinates of the previous high-ranking officials.

And Luo Chen directly transferred these personnel at the lowest level, and instantly emptied a large part of these middle-level and managers.

New departments have even been created.

Gather real talents together, and those who do not have outstanding specialties, but can do practical things, Luo Chen will also stay.

It can be regarded as supporting basic operations.

At this time, in a conference room as big as Luo Chen, there were only more than 100 people.

For a TV station, such a small number of people is really small.

Barely enough to support the daily operations of a TV station.

At this time, Lao Li, Lao Qian, and Lao Meng couldn't help but be shocked.

How did Luo Chen know about these people?

There are people whose talents they simply do not understand.

It's more of a messy relationship.

In fact, some of the relationships they arranged to do so in order to better control the day-to-day operations of the TV station.

But now all of these people have been screened out by Luo Chen.

Seems to know everything they do.

"Xiao Luo, what do you mean by this?" Lao Li couldn't help but go out and ask Luo Chen at this time.

"We are all old people who fought the world with your parents."

"Do you mean to drive us away now?"

Hearing this guy's response, Luo Chen couldn't help but smile and said, haha: "It seems that you are not stupid to get home, yes, I just want to drive you away."

"Oh, I said wrong, not to rush, but to catch!"

"Naturally, the police will come looking for you in a while!"

Hearing Luo Chen's words, the high-ranking people present couldn't help but change their faces.

Lao Li said with a black face: "You can't talk nonsense, what do you mean by this?"

"What do you mean?" Didn't you quite understand? What do you think you do, no one really knows, do you think it is clean?

"And these people under you, which hands and feet are clean" "

You swallowed the advertising fee of the TV station, resulting in the TV station not even being able to pay the salary, I haven't settled the account for you."

"And your yin and yang contracts with some people, eating a lot of public funds, right?"

"I'll find someone to come over in a while, and if you have anything to say about the assets of the TV station overnight, you can tell the police directly!"

"And you, you incited some people to come and sing against me, isn't it to sell the TV station early, so that you can make a profit?"

"It seems that the people who want to buy my TV station have a good relationship with you!" Unfortunately, now, you don't have this opportunity!

"And you, old Meng, old money, your P shares are not clean either!" Don't think I don't know anything when I'm not on TV, in fact, I know everything.

"And I have enough evidence to let you sit in jail, it's absolutely fine."

"Shut up for me now! This TV station has no part for you to talk about.

"This is how I Luo Chen has always done things, you dig a hole for me, don't blame me for being cruel."

"The TV station has this bad state today, and you can't get rid of it."

"Don't think that if you are clean, there is no impermeable wall in this world."

"I will hand over the evidence to the police to deal with, and anyone who has done these deficit TV station things, I will not let go!"

"Everyone here, I have already paid my salary to those who really do things for the TV station."

"But those who are vegetarian and even use their power for personal gain and make huge profits, I will not give you money."

"Because you don't deserve it!"

"Not even from our TV station! Naturally, there will be official people who will come to you in a while to explain the problem.

"Don't think about escaping, because it's useless, I have mastered every move you make, and I have all the evidence of the crime!"

"Do you think I'm talking big, you?"

"Well, look at the video on this screen."

At this time, Luo Chen clicked on a large screen in the conference room and projected a picture onto the screen.

The above directly shows some of the unsavory things that Lao Li once had.

There is some unspoken information about others that he has made black transactions with people in private.

Anyway, all kinds of filthy things are revealed.

This film only played one beginning, and Lao Li's face changed greatly.

Soon, the people who were related all looked flustered.

Because any thing above, as long as it is shown, it is enough to put them in jail!

Lao Li only knew at this time that people really held his handle.

He couldn't figure out how Luo Chen did it, but these details were shown very clearly!

In the end, Lao Li could only lick his face directly and beg for mercy in front of Luo Chen:

"President Xiao Luo, I was wrong!" I beg you to raise your noble hand, I have old and young, please open up, I am a hero who fought the world with your parents.

Luo Chen just smiled coldly at this time: "Hero? Do you have the look of an old courtier? I do not have evidence of your guilt today. The TV station is finished with you.

"This is the only thought my parents left me, whoever touches it, I will fight with whomever it is!"

"And you guys don't seem to be that simple, will make me feel better, right? There are a series of plans to harm me, right?

"If I had moved to another place today, would you have given me a way to live?"

"I'm sorry, I never leave a way for the enemy to live!"

(2) More sending, good afternoon, dear readers. There are big questions from readers, so let's explain them here. Career will be engaged, feelings will be engaged, will not be left behind! Some readers are attentive, saying that four girlfriends, now come out three, one less; You guessed it, another one will come out soon!

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