When he saw the name Bai Ru, Luo Chen couldn't help but frown with a headache.

He rubbed his brow gently, feeling that he was in big trouble again.

Sure enough, women are trouble, and when this time comes, he seems to be unable to get rid of the influence of this aspect.

And the two goddesses, for the entire TV station, are the same existence as a needle.

Before that, there were already many employees who wanted to come and ask for a group photo.

Luo Chen did not refuse their meaning, but said early: "Let's finish the work first."

"How do you take a picture in the back? That's between you and the goddess."

"Now we

have several directions that must be completed, and this is the direction I have determined, and now we must strictly implement it."

"As for the follow-up staffing arrangement, I have taken a new measure in various aspects, hoping to attract talent."

"Of course, now you are the backbone of our TV station, and those who remain are elites!" "

I don't care what achievements you have before, now you just need to continue to look forward and go at my pace!" After

Luo Chen came over, his resolute style was fierce, but it shocked a large group of people.

At this time, everyone saw that he released such a message again, and naturally he was very obedient.

One by one, they did not dare to have any rebellious thoughts, after all, those high-level people were not powerful before?

But in front of Luo Chen, he was easily destroyed.

Moreover, what Luo Chen did was not a conspiracy at all, but a conspiracy.

Let the other party have no room to fight back at all, and even if there is a pit, you can only jump forward.

Whoever dug the pit for Luo Chen became a joke in the end.

However, for these TV station staff who were a little precarious before, these plans mentioned by Luo Chen are a little unimaginable.

However, now one by one, they dare not say anything about Luo Chen's fierce style.

One by one, they all cast their eyes at Elder Zhao to ask and ask for help.

Elder Zhao has actually been taking care of everyone during this period of time, and has always calmed everyone's emotions, so everyone trusts him very much.

At this time, Luo Chen has solved everyone's worries, at least the money was issued in time, and even some bonuses were added to everyone, which is also a surprise.

At this time, Luo Chen can be described as a combination of grace and power, and suddenly calmed everyone's hearts.

It is precisely because of this that everyone knows that the young owner in front of him looks young, but the means are really very powerful.

So now they are not afraid to raise any objections of their own.

But looking at Luo Chen's six types of program trailers and plans, they all looked embarrassed.

Because it is so difficult to achieve such a level,

and Elder Zhao obviously knows the difficulty in this aspect.

And he had been in the TV station for a while before, so he naturally knew that there were some keys to many operational aspects.

At this time, he couldn't help but intercede with the people below: "Young Master, we all see these plans, but they seem to be very difficult to implement."

"First of all, we don't have enough people, on the other hand, we don't have so many themes to really do this step now, maybe we really need to ask for foreign aid..." Hearing

Zhao Lao's words, Luo Chen naturally smiled very confidently: "Don't worry, with foreign aid, aren't the two goddesses the best foreign aid?

Hearing Luo Chen's words, the people present couldn't help but be stunned again.

At this time,

Luo Chen asked Su Qing'er to distribute all the documents printed yesterday.

The appearance of this beautiful secretary immediately made it clear to everyone that this is the red man next to her new master!

Moreover, after reading these plans, the eyes of a group of people lit up!

Some of the main responsible persons of each department were already new officials at this time.

Luo Chen had just swept away a large number of upper and middle layers before, and naturally had to promote some new people from below.

And after his systematic judgment, the person he is looking for is definitely competent.

These people used to be depressed because of that group of old moths.

There are some problems that cannot leave this TV station yet.

So it became such an embarrassing situation.

But these people are equivalent to reserving talents for Luo Chen in disguise! Although

they are not the top talents, they can still be competent when implementing these plans!

Now they are one by one, and after seeing these plans, they can't help but be even more shocked.

"President Luo, if what you said can really be realized, then our TV station can really turn over!" At

this time, the new person in charge of the planning department of the TV station was spoken!

The scheme is beautiful, the reality is very skinny, and the people who are the most core to realize it are the most important.

But those people are basically cutting-edge talents in the industry, are they willing to work in their broken TV station?

Several programs need six cutting-edge talents, even if they can be invited to run-in, they also need a series of filming, this task is too difficult!

If it can't be completed in this month's time, then they can really roll up and leave.

"Don't worry about talent, I'll find it for you!"

"Now all you need to do is follow my plan and make a series of preliminary preparations, I need to complete this series of preparations within a week!

Luo Chen said very bluntly, because now is really imminent, and the time given to them is only about 5 weeks.

It took more than a month, a week to complete the preparation, and the following month to be displayed in a series of filming and screenings.

And it is also these shows that are filmed and played to complete the progress.

At the same time, you have to get a certain rating, which is really unimaginable for others

! But with the help of the system, everything is possible

! "Okay Mr. Luo, we will do our best! If you can't catch up with the schedule, you can ask for foreign aid, or replace us directly!"

The new person in charge is categorical.

After all, this is undoubtedly an opportunity for him, and he vaguely feels it now.

Luo Chen is a very powerful character, let Luo Chen

rule this TV station,

only the benefits are not harmful.

After all, it has now reached such a situation, let's use a dead horse as a living horse doctor, and there will be no loss anyway.

After everything was arranged, the two goddesses were also very shocked at this time, and they also saw the other side of Luo Chen.

But all of a sudden, it seemed to hear another amazing news.

Their eldest sister, Da Bairu, seems to be ready to join in.

And quietly, it does not occupy a very important position in Luo Chen.

As a customer, Bai Ru, at this time, has become the party they all need to treat well.

"Sister Bai, what are she going to do, Brother Luo Chen, how can you cope with it after you think about it?"

asked Gedina a little worried at this time.

After all, at this moment, everyone can see that Bai Ru came prepared and aimed at Luo Chen's seven inches!


The author has something to say: The

fourth is sent. Today's whim, must be added! There will be updates later! But please support! I sincerely ask all readers to give a five-star praise, always see the rating is falling, the heart is dripping blood.

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