Hearing this girl's words, Luo Chen couldn't help but almost feel the urge to vomit blood.

Are the current girls so violent?

However, it seems that it is not, look at Yang Mier before, quite cold.

Then, Tong Yaya was quite shy and reserved.

Bai Ru is also only like this to Luo Chen, and has a more enthusiastic and unrestrained side.

For others, it is also an iceberg beauty.

This may be the difference between people.

But at this time, Luo Chen didn't want to communicate with this girl more.

After all, there are a lot of busy things now.

At this moment, he just replied to the cute girl: "Sister, it's late at night, go to bed early, don't make trouble."

"Brother has something to do tomorrow, you can come to the imperial capital to play with your brother in the future."

"Or find your sisters, they're all here." After

saying that, Luo Chen didn't care, directly took away the mobile phone, and prepared to turn it off.

But at this time, he saw some new news.

At a glance, I also came to a little interest.

Tong Yaya: "Luo Chen, I gave you a gift yesterday, have you read it? What

do you think?" Gedina

: "Good brother, look at my outfit, do you want me to dance to show you?" Bai

Ru: "Have you finished talking about things? "

Oh, by the way, you can go back to the room and take a look, maybe there will be a surprise!"

In this short time, the message pop-up window of the mobile phone is already there, and the drop is ringing non-stop.

Sure enough, more women is a trouble.

Luo Chen couldn't help but scratch his head a little at this time.

First replied to Tong Yaya: "After reading it, thank you, it is my honor to be able to make you like it."

"But I may not be as good as you think."

Tong Yaya quickly replied to the message, and seemed to have been waiting on the other side:

"You are the best man I have ever met, why is it not good?"

"I like you, I like you very much, I like you in my bones!


Chen smiled and responded: "The feeling is that your love debt, I may have to spend my whole life to pay it off..." Tong

Yaya was suddenly happy: "Hee, does that mean you can accept me?"

Tong Yaya hurriedly said: "Okay, okay, I won't ask, you are busy with yours first, don't worry about me." However, you should also pay attention to your body when you are busy, don't get tired, my sister can feel sorry

for you!" Luo Chen smiled: "No, aren't you all by my side?" Tong

Yaya: "Yes, I will always accompany you, no matter what happens!" Luo

Chen thought for a moment and replied: "Then if I am with other women, will you still accompany me?"

Seeing this answer, Tong Yaya couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, and then, biting her lower lip, she replied more firmly:

"I will! I will wait for you for the rest of my life!" I

thought that after seeing this answer, Tong Yaya would be angry, or would question him or something.

The result was such an answer.

Luo Chen couldn't help but feel a little distressed for this little sister.

It was just a small temptation for him.

But he didn't expect that Tong Yaya's insistence on him had reached such a point.

Sure enough, the heart of the goddess was not given for nothing

, but after Luo Chen saw this answer,

he sighed deeply.

At this

time, Gedina's pop-up window was beating wildly:

"Good brother, do you see it?

"I just practiced a new dance, it's so good-looking!" "

I think you'll like it!" Seeing

Gedina, at this time wearing a very unique national costume.

The lilac veil covered her face, making her originally delicate and beautiful face loom.

But it is such a feeling of concealment that has given her appearance a new boost.

There is also a sense of immediacy that enchants all living beings.

And the small bandeau on the body, plus the crop top, and the unique long skirt underneath.

Set off the whole exotic atmosphere, really sultry!

And at this time, the photo sent by Gerdina was over.

His eyes were about to drip water, obviously, he looked like Ren Jun picking!

Little Pi Niang's, this is the sultry

of Chiguoguo! "Good looking is good looking! But don't make trouble so late, right? There are still many things tomorrow!" Luo

Chen wanted to go and see, but if this time did not pass, I don't know what would happen.

At that time, it will really be thunderous and out of control.

He still has a very strong belief in the idea in his heart.

He wants to become stronger, and he has to resist these women.

He also had to be convinced that the system gave him a special attribute and task.

That was also a special task attribute that he had obtained during the year and a half he had been with Yang Mier.

At that time, he felt that he didn't know how long he would maintain such a mode of getting along with Yang Mier.

Moreover, he also knew that it was impossible for Yang Mier to have any close distance with him.

So this attribute task was taken over, and the task conditions, although it was not said, could not be touched at all.

But he absolutely had to keep his naked body, Yuanyang body!

Now this attribute has reached the SS level.

It's not far from the highest SSS super god level,

so he must insist on this attribute, which can make his body stronger.

More powerful, and powerful life recovery.

Although he came to this world, he did not encounter any danger.

But he still advocated and had a strong personal combat power.

He never gave up on all the tasks and challenges that could improve his combat strength and various talents.

So this belief has always kept him up.

At this time, it was almost a kick in the door, but no one expected that so many young ladies appeared one after another.

It is precisely

because of this that he will always refuse these goddesses, the closest approach.

So now that Gedina has given him an invitation, he can only temporarily retreat.

For him to obtain the highest level of this attribute, it would be strange to see that he did not turn into a beast!

He did not dare to accept the friendship of these young ladies now, and there was also this factor.

Because once he accepted it, he also felt that the last shackle that stopped him could not be saved.

He wants to become stronger, and he wants himself, with the strength to go to the top of the world.

In this way, even if these goddesses stay by his side, he also has the power to protect them

, so at this time,

he can only endure the pain and suspend the rhythm of their approach.

But he really doesn't want these things, and sometimes, things will come to the door by themselves.

It was like now, he had just turned down Gedina's warm invitation to return to his room.

Just get ready to take a break and prepare for tomorrow's work.

As a result, as soon as he got into the bed, he was shocked, how can there be a fragrant person in this!?


The author has something to say:

add more! The fifth more is sent, I wish all readers a great and a good night. Continue the update tomorrow, good night.

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