Seeing Gedina and hugging herself tightly like this, Luo Chen was naturally a little stunned.

But soon he gently patted Gedina's shoulder and back:

"What's wrong?" Any questions?

"Where did I bully you?"

Gedina blushed shyly and said, "You tossed people into something last night, didn't you bully me." "

The result was good, and then I came to find you and only hugged you with one arm..."

When Luo Chen heard this, he was even more crying and laughing:

"That's not your own trouble, who is to blame?"

"Moreover, in the end, you are kind enough to say that you don't ask me directly, just come and hold me to sleep."

"I'm almost numb by you."

Gedina played a little trick: "I don't care!" I just feel like a loss!

"Or brother you will sleep well with me tonight, and you will compensate me well!"

"I promise I won't do anything! I just want to hold you to sleep at ease..." Luo

Chen said speechlessly: "You haven't held me to sleep before, haven't you slept well?"

"Don't any of you think about coming over tonight, do your own thing, and rest well."

"Soon we will be very busy with work, and the body is the capital of the revolution, but it cannot collapse."

Hearing Luo Chen's words, Gedina couldn't help but pout.

However, she also knew that now was not the time to play petty, and she could get closer to Luo Chen in the future.

She had to pester this man!

Other women are here, and she has to entangle Luo Chen every day, and she won't leave!

Tong Yaya next to him was watching very obediently there, and did not say anything too much.

But in his hand, he picked up a tape measure, the kind of cloth tape measure used by tailors.

She looks very showy and feels like a cute seamstress.

Tong Yaya said with a smile: "Okay, Xiao Di, I'll help Luo Chen measure his figure, and we'll buy clothes for Luo Chen later."

Gedina suddenly became interested: "Yes, yes, brother, what type do you like?" We'll all pick for you.

Luo Chen shrugged his shoulders: "I don't care, it's all the same." "

As long as you dress modestly, I'm not that fastidious."

Gedina suddenly said: "That's not okay, my brother is definitely the most handsome, and he must wear the most handsome clothes."

"Don't worry, the sisters' vision is still very good, I will definitely pick a few sets in a while, and you are satisfied!"

Gedina seemed to be interested again at this time, thinking that she could finally choose some intimate clothes for her man.

The heart is full of happiness.

Seeing their enthusiastic appearance, Luo Chen couldn't help but smile and shake his head.

There seem to be few women who are not shopaholics, buying for themselves, for their families, for their own men.

Anyway, it's buying, buying, buying....

The key is that these young ladies and sisters are rich, and there is no need for Luo Chen to worry about this aspect of the problem.

Women who are financially independent naturally have their own charm and their own confidence.

All of them are popular goddesses and make a lot of money.

Luo Chen felt at this time that he was not eating soft rice.

After all, he hadn't spent a penny on these young ladies, more, and now they were still spending money on themselves.

I want them to help buy it.

Of course, it does not mean that Luo Chen has no money, and now Luo Chen has more than 100 million funds in his hands.

But it is not enough to actually use the TV station.

However, he believes that other payments will soon follow.

After all, writing novels and other original works in the past has sustained income.

It's just that most of his earnings are offset by the daily expenses of the station.

And at that time, there was still a group of moths in the TV station, and his previous money, I don't know how much was lost.

But it doesn't matter, there was not much money before, just to support the salary of the TV station.

No matter how greedy those people are, they only dare to covet the advertising fees of TV stations, and now they are slowly recovering them.

The police will give him a response.

On the other hand, the layout of the TV station also needs a long-term plan.

Although the short-term plan has come now, there are definitely other problems that will arise one after another.

At this moment, what Luo Chen needs more is to quickly carry out the work in his hand, after all, there is not much time.

Although the time spent with the young ladies is very happy, he still needs to do the TV station well.

And after getting the TV station right, a bunch of people will benefit.

After all, an excellent TV station, the subsequent traffic and various benefits are still considerable.

And if it is done well, it is indeed very profitable.

Subsequently, various applications and platforms can be created on the network to be associated with the content of TV stations.

In this way, it is undoubtedly a very eye-catching tool for them to attract traffic and popularity.

On top of that, Luo Chen's system now has a popularity lottery.

This popularity can not only be absorbed by its own performance.

On the other hand, it can also gain huge popularity through the operation of TV stations and the arrangement and broadcasting of various programs, as long as it is related to Luo Chen.

So now TV is not just a thought.

More is already related to the future development of Luochen.

After all, he himself knows very well that his most important foundation is the system.

The following series of power boosts can be done through the system.

Those people simply did not know that it had an innate advantage in this aspect, which was Luo Chen's biggest reliance.

So now he has more, and he can still do this.

And at this moment, Luo Chen was enjoying Tong Yaya's measurement size.

A pair of small hands, gentle as the wind, soft as boneless.

The jade hand touched Luo Chen's clothes, and although there was a layer of fabric, he could still feel the gentle touch.

So close, Tong Yaya's face was also red.

After all, she had never been so close to a boy before.

Now there is such an exchange and contact with Luo Chen, which makes her feel novel, but also has a sweetness and nervousness in her heart.

The pounding heartbeat has always been beating very strongly, but I dare not show it too much.

He didn't dare to look directly at Luo Chen, for fear of blushing and his ears were hot.

So that the little hand that trembled slightly, when he measured the size of Luo Chen, he couldn't grasp it a little.

Seeing Tong Yaya's appearance, Luo Chen couldn't help but gently hold her shoulders with both hands.

Being supported by Luo Chen like this, Tong Yaya was stunned for a moment, but her little face instantly became redder again:

"How... What's wrong? Did I make you uncomfortable?

Luo Chen said with a smile: "No, just see, Sister Yaya, you are too nervous."

"What's so nervous that I won't eat you again?"

Tong Yaya said reflexively, "But I hope you can eat me."

Tong Yaya didn't know what was going on, so she said such a response.

After speaking, her little face burned and turned red into an apple, because she felt that she had said the wrong thing.

Because I was too nervous and apprehensive just now, I accidentally said the words in my heart.

Forget that Luo Chen is in front of him.

When Gedina next to her heard Tong Yaya's words, she couldn't help but be stunned!

And when Luo Chen heard it, he also felt quite funny, because when he saw Tong Yaya, he blushed instantly, as if he was about to smoke.

Obviously, what he said just now made Tong Yaya feel very embarrassed.

Luo Chen changed the topic: "Haha, have you thought about it?" It's okay, I didn't hear anything just now.

Luo Chen smiled and couldn't help but look at the cute Tong Yaya who was now blushing.

However, at this time, an information prompt suddenly popped up on her.

"The character template information reminds that the goddess has a close relationship with the owner."

"I have a special wish today, to be fulfilled!"

"Activate a special mission! Goddess's wish (1)!

After seeing it clearly, Luo Chen couldn't help but feel a groove in his heart.

(3) More sent, the book review area continues, the guarantee four more and one more, if the five-star book review is more, the author considers adding another chapter, how? Thanks to the following readers who sent gifts greatly: user 27704065; User 54620999; User 54981285; User 10648747; What you can't get is always in turmoil!

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