Before Gedina, after Luo Chen left, she did not go to see the gift that Luo Chen left her.

Instead, he looked at the direction Luo Chen left stunned, and was stunned for a long time.

At this time, she was still reminiscing about some of the little sweetness that Luo Chen had with her before, and she couldn't help but turn her head and plant it on her bed.

She picked up a stuffed teddy bear next to her and said to herself:

"Why are you so careful? Can't you like me alone?

Gedina plays the teddy bear: "Oh, who makes me so good?" Excellent men are attractive!

Gedina: "I know you're attractive, but I'm also very good, can't you love me?" Teddy

bear: "Let me think about it, if you can become better, more beautiful, more perfect, maybe I will fly with you and be sweet and sweet with you alone?"

Gedina: "Hehe, I know you'll see my good, you wait, I'll definitely get better!" Teddy

bear: "Okay, okay, I'll wait for you to get better!" "

With this stuffed teddy bear, Gerdina plays the little trick of talking to herself and playing two roles herself.

Of course, he also spoke out from his heart.

Of course, she hoped that she could stay with Luo Chen, only the two of them.

After all, such a life is what she is most looking forward to.

But now, there is a long way to go, and the road is long

.... Luo Chen is too attractive to women, and others may not see her good.

But after really getting along for a while, after that, you can see the various benefits and advantages of Luo Chen.

In particular, the opposite sex is easily attracted to Luo Chen.

Yang Mier was not with Luo Chen before, and she did not see the benefits of Luo Chen.

It was completely she herself who resisted and blocked all the information about Luo Chen.

Mainly because she resisted arranging such a family affair for her at home, everything was denied.

In fact, as long as she calms down and gets along with Luo Chen for a while, she may be shocked by such a handsome husband.

It's just that now this ex-wife has no chance.

Gedina couldn't help it at this time, and said with a grin: "Sister Mi'er, don't blame me for robbing your husband, it's you who don't want to be the first, the fat water doesn't flow into the fields of outsiders!"

"Don't worry, my brother-in-law, I will guard her, and I will definitely let her stay by my side."

"It can also be regarded as helping you pay off this personal debt!"

"Don't you still feel a little guilty? This sister of mine helped you pay it back!

But Gedina herself was very happy, remembering the little sweetness with Luo Chen just now, and rolled on the bed excitedly.

Love is actually like this sometimes, making you laugh at the beginning, and sometimes falling in love to the depths makes you cry.

Finally, it will make you taste the sweetness and bitterness inside.

After packing up her mind, Gedina picked up the letter that Luo Chen left behind just now.

There were some hard things in it, and she wanted to see them just now, but she was afraid that after reading them, she couldn't help but want to see Luo Chen.

At that time, it is inevitable to have a conflict with Bai Ru.

Now was not the time, so she held back and didn't look at it, and at this time she found that a lot of time had passed.

So she opened the envelope and saw a thick stack of paper inside.

These are all carefully made by Luo Chen, and there are some small patterns inside, and a story is written on them in very unique handwriting.

"Supreme treasure, looking at the two beauties who suddenly appeared, their eyes were straight. But no one expected that he had just shaved his beard, but he was fiercely ridiculed by the two

..." "There was once a sincere love, placed in front of me, I didn't cherish it well, until I lost, I didn't know..."

"If you want to add a term to this love, I want to say yes, 10,000 years!"

Seeing that funny brushwork from the beginning, made Gedina laugh.

She also thought that Luo Chen was used to make her happy.

But when I saw the end, I found that this story was tactful, and after thousands of turns, it returned to the original point.

In particular, the Supreme Treasure became the reincarnation of Sun Wukong, but he did not have seven emotions and six desires, and watched the Zixia fairy go with the wind.

That picture was vividly described by Luo Chen.

At the same time, Gedina burst into tears.

She was really blown away by the story, and then she thought about herself.

If he missed Luo Chen for various reasons, what would be the result?

Will you regret it? Will it be disappointed? Will you regret it?

Definitely will!

Either way, she must stay by this man's side!

At the end of the story, a small box is left inside the envelope.

At this time, Gedina couldn't help but open the small box.

Inside, however, a bracelet like a gold hoop was placed.

It looks very delicate, it should be made of white gold, and some of the other corners are set with small pink diamonds.

It looks delicate and simple, but it also has a very unique shape.

"I believe in fate, and believe that 500 years ago, thousands of encounters were exchanged for a look back in this life."

"And now, you and I have the opportunity to meet again, are you willing to bring this lifelong tightening curse?"

"Bring it with you if you want, come and see me!"

See this sentence.

Without hesitation, Gedina put this one, like a gold hoop-like bracelet, on her wrist.

The more you look at it, the more you like it, and the more you look at it, the more it matches.

She may have been a little unconfident and a little uncertain before.

Because her opponents are too strong, but now, she is firm in her mind.

"Brother Dust, love this life! I am yours, you are mine after all! Whoever it is, can't change this fact! The

firmness in her eyes made her make up her mind that she would not hit the southern wall and never look back in this life!

No matter what happens in the future, no matter what changes are around Luo Chen, she must stay!

After wearing this tight bracelet, Gedina was excited and anxious, and rushed towards Bai Ru's room!

She knew that Bai Ru would definitely receive such a gift.

Because Luo Chen said just now, he also gave this gift, Tong Yaya.

Although Gedina is a little bit of a taste for this matter now, compared to this story, there is also Luo Chen's promise to her in this life.

Everything else doesn't matter anymore!

Now she just wants to meet this man as quickly as possible!

As a result, when she rushed to the door of Bai Ru's room, she saw Tong Yaya, who seemed to have been waiting there for a long time.

It seems to be still at the door, listening to something.

"Sister Yaya, what are you doing?"

Gedina was originally fiery, and that is her nature.

But seeing Tong Yaya's appearance, she couldn't help but feel a little strange and hesitant.

Tong Yaya couldn't help but put a jade finger on her lips and made a silent booing motion.

She also motioned for Gedina to tiptoe over and not make a sound.

Then, Gedina, under Tong Yaya's signal, also secretly listened by the door

: Bai Ru: "Scoundrel, what are you doing?" Spray that place all over, I don't care, you help me suck it clean, I just helped you finish sucking.

Luo Chen: "Haha, I call this a tooth for a tooth, who let you spray my face just now!"

Bai Ru: "You are kind enough to say, blame you, have to play like this, spray people all over!" "

Gedina was still full of friendship just now, and when she heard this, she couldn't help but be angry.

Well, didn't Luo Chen say before that he couldn't do anything too close.

How can you still spray with Bai Ru, what are they spraying?

At this time, Gedina couldn't help it at all, and wanted to break into the door!


The author has something to say:

(2) more sent, readers are in trouble to give me more five-star reviews ah, recently there have been a lot of malicious book reviews, without your protection, I will be fucked... In addition, thank you to the following readers for the gift of reward: Looking back is empty; User 10599727; Dr. God Thief;User 24537273;Thank you very much!

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