On this side, a group of people are still playing crazy there.

Today's Qixi, Luo Chen doesn't care about them, let them go crazy and play until they have fun.

Anyway, he prepared a lot of cream, it was difficult for Bai Ru's room, and it was estimated that all the sprayed were white spots.

It doesn't matter, anyway, there are many very professional housekeeping staff in this side of the royal courtyard.

Just a phone call, a command, all come and clean up.

They don't need to do it at all.

But they will also clean up the cream on their own and have something to play.

At this moment, Luo Chen really enjoyed, what is called personal service.

The bet I just said came true at once.

These young ladies, whoever sprays these creams, is responsible for cleaning them.

Of course, it's just Luo Chen's.

But this is enough to make Luo Chen feel beautiful and new.

A group of young ladies, that is called a verbal dispute, respectively cleaned up in various places on Luo Chen.

Just now I was served by Bai Ru, and now it is the turn of the other two young sisters.

Of course, the cream on the young lady's body must also be cleaned by him.

Well, anyway, I feel that the atmosphere is a little different.

The eyes of the three young ladies looking at Luo Chen were almost dripping water.

Luo Chen felt that he was a little overwhelmed.

Feeling like he was about to break the work, at this time, he thought about it in his heart.

In fact, that attribute is really powerful, but it is not bad to practice to SS level.

Is it really necessary to practice this attribute to the SSS level of a supergod?

Or, today from these young sisters, right?

Anyway, he won't let any of them go!

However, at this most critical moment, suddenly, a transmitter in the room, Su Qinger's voice appeared:

"Sir, there is a lady outside looking for you, saying that she is your wife, do I want her to come in?"

Hearing Su Qinger's words, the three young ladies present couldn't help but gaze!

Gedina: "Who dares to be a demon here?" We haven't dared to say it yet!

Gedina asked the first coquettishly.

Bai Ru: "Hehe, it is estimated that there is another one who does not know whether he is dead or alive!" I said you can do it, dear!

"Today Qixi, you played with us quite hi, and then someone came to tear down the stage?"

Tong Yaya: "Exactly!" Luo Chen, are there any other women outside? How many more you explain to us clearly, we should have a psychological preparation. "

But to be honest, Bai Ru, Gedina, and Tong Yaya were good sisters before.

If they really want to share Luo Chen together, they will be more receptive to it.

But if they let other people join in, they will be a little unbearable, after all, they are not familiar and do not know who the other party is.

There is no such friendship, anyway, it is embarrassing, they will definitely not let this kind of thing happen!

Several of their sisters knew each other's temperament.

Usually make a little conflict, come to a competition for favors or something, it should be the fun of life.

As the so-called fighting with heaven and earth, fighting with people, the fun is endless.

Sometimes it's fun, but if someone they don't know, they may join forces to kick each other out.

This is their consensus that no one will be allowed to get involved in their small circle!

And Luo Chen at this time, it was called an innocent:

"My heaven and earth, the sun and the moon can be learned!" I've been nesting in the Yang family's villa before, don't you guys know it?

"What chance is there to recognize a woman, and you all know me through Yang Mier."

"Don't you know what my condition is?"

Hearing Luo Chen's words, everyone couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and at the same time had more curiosity.

Who the hell is this?

Dare to provoke them like this as soon as they come up? Don't you know they exist?

Think about it, maybe people just don't know.

After all, this royal courtyard is now a very special existence in the entire map.

Many people are very curious, but they dare not provoke, do not dare to provoke, for fear of provoking some people and things they cannot provoke.

At this time, a new young lady came out, which made the goddesses very curious.

Luo Chen was directly ready to give an order to Su Qing'er, saying that it was enough to let the other party go, and there was no need to fix these moths.

Today is a Qixi day, a group of young ladies are emotional.

I also had some ideas, but it turned out to be good, and a sabotage one came, how can this be done?

He's a little hot now, and he wants to do something!

After all, such a number of beauties in front of him, has always been able to see or eat, and he is about to lose patience.

After all, that task does not know when it will be completed, and it requires a lot of popularity points.

In his opinion, the next TV station mission should be able to help him complete this milestone.

But whether it can be done by then is another matter.

So he has now decided to see the situation after the task of the TV station is completed.

If it's really too far behind, then forget it, now this attribute has made his physical function reach a point that ordinary people can't achieve.

One level higher, that is, the existence of gods and men.

Of course, he hopes that his combat effectiveness can be improved, and he can reach a point that no one else can surpass.

But he really can't do anything, and he won't, stubbornly determined to get this done.

Let's see how it goes.

And at this moment, the young ladies on the other side were already impatient.

Seeing that Luo Chen wanted to send the young lady outside, they interrupted Luo Chen's order at once.

Bai Ru: "Don't let her go, let's go and see who is so arrogant!"

Gedina: "Exactly!" Grandma is not powerful, do you still think that grandma is a Chihuahua?

Tong Yaya: "This time I have an opinion with you, let's see who is coming!"

The sisters said in unison: "Go, let's go to the front!"

Luo Chen: "Are you sure you want to go now?" See what you've become now? "

Luo Chen has a little bad premonition at this time.

I feel that today's Qixi was originally having a good time, but suddenly there were some variables, why is it so worrying?

Now let these sisters wash up.

Let's go and meet this sudden little sister first.

It's really not okay, send her away first.

Although it may make these young ladies unhappy, he doesn't want to cause any trouble.

In his opinion, as long as a random woman comes, it is a trouble.

And his intuition has always been accurate, and this time the trouble is not small!

Quite not small!

Before we met, I felt that this was not a good fool.

I don't know where this feeling comes from, but that's how Luo Chen thinks!

Several young ladies also felt that it was not appropriate to meet such a woman who came to the door now.

You can't be sloppy, can you?

This is already weakening the position!

Bai Ru even showed her eldest sister's momentum:

"Sisters, I'll give you half an hour to dress up!"

"Half an hour later, assemble in the backyard, and the whole army will attack!"

"As for that woman, dry her first, and we'll give her a good look later!"

Luo Chen laughed dryly next to him: "What are you doing?" It's like going to war!

However, he was responded by the unified attitude of the young ladies:

"Yes, this is a war! War between women! "


-The author has something to say:

the four more guarantees are completed, and today's update is complete. Good night readers, by the way, ask for a five-star praise ha. Thank you to the following readers for their gifts: Lone Star; Jun Yi; Superland shark; User 35092668; User 26824146; User 43594188;?; Loneliness addiction; Exploding Heavenly Gang Duan Jiude; Desire with fish. Thanks

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