Faced with this sudden situation, Luo Chen was also a little confused.

After all, he and this girl were more on the Internet, chatting and playing P before.

At that time, it was just a pastime in a boring day.

Who knows, some of the words that were waved up at that time are now being used as evidence, and this pit is a bit big.

At this time, Luo Chen couldn't help but hold his forehead.

But seeing that Jiang Yingxue was holding his hand like this, he suddenly pulled out of it with some difficulty.

Luo Chen said angrily: "Okay, okay, I said can everyone be reasonable, I still keep chat records, you don't count this!"

Jiang Yingxue suddenly looked aggrieved: "Husband, it's easy to make people sad when you say this, are you ready to talk or not?"

"Men should be full of words, as the saying goes, men don't count as words, they can't get up straight and collapse."

Hearing Jiang Yingxue's words, Luo Chen's face couldn't help but darken.

Is this what a little girl should say?

Bai Ru: "Okay, sister, don't make trouble, everyone here is sisters!"

"It's useless for you to mess around, after all, Luo Chen still has the final say here, he doesn't agree with you, and there is no way for you to stay."

"Husband, this title is not just shouted casually, or it is true!"

Bai Ru frowned at this time and said, her tone a little cold.

Jiang Yingxue: "Well, it seems that you are planning to join forces and not let me join?"

"Say, what conditions can make me stay!"

"I see that all of you have already set up camp there, more me is not more, less me is less, why bother? Everyone's good sisters, right?

At this time, Jiang Yingxue changed her expression again.

Just now that was called a cute, that was called a cute nonsense.

But seeing that things can't be done, she will immediately change the way.

At this moment, she let go of Luo Chen and sat down in a position next to her, upright.

Also dignified and elegant.

This temperament switch comes really fast!

Luo Chen has already seen it dumbfounded, you young ladies, changing faces is the same as Sichuan opera, so quickly?

Well, anyway, it's time to solve the problem in front of you first.

Jiang Yingxue: "Say, what conditions can I stay?" Husband, I just decided that you are my husband, who let you capture my heart!

"It doesn't matter if you don't recognize it, sooner or later you'll be my husband anyway!"

"I know that your TV station is in trouble now, so I brought a top shooting team and some managers behind to support you!"

"I will definitely be able to help you get through this difficulty, and as for connections, I will definitely be able to get through to you!"

"Hehe, of course, I still have a big killer, and that is my anime design team."

"You still need children's programs and anime programs among the 6 programs on your TV station, I can help you with all this!"

"And I know you must still have a big killer in your hand."

"After all, we are all leaders in the anime industry, and now everyone does not know your identity, only I know!"

"That's why I like you, you conquered me with your work! Your handsomeness has conquered me too! Hearing

Jiang Yingxue's words, these young ladies present were all stunned, and Luo Chen was also surprised.

He couldn't help but hold his forehead a little, and said with a headache: "Hehe, you know too?"

Jiang Yingxue couldn't help but worship: "Of course you know, only a genius like you can draw a national comic!" Take our national comic to the top of the world!

"To be honest, you are really my idol, your work is so shocking, I haven't reacted to it until now."

"The point is that the painting is also too handsome, although your painting style is strange, but I have always liked your voyager king!"

"Okay, okay! I see, so what do you say? Luo Chen put his eyes on Bai Ru and their little sisters at this time.

Gedina is definitely unwilling to let such a strong sister join the queue of contention.

Tong Yaya didn't matter, although Bai Ru was uncomfortable in her heart.

But she knew that Jiang Yingxue really had a very important help for Luo Chen.

Luo Chen will definitely be willing to let her stay in his heart.

After all, such a powerful help brought a strong shooting team as soon as it came over, indeed, it played a vital role in him.

Although the key Bai Ru said that she was very happy today, she also accepted two sisters.

There were already some different ideas in my mind.

The most important point is that just while she is dressing and grooming.

The people under her sent her a very bad news about Luo Chen.

At this time, she couldn't help but make plans for Luo Chen's future and future.

After all, she now considers herself the mother of the main palace, and everything is based on the overall situation of Luo Chen.

At this time, she directly clapped and said: "Let Xue'er stay, they are all their own sisters, even if there is really something to discuss!"

"And now there's bad news for everyone."

"Of course, it's mainly about Luo Chen."

Hearing Bai Ru say so solemnly, Luo Chen couldn't help but be a little curious:

"What happened?" Let's just say it. There's nothing I can't face!

Bai Ru was very satisfied with Luo Chen's confidence: "I know, my dear, you are the best!" However, this time your trouble is really not small.

Luo Chen said calmly: "Say, what the hell is going on."

Bai Ru: "It's like this, didn't you clean up the moths in the TV station before."

"On this side, the Economic Crime Division has already set its sights on them."

"On the surface, it's just a TV station for you, a small wave, but in fact, many people are involved in it at once."

"I don't know if you are lucky or bad, this time because of your actions this time, you helped the Economic Crime Bureau find a lot of clues."

"As for why the people in the TV station are implicated, I haven't got too much news about this."

"But because of this move, many people have been harmed in terms of interests."

"This time there was a little bit of vibration on it. So you become the one who suffers from the pond fish.

"Those people are expected to vent their grievances on you."

"Our TV station, if you want to rise again, it is more difficult, they will definitely try all kinds of ways to make things difficult!"

"So there really isn't much time left for us now, and in the meantime, we have to prepare for the worst!"

"What if the TV station can't keep it?"

"What to do? Cold mix, this TV station is important, but it is not all I have.

"With you here, I have nothing to fear!"

Jiang Yingxue: "Oh, okay, look at you like this, it seems that the sky is about to fall."

"I have very strong confidence in my husband, he will definitely be able to complete this task!"

"Now are we going to do something else, I came from afar, I want to rest quickly, I finally come before Tanabata, I still have to give my husband a gift!"

Hearing Jiang Yingxue's words, several young ladies present couldn't help but get angry.

Originally, they were playing well just now, it was you little leprechaun who broke everything!


The author has something to say:

the third is more sent, and there is a change, it will come in a moment! Thanks to the following readers for the great gifts:?; I don't matter people; User 16234602; Chicken stew with mushrooms. Thank you for your support!

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