Hearing Elder Zhao's words, Luo Chen couldn't help but frown.

However, he quickly said to Zhao Lao with relief: "Zhao Lao, I will go to Taili in a while, don't worry, let's meet and say."

Uncle Liu obviously knew some of the problems: "How? Having trouble? Need our help?

Luo Chen smiled and said, "No need for the time being, Uncle Liu, you have helped me enough."

"This time, I can solve it myself." In terms of variety shows later, you still need to make a contribution, I can't give you any more trouble.

Uncle Liu smiled and said, "Haha, okay." If there is anything in the future, although I am looking for me, uncle, I have nothing else, in terms of the entertainment industry, I can still say a little.

Luo Chen: "Okay!" I won't say thank you, Uncle Liu, I'll go to Taili first to see the situation. See you later.

Then he turned to Chen Feng and said, "Chen Feng, tomorrow, you come to Taili, let's sum up the next thing."

"Okay boss, I'll listen to you, anytime!" Chen Feng's face was stunned, but he became serious.

Luo Chen nodded, stood up, turned around and left.

After watching Luo Chen leave, there were two masters and apprentices left here, as well as Mi Fei here.

Miffy is very obedient and sensible, and pours tea and water for them, and his craftsmanship is still very good.

Uncle Liu was stunned for a moment: "Girl, I see your technique, but there is a teacher's inheritance?" Dare to ask the Venerable Master is..." Mi

Fei smiled playfully: "Hehe, Master, you have seen a smile, compared with you, we are just rural women, not worth mentioning."

Uncle Liu waved his hand: "Heh, if you don't want to say it, forget it, I just think of an old man, your technique is too similar to her..."

Chen Feng said with a playful smile: "Master, what's wrong with you?" Wouldn't it be remembering your old lover?

"I said you've been alone for so long, you look so handsome, and now these little girls like your type."

"No, you can also find me a senior lady, even if the senior lady is younger than me, I won't say anything."

Uncle Liu scolded with a bad smile: "Get out!" A dog can't spit out ivory in its mouth! It's a shame for me to be thrown home today.

"Luo Chen is the son of my good brother, powerful! If it weren't for my face, it would be nice to you?

"In the future, you have to hone and hone your temperament, and you can't get out of this way anymore!"

"Luo Chen is a hidden dragon that will fly for nine days one day. You follow him, no loss!

"Don't think that you are from the Chen family, it is very remarkable. I can only reveal to you that compared to him, the Chen family is nothing!

"Hiss..." Chen Feng gasped and swallowed a little hard.

Of course, he knew that there were many people in this world that he could not afford to offend.

In the circle, he knows exactly who can offend and who cannot afford to provoke.

Therefore, arrogant in front of others, he also has to look at people.

This should be the way in which some of the children of their families have become accustomed to it.

Of course, the real son of an excellent family is actually very humble and has a temperament.

I have to say that although Chen Feng is expected to be high, he himself "does not argue" and has to wander alone.

There is no idea of inheriting the family business at all, but on the contrary, he has spent all his efforts and efforts on his hobbies.

This may be a good thing for Chen Feng, after all, the so-called big family competition is sometimes quite bloody.

But at this time, hearing his teacher's words, Chen Feng immediately felt that he was in a cold sweat behind his back.

Because their Chen family is nothing in front of Luo Chen, it can only be said that the power that Luo Chen can use is very strong and strong.

It had even reached a point that he himself could hardly have imagined.

In this way, the rudeness he just had just now may be destroyed by people with one finger.

Mi Fei next to him was also stunned to hear it, and when he saw Luo Chen just now, he felt that the other party was full of confidence.

But the overall process of getting along, people are also generous and decent, very polite, very particular.

It was not because of Chen Feng's rudeness before, there was nothing to be seen by them, it was the appearance of a beautiful son.

Such a person either really has a good temperament, or the city government is extremely deep.

Of course, it seems that it should be the previous one now.

As the saying goes, how can elephants pay attention to the performance of some grasshoppers jumping around in front of them?

At this time, Chen Feng couldn't help but feel a burst of shame about his previous performance:

"Master, just now the boss won't see me as a jumping beam clown, right?"

"Haha, what do you say?" Uncle Liu calmly took a sip of tea at this time, but his eyes were looking into the distance.

It seems to be thinking, and it seems to be thinking.

Seeing Uncle Liu like this, Chen Feng knew that it was time for him to leave.

His own master has always lived this kind of indifferent life of fame and fortune.

At the same time, he actually has a very high status in the entertainment industry, but he is just unwilling to squeak.

Seeing this state of the master, he knew that the master must be thinking about things again, and when the master thought about things, he did not like others to disturb him.

Therefore, Chen Feng said goodbye to Uncle Liu very politely, and at the same time said: "Master, if you don't say it, I also know, the boss will not do anything to me." After all, I'm still useful.

"Hehe, in the future, I will definitely study hard behind the boss and converge my temperament."

"I will definitely become the most shining director in this entertainment industry!"

"I believe that the boss will be able to bring me to that position!" I will do a good job, rest assured, Master, I will not disgrace you!"

"At the same time,

I also want to prove to the rest of my family that I can thrive even without their support and protection!"

Uncle Liu smiled and said, "Okay, take your girlfriend with you, don't get in the way here."

"Feed me dog food one by one, don't you know the pain of a single uncle?"

Chen Feng: "Hehe, master, in fact, if you are willing, the little girl who chases you is estimated to be able to line up on Chang'an Avenue."

Uncle Liu: "Okay, don't shit, get out!"

"That... Miffy, my apprentice will be handed over to you, I see that you are also quite good, show me good at him, don't let him make mistakes, let him be stable.

He turned his head and said to Chen Feng again: "And you boy, don't come and disturb me if you have nothing to do in the future, it's annoying when you see you, this girl is quite good, you have to cherish it."

"Miffy, in the future, if this kid dares to bully you, come directly to me, and I'll help you beat him!"

Chen Feng couldn't help but cry and said, "Master, I'm still not your apprentice?"

Uncle Liu: "Isn't it?" Weigh it yourself, get out of here!

Uncle Liu picked up a pot of tea and said impatiently.

Chen Feng: "Okay, then I'll go first, and I'll come back to see you, hehe, I feel that my chance to rise has come."

"Soon you will see my variety works, and even see my film works!"

Uncle Liu: "Just know to brag, don't forget who gave you all this, really succeed, repay people well, don't fix those moths, otherwise, you will no longer be my apprentice!"

Chen Feng solemnly responded, "Master, I will definitely follow well, boss!" , rest assured, see how we do it!

Looking at Chen Feng and Mi Fei leaving together, Uncle Liu couldn't help but fall into deep contemplation, and after a long time, he said to himself:

"This girl is really like you... It doesn't really have anything to do with you, does it?

On this side, Luo Chen had already returned to the station of the TV station, and as soon as he entered the door, he saw that the old housekeeper Zhao Lao and several people in charge of his wish were waiting there.

"Young Master, this time it's troublesome, the rules set for us above are a little too harsh."

"The worst thing is that there is a program that we must go online within 48 hours, otherwise we will be exempted from the license inspection opportunity this time!"

When Luo Chen heard this news, he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, sure enough, some people still couldn't help it, and they were about to start quickly!

Although the data did not meet the requirements of the plus change, but soon many student readers will start school, today is still to add a chapter, it can be regarded as a practice for all students! Come on! Dear students, study hard first, and come back to read the author's book! Update and add chapters around ten o'clock!

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