For your own thoughts.

Gedina has always been very determined.

As long as she was sure about it.

She will always persevere and forge ahead.

This is perhaps the most critical factor in her success.

And in terms of feelings.

She has always had her own opinions.

Even if Bai Ru is standing in front of her now.

There are clear advantages.

Gedina is still very firm in her ideas.

Now Luo Chen has divorced.

is a state of ownerlessness.

Why can't she fight for one?

Love is sometimes not influenced by these external conditions.

In fact.

Gedina for Luo Chen suddenly had such a royal courtyard.

Of course, it was quite shocking.

However, she will not be deterred from it.

She knew exactly what she wanted.

It doesn't matter if Luo Chen has money or not.

Is there such and such a status.

None of this matters.

Because what she likes is Luo Chen's talent, he is this person.

Does the others matter?

As long as you can be with Luo Chen.

Everything is possible!

However, Bai Ru saw this performance of Gedina.

I was very upset in my heart.

After all, the man he worries about.

It is also remembered by other women.

No matter how much you feel a little nostalgia in your heart.

It was Luo Chen who was still so wary of her.

It really made her tangled to death.

But on the surface, she doesn't fall behind at all.

He said very confidently:

"Xiao Di, then you can try it."

"Luo Chen is not so easy, he was attacked."

While speaking, Bai Ru couldn't help it.

Take a closer look at today's Gedina.

Today, this girl is wearing a very young and beautiful dress.

It has the taste of a youth idol.

If not after some disguise.

It is estimated that she can be recognized at a glance.

But I have to say that this girl is still very thoughtful.

After this dressing, it looks more beautiful and cute.

It's just something that Gedina is holding in her hand.

But it caught Bai Ru's attention.

Because those are two tomes.

But the cover is more beautiful.

And big written words.

It was immediately displayed in Bai Ru's eyes.

Bai Ru was able to see the titles of these two books clearly in an instant.

"Legend of Tomb Robbery"!

"Flying Knife Rivers and Lakes"!

These two books.

Both are two very hot online novels in the past year.

Just one year of momentum.

The number of fans of the two books surpasses that of some physical book writers.

It also makes its author the most popular online writer on the Internet.

And the two books have different styles.

A story of tomb robbery expeditions with a sense of age.

It looks very substitutionary.

Moreover, this is a story that is very suitable for film and television adaptation.

The other one is majestic and has a large layout.

It is a representative work of the new school of martial arts.

It is also regarded as a new generation classic by the predecessors of the declining martial arts novels!

To be honest, this martial arts novel in time and space.

It has also declined.

Basically, not too many people watched.

But since this "Flying Knife Rivers and Lakes" came out.

Everything is completely different.

It seems to have changed everyone's perception of martial arts!

It turns out that martial arts can still write like this.

It turns out that martial arts still has such a manifestation!

A bunch of martial arts novels.

It is even more shouting the slogan "martial arts do not die".

Sigh that they finally have someone to follow!

It shows that this time there is this new novelist appearing.

The decline of martial arts is about to reverse!

This is a unique web writer.

Because of this, everyone has high expectations!

It's just this web writer.

It's always been quite low-key.

I have never exposed my information on the Internet.

Precisely because of this.

Instead, it caused great speculation among fans.

They are all curious about this web writer.

Who the hell is it?

Why the talent is so amazing.

People are also full of praise for the two classics!

However, this time.

Gedina came over with two tomes.

What does it mean?

Could it be that Luo Chen is also a lover of these two novels?

Like this one web writer?

For Luo Chen's hobbies, Bai Ru basically knows very little.

After all, her understanding is only part of it.

Appreciation and liking for Luo Chen.

It was because she discovered a little secret of Luo Chen.

I know one of Luo Chen's identities.

Most importantly, she knew what Luo Chen had done for Yang Mier.

Bai Ru was very moved.

However, this man is the kind of person who only likes to act, but does not like to confess.

Very restrained, but able to move people's hearts.

If Yang Mier paid more attention, she would know what Luo Chen had done for her.

You should be very impressed, right?

But this silly sister.

There is no such idea at all.

I never wanted to go over and understand Luo Chen in the slightest.

It finally led to the road of divorce.

But this is for Bai Ru.

But it's a great opportunity.

Even if Luo Chen is full of vigilance now.

It is also better than the situation of a husband who still has a wife.

So now.

Bai Ru had to inquire carefully about everything about Luo Chen.

Seeing Gerdina coming over with two novels.

She remembered it all at once.

It's just that Gedina herself is a very smart person.

Saw Bai Ru's gaze.

Although Bai Ru didn't say anything.

But she immediately put the two novels behind her back and hid them.

In my heart, I blame myself.

Why did he accidentally let Bai Ru see it so accidentally.

In case Bai Ru can see the secrets of these two novels.

So what can be done?

At that time, this eldest sister will definitely chase Luo Chen even more.

Now I don't know how big this big sister is.

Why do you value Luo Chen so much.

Gedina felt faintly.

There must be something I don't know.

Now they are equal to each other, and they all know a little secret about Luo Chen.

But it's not the whole picture.

All that is known is only the tip of the iceberg of Luo Chen's identity.

At this moment, both Gedina and Bai Ru were more interested in the story behind Luo Chen.

Next, what kind of surprise will Luo Chen give them?

However, there is no way for Bai Ru to stay here now.

So she can only leave Shi Shiran.

She is not afraid and she is not worried.

Because Luo Chen's character is doomed.

He won't give in easily.

It is even more difficult to be with some new girls.

So now she needs to investigate well.

What secrets does Luo Chen have?

This man is quite good at concealing it.

Sure enough, there are still some means.

And how did this courtyard of Luo Chen come about.

What's on the back?

It's all to be figured out.

Only in this way can Bai Ru be able to prescribe the right medicine.

Have a better contact with Luo Chen, as well as help.

At that time, they will be able to get along with each other and have the possibility of further breakthroughs.

And seeing Bai Ru did not embarrass himself.

And just left.

Gedina herself breathed a sigh of relief.

But another beautiful woman appeared in front of him.

Su Qing'er stood in front of her like this:

"Hello, this one, ma'am, do you have anything wrong?"

"I am Mr. Luo's personal butler."

"If there is anything you can explain to me, I will pass it on on for me!"

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