Luo Chen said angrily at this time:

"Young sister, don't be so arrogant now, one day, I will make you scream!"

Bai Ru was not only not embarrassed over there, but also fanned the flames:

"Hehe, sister, I am really looking forward to this day." If you're good enough, you can make me scream tonight?"

Luo Chen couldn't help but raise his eyebrows: "Hey, okay, you wait!" Don't talk so much, get people over to me, I'm going to record two issues first, and give this hurdle first.

"By the way, sister, do you have a way to pass the show?"

Bai Ru was very confident: "It's okay, as long as your quality is passed, there is no big problem with the content, I can handle it quickly through the review."

Luo Chen: "Okay, then let's do this first, we will record the program in the afternoon, send it for review in the evening, and it will be online tomorrow!"

Bai Ru: "Okay, I'll help you get it done as soon as possible, don't say it, come on, husband!"

"Hehe, that's for sure." Luo Chen just laughed.

Then go to the stage to prepare for the next thing, Luo Chen's style is resolute, said to do it, then it must be completed.

And under his arrangement, soon these things were arranged.

Although many people in the TV station have been used to leisure before, they suddenly entered a high-intensity working atmosphere, and they may be a little unaccustomed.

But after all, there are still many people left by Luo Chen, all of them worked together to quickly arrange the scene of this show.

Seeing this familiar picture and scene, a background board of the "Hundred Family Forum" was released in the middle.

There is also a lonely, but authoritative-looking podium.

Luo Chen's confidence came at once.

On the other hand, Bai Ru naturally began to mobilize her own network resources.

"Xiao Song, you help me check how many artists in the company are idle now, and there is no schedule. Or it'll be okay this afternoon.

"I have something I want to ask them for help with, and I need them to come and help me record the show."

"You don't need them to speak, just let them sit and listen to a lecture, as a backdrop."

"Hmm... You say, this is a show my man did, I hope they can show their faces!

As soon as Bai Ru's words came out, Xiao Song, the administrative assistant beauty who didn't care so much, immediately became energetic:

"President Bai, are you in love?!" Oh, my God! Oh my God!! This...... That's too godly, isn't it?

Bai Ru was suddenly unhappy: "Hey! What's going on with you little nizi? I have always regarded you as a sister and focused on nurturing you, is this your attitude of giving back to my sister?

Xiao Song suddenly coughed dryly: "Cough, no sister, I am just shocked and surprised, what kind of man can be my brother-in-law?"

Bai Ru: "Okay, don't talk so much nonsense, I'm very short of time, hurry, how many people can find me as many people."

"You send me the list of those big coffee, and I'll call them personally!" Invitation!

Xiao Song: "Okay, give me ten minutes, no!" Five minutes, five minutes I'll put together the list you can use and send it to you!

"That, Mr. Bai, can I follow along and see who my brother-in-law is?"

Bai Ru: "Haha, of course!" My man, the first in the world!

Xiao Song: "It's so fragrant... I can't help but be gluttonous, don't say Mr. Bai, I'll work for you!! Soon

, Xiao Song had already taken out a list of company artists who could attend the event in the afternoon!

Of course, what is sent to Bai Ru is a good resource for the biggest coffee!

Bai Ru quickly followed the above list, one by one:

"Sister Zhang, hey, I'm Bai Ru, it's such an afternoon, my boyfriend has an event and wants you to help come to the scene."

"Huh... Yes, I just fell in love, my man is very good, just when you come to help me check it

..." "Brother Guo, I'm Bai Ru, disturb you, I don't know if you have time in the afternoon, can you give me a show, I know you're resting, but this is the show my boyfriend did, I hope you can help..."

A series of phone calls went out, and Bai Rumeizi felt that her face was still quite big.

Many of the biggest people in the company are not filming because they are too picky.

Ordinary scripts can't enter their eyes at all, so many times, they will only go out once a year or even two years to act in a good drama!

Sometimes it takes longer!

But their coffee booth is already there, as long as it moves, the table is full.

So at this time, inviting them over, absolutely, can make this show shine, but also can attract the attention of many parties.

Bai Ru knew very well that Luo Chen's intention in doing this was to make this show famous to the TV station at once.

After all, when so many stars come out together to give him a show, it is difficult not to be popular.

Now it's time to see if Luo Chen can hold this field.

Bai Ru is still very confident in her man, after all, the talent that Luo Chen showed before is the core reason to conquer their hearts!

At this moment, she was very curious, what kind of show would Luo Chen do?

Invitations from this side have been sent out one after another.

And several sisters apparently also received the wind, and one by one they all started and asked.

Soon they all knew that Luo Chen would do a show in the afternoon and quickly go online!

Only Luo Chen, a man with a full stomach, can prepare a show from scratch at once.

In fact, everyone in the TV station is hanging in their hearts, and they don't know what their young owner is tinkering with.

And when he saw it, Luo Chen put out a stage background with a hundred pulpit written on it.

They don't understand it even more, what kind of show is this?

Is it really a lecture?

However, the wind has basically been heard in the station, and such a request has come from above, let them produce an educational program within two days.

This...... Is it the means of coping with the young owner?

Soon, these TV station people have already seen Luo Chen's real means!

Because one after another, there are many, many big stars coming to this TV station.

"Oh my God! Isn't that, Guo Youhua, Guo Tianwang? Why is he here?

"Also, isn't that Chen Baoming, Big Brother Chen?" This is the big brother of the oriental film industry, right?

"Movie queen Zhang Yuyan is also here! This is a big curry who invited half of the entertainment industry, what is the origin of our boss? It's terrible, right?

"Don't forget, the boss's parents are our previous bosses, they are all old seniority Uranus superstars, golden children and jade girls of the last century."

"It's a pity that it's been missing for so many years, and there is no news..."

"Don't say it, don't say it, hurry up and prepare our platform, this time we feel that the boss is going to make a big move!"

"It's just, I suddenly feel that a boss like him is quite powerful, and I feel that our TV station is about to take off!"

"Don't be so optimistic first, people are coming, but the show? There's only one podium on it!

"It's just that if the show is not good, it will really be a big joke, and then we will become the laughing stock of the whole circle."

"I still believe in the boss, he will be able to succeed!"

"Trust him, now we have no choice."

Although the employees below had their own discussions, in the end, they still worked together to complete Luo Chen's instructions.

At this time, Bai Ru was even more like a hostess, greeting and going, and sending all these guests she invited to their respective places.

Seeing so many old acquaintances, all of them are so high, a group of people are a little curious at once, what is Bai Ru doing?

What kind of man is her man?

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