【February 21st】

【The single-day box office ranked first,"Detective Chinatown", with a single-day box office of 28.3 million and a cumulative box office of 38.8 million】

【The second place in single-day box office is If You Are the One, with a single-day box office of 23 million and a cumulative box office of 30.42 million.】

【The single-day box office ranked third, Blood Battle at Jiangjunling. The single-day box office was 600,000, and the cumulative box office was 55.2 million.】


"More than 28 million, how can it be so much?"

"That’s not right. We only have 55 screenings. Isn’t that too exaggerated?"


Everyone couldn't believe the data.

Last year, the war movies with 60 screenings in the Spring Festival had a single-day box office of less than 20 million.

Detective Chinatown had less than them, but it actually had so much more.

"Didn’t I say this before? The growth of cinema chains is one aspect, and the other aspect is the increase in the number of moviegoers."

"Do you believe that if the theaters selected a quarter more movies, the box office would be even higher?"

"Many people who wanted to watch a movie today were unable to buy tickets~"


No one objected to this, but if you think about it carefully, it's none of their business.

"Director Qin, don't worry about it. We won. We got five million more from Director Feng. Let's go, Director Guo will treat us. Let's celebrate."

"Yes, Director Qin, never mind, let’s just have fun first."


Everyone also agreed with Qin Yu's previous words, but it had little to do with them now.

It would be better to enjoy the present.

"How about we forget about it today? We are all tired."

Guo Fan is miserable. These guys are not human beings. They spent tens of thousands yesterday.

If this road show is like this, I will spend all my life savings on you guys. Bastards

"Director Guo, don't be stingy. You care about such a small amount of money."

"That's right, Xu Zhen said yesterday that you can get 2% of the box office share. You made 500,000 today alone."

"hurry up~"


"Fuck you, you bald bastard."Guo Fan almost cried. Yes, there are so many.

But I can only look at them now without holding them in my hand.

Seeing Guo Fan hesitate, Deng Chao and Xiao Yang directly carried him away. It doesn't matter whether you go or not, but you have to pay for this order...

On the other side.

Netizens don't pay attention to the future development of movies.

They only care about today's first-day box office.

They are so happy.

Yesterday can't explain anything, but the first-day box office can already explain the problem.

Tang Detective's potential is indeed stronger.

It directly crushed Feng Xiaogang by 5 million.

This number is really not small

"To be honest, Feng Dao really lost, no surprise, 5 million, the gap is a bit far"

"You're right. I watched both movies today. They're both good, but Detective Chinatown is definitely better."

"You can watch it as a comedy, or as a detective drama, the twists and turns are amazing."


"I agree with this. Detective Chinatown is really good and novel, especially the part where Xiao Yang makes a phone call. It's really hilarious."

"I can't stand evil!!! I'm dying of laughter~"


"I think Zhang Zifeng's dark turn in the end was quite intense. I was shocked in the cinema."

"Who said it wasn't? It turns out that the ruthless one is Sinuo. Damn, Qin Yu's writing ability is really amazing."


"I think Chao Ge is not bad either. I was so amused when I saw him chasing Baoqiang and Baoqiang kicked his stool and then he was almost stepped on to death."

"Yeah, that police station scene was hilarious."


"I still think the dragon is the funniest."

"Xiao Shenyang's wife is really screwed"


Netizens who have watched Tang Detective have been sharing their stories online, while some netizens who haven't watched it are really itching to watch it.

Is it really that good?

Why not give it a try?

On the other hand, there are fewer discussions about If You Are the One. It's not that the movie is not good.

In fact, the quality is also very high, but it's just like what Wu Ershan said before.

Audiences have watched a lot of Feng's comedies, although this time there is a bit of novelty.

But generally speaking, it has not escaped that framework.

If we hadn't encountered Tang Detective, everyone would definitely dig more.

But when encountering Tang Detective, it is human instinct to get tired of the old and like the new.

In terms of activity, Qin Yu's Tang Detective is a complete winner.

People in the circle have also roughly seen that this time Director Feng should be in trouble.

It's too difficult.

Tang Detective is really a very good movie, and there are many points to explore in it.

Just the black smile of Zhang Zifeng alone has been played more than a million times online.

It attracted many people to watch it.

And Xiao Yang, who knew that a singer can act so well.

Whether in terms of popularity or novelty.

Tang Detective is a complete winner.

Sure enough.

As expected. The box office figures for the second day of the third day of the Chinese New Year are out.

The box office of Detective Chinatown hit a new high of 29.09 million, and the cumulative box office has reached about 67 million.

The box office of If You Are the One did not drop much, 22.

8 million, and the cumulative box office has reached 53 million.

On the third day of the first day.

The box office of Detective Chinatown broke through the 30 million mark, and the total box office reached 97 million, just a little bit away from the 100 million mark.

The box office of If You Are the One is still around 22 million, with a total box office of 80 million.

Although Director Feng has not admitted defeat and feels that he still has a chance, it has only been three days.

There is still a long time.

But by the eighth day of the Chinese New Year, the two movies have been released for a week, and the results have basically been determined.

The box office of Detective Chinatown broke through the 200 million mark in the first week, and the single-day box office in the next four days also fluctuated around 30 million.

The total box office reached 220 million!!!

The decline of If You Are the One is not large, all around 20 million.

(To read the novels of Bao Shuang, go to Feilu Novel Network!

) The box office in the first week also exceeded 15 million, reaching 17.

5 million.

Although it is not low, it can even be said to be very high.

But Feng Xiaogang was still very unhappy.

In the hotel, Feng Xiaogang stayed in his room alone.

Xu Fan walked over slowly.

Looking at Feng Xiaogang

���Sitting motionless on the sofa, I felt a little distressed.

I slowly came to his side and whispered

"Xiaogang, forget it, if you lose, you lose."

"Anyway, there are so many people who lost to Qin Yu, so you are not a big deal."

Feng Xiaogang was stunned for a moment.

He turned to look at Xu Fan, his dead eyes full of disbelief.

That look seemed to say,"

Are you really trying to comfort me?

You are not trying to hurt my heart."

Xu Fan was also a little embarrassed, and quickly added[]

"I mean if you lose this time, you can always try again next time. Didn’t you lose to Zhang Yimou when filming 1942?"


"Xu Fan, why don't you go? I don't need your comfort."

Feng Xiaogang suddenly felt that it was good to be alone.

"Okay, annoying, we didn’t really lose, your initial estimate for If You Are the One was only 300 million"

"The first week box office is almost 200 million now, and 400 million won't be a problem, and 500 million is even a possibility"

"You can make a lot of money, why are you frowning?"

This made Feng Xiaogang feel much better.

That's right.

I didn't lose. Who said I lost? If You Are the One only invested 50 million yuan in total, and I can at least make nearly 100 million yuan.

What about you?

Tang Tan heard that he invested 80 million yuan to speed up the process!

If we really compare the rate of return, you, Qin Yu, are not as good as me. I ca n't beat it. Next time I will try to make a big investment.

"Hey, Qin Wei has updated."

Feng Xiaogang was just feeling better when he heard Qin Yu's Weibo.

He panicked all of a sudden and his face turned bad.

He was so angry.

Could this guy come to mock me?

Bastard. Ca n't you give him some face? He is your senior after all. Let's just talk about it in private.

You even posted on Weibo...

The spectators thought the same as Feng Xiaogang. When they saw Qin Yu's Weibo update, they all went to watch the fun.

Could it be that Qin Yu wanted to collect the debt?

It's only been a week.

But on second thought, a week seems to be enough.

Now even the most loyal Feng Xiaogang is... Feng Xiaogang's fans don't dare to say that they can surpass Qin Yu.

The difference was 50 million in the first week.

I heard that the filming in the second week was leaning towards Detective Chinatown.

More importantly, If You Are the One also lost to Detective Chinatown in terms of ratings.

One scored 8.0. The other scored 8.7.

The discussion and topic were completely defeated.

The data and reality of this case are in front of us.

Even if Feng Xiaogang hits a reporter again and makes a big news, it won't work.

The gap is too big.

But when they saw Qin Yu's Weibo, they were stunned.

He didn't mock Feng Xiaogang at all, but was blasting the theaters.

The title is very eye-catching

【Cinema chains have killed the future of China's film industry】


【I, Qin Yu, am very dissatisfied with the box office of this Spring Festival. Half a year ago, I said that as people's living standards improve,】

【Movies will no longer be a luxury, but a daily consumption, but the cinemas never took my words seriously.】


【And it has come true in less than half a year. During the Spring Festival, I saw many audiences jammed in the cinema because there were not enough screens and they had to wait. Some even waited for hours.】

【And all this is the responsibility of the cinema chain, the expansion speed is too slow】

【It is their responsibility to fail to meet the needs of the people. I strongly urge those who are interested in the film industry to set up more cinema chains.】

【Compared with the United States, our population base is four times theirs, but the number of screens is only half. Cinema is definitely a blue ocean that has not yet been developed.】

【This is a great opportunity. If you are unwilling to expand, let others take it.】


Qin Yu said a lot, all of which were directed at the cinema.

For a while, the entire Weibo was in an uproar.

Netizens who had seen the video began to like and repost Qin Yu

's post. Qin Yu really has a conscience and spoke out our thoughts.

……………… ps: The first chapter of the extra chapter.

I am so tired, brothers, please support me.

Ten chapters are added again.

I think it is okay to keep it short. The last book was blocked by Shishi for two million words.

The quantity is large and full, you can eat it with confidence. It is a fine book on the top of the list, and no ghostwriter wrote a word..

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