People in the entertainment industry are all shrewd.

After weighing the pros and cons, they found that distributing Qin Yu's movies seemed to be profitable.

So they contacted Qin Yu.

We are willing to distribute your movie.

You ask why.

No reason, just call me Lei Feng!

On the other hand,

Qin Yu at home did not contact the distribution company as he said.

Instead, he waited at home.

The next day.

After breakfast, Bai Lu cleaned the table and sat down next to Qin Yu.

Her little mouth pouted suddenly.

"Boss, I told you that no publishing company would be willing to do this, but you still didn't believe me. It's been a day."

"Xiaobai, are you sure?"Qin Yu lowered his head and pinched the girl's face.

"Humph, if you still don't believe it, just check it out for yourself. It's been a whole day, and there hasn't been a single phone call."

Bai Lu didn't believe that those sophisticated entertainment companies would be so stupid.

A movie made by a new artist, and they didn't even see the movie.

Just because Qin Yu said a few words on Weibo, they would come to distribute it.

How is that possible?

"How about we make a bet?"

""No" Bai Lu pursed her lips

"You always default on your debts!"

Bai Lu is not stupid. She won the bet with Qin Yu and told him not to fool around with women in the entertainment industry.

But how could Qin Yu listen to her?

He agreed very quickly and ran away secretly at night.

"You~" Qin Yu was just about to punish this assistant who didn't give his boss face.

But the phone next to him rang.

"Hello, Mr. Li, it’s me, Qin Yu."


"OK, thank you Mr. Li, I'll think about it and call you back in the evening"


"I know. I'm just going to discuss this with the investors."

Qin Yu laughed happily. Mr. Li from Huayi on the other end of the phone was also very surprised.

Only your movie has investors!

Who would be so stupid?

Bai Lu on the side was stunned. The boss with his mouth wide open, there really is a fool.


This fool is still Huayi.

After hanging up the phone, Qin Yu looked at Bai Lu and smiled slightly.


What does Xiaobai say?"……"

But this is not the end. Huayi is just the beginning. Soon, all the companies in the entertainment industry that have the ability to distribute have contacted Qin Yu.

The conditions offered are all quite good.

The money for publicity can be advanced, and the distribution fee is not much, at least Qin Yu will not be cheated.

Bai Lu, who was sitting next to Qin Yu, was numb.

It would be fine if one person was stupid, but how come everyone in the entertainment industry was stupid? They are scrambling for a business that is obviously losing money.

The girl pinched her thigh, she wondered if she was dreaming


"Thank you for your support, Mr. Wu. I will discuss this with the investors and call you tomorrow."

"no problem"


After hanging up Wu Kebo's phone, everything finally calmed down.

Turning to look at Bai Lu next to him, the girl had a dull look in her eyes.

"What's wrong, Xiaobai?"

After hearing Qin Yu's words, Bai Lu came back to her senses and looked at Qin Yu with surprise and curiosity in her eyes.

"Boss, why are so many entertainment companies rushing to distribute your movie? Why?"

""This?" Qin Yu didn't say it in a hurry.

But Bai Lu couldn't help it. She was very curious.

She quickly pressed Qin Yu's shoulders and said coquettishly

"Boss, tell me, teach your little secretary~"

Don't say it, Bai Lu, who is already an adult, is really tempting when she acts coquettishly.

Her voice is very numb.

""Okay, this is actually very simple." Qin Yu put his arm around Bai Lu's shoulders.

Bai Lu also lay in Qin Yu's arms.

"Here’s a tip for you, reputation!"

""Reputation?" Bai Lu chewed on these two words, and after a while, she suddenly realized

"Boss, those guys are trying to ride on your fame!"

"It can't be considered freeloading, it's mutually beneficial! After all, I don't have the ability to distribute."

Qin Yu still has self-knowledge.

If he really talks to each theater chain, let alone release it on August 10th.

Even by the National Day, he may not be able to finish the negotiations.

There are so many theater chains in China.

How can he have that much time?

Bai Lu in his arms admires Qin Yu very much. It turns out that he had planned it long ago.

"Boss, you guessed it."

"if not"

""Boss, you are really smart!"

Excited Bai Lu stamped Qin Yu's cheek.

His face turned red instantly, and he was a little afraid to look at Qin Yu.

Qin Yu was also stunned for a moment, but quickly said

"You haven't brushed your teeth after dinner, they stink!"……"

"Hate it, boss."

Bai Lu didn't expect it to be like this, it smelled so good.

Damn it!


Ignore this girl. Bai Lu is older now, not like a little girl before.

Qin Yu thinks he should keep a little distance.

Why not rent a house for this girl?

We'll talk about it later.

Qin Yu has something else to do.

Although there are many entertainment companies in the circle that have contacted him, Qin Yu doesn't want these people.

He is waiting for a call from

"Qin Yu, I heard that the company in the circle called you this morning, didn't it?"

Fatty Zhou hurried to Qin Yu's house in the afternoon.

"Hurry up and pick one, any one will do, why are you so picky?"

Fatty Zhou felt that Qin Yu was lucky, otherwise, it would not be easy for him to find a film company to distribute his film.

"Fatty, why are you in such a hurry? Qin Yu slowly blew out a smoke ring.

"Do you know how to sell a bottle of water for the price of gold?"


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