“Brother Zheng, don’t take advantage of my girlfriend!”

Before the filming of this scene, Bai Jiliang stood next to Zhang Zheng compassionately and said this.

Zhang Zheng: ???

“Ah Liang, I don’t even have physical contact with her…….. How to take advantage of her? ”

“Oh roar! You actually want to have physical contact with her?! ”

Hearing this, Zhang Zheng trembled all over when he heard this, how did it feel like he wanted to take advantage of the actress?

And to be honest, just now Bai Jiliang glanced at him so much, inexplicably making people feel a little scared?!

Zhang Zheng thought in his heart, feeling that it was absolutely appropriate for Bai Jiliang to play that kind of villain.


Well……. A few years earlier, to play Chen Haonan ~ there must be many fans~

A little special actor means in it, anyway, after getting along for a few days, Zhang – just thinks so.

Born to play certain roles.

“Irrelevant personnel hurry away…” Lu Yang held a big speaker and shouted at Bai Jiliang, an unrelated person.

“Don’t take advantage!” Bai Jiliang finally said and slipped away.

Take advantage of a hammer!

In fact, Master Liu has several sets of clothes in this movie, but Bai Jiliang still likes the red one the most.

How to say it…….. He likes girls to wear red clothes, whether it is ancient costumes or modern big red dresses, a little preference.

This will make Master Liu wear a white costume long dress, and he always feels that he lacks so much taste.


“Master Shen, come to bed and sleep……..”

“I’ll go to Yamen later.”

“Come to warm the Xiangge… If you spend money and don’t go to bed, you are the only one…”

Zhang Zheng lowered his head, just wanted to say a word, but didn’t know why, licking the dog to find a word suddenly jumped into his mind.

His face suddenly froze!

“Duh! What’s going on? ”

“Director, my fault, sorry.”

Looking back at Bai Jiliang with a bitter face, Zhang Zheng felt that he could no longer face the role of Shen Lian.

When I read the script before, I just thought that this character was really helpless enough.


People are real in history, Jiajing 17 years of the third class to the same jin shi, official awarded seven products, later degraded Jinyiwei, and finally lost the hands of Yan Song’s father and son because of blunt advice, his people are as recorded in the “Ming Shi Shen Lian Biography”: “He is straight, jealous as hatred, but quite crazy.” ”

Zhang Zheng read the script for quite a long time, and it was very useful

In his original view, Shen Lian should be the ultimate embodiment of anti-Confucianism: a perfect collection of medium and high selfish desires.

He knows too well what he wants and doesn’t want, what he can and can’t do, and he never goes half a step beyond the rules of the board.

This philosophy of life is finally cast in the blood of the corpse, which is the forbearance sealed under the flying fish suit and embroidered spring knife, like a dark fire: secretly smoldering but hot


Such a complex role is also the reason why Zhang Zheng took this movie.

But today, the analysis of so many spicy characters has failed in Bai Jiliang’s sentence of “licking dogs”.

The word dog licking…….. Zhang Zheng wanted to curse a little, messing with his mind!

After coming two or three times, Zhang Zheng’s performance was a little lacking, which made Lu Yang want to curse a little.

What the hell?!

How can such a simple plot not be passed?

After a few words, Lu Yang’s expression changed.

What the hell, licking the dog?!

What is this horse treadmilling………


Glaring at Bai Jiliang from afar, this guy really is.

If it weren’t for the fact that Lu Yang found something wrong in the past few days, he would have stepped on the horse early and brought Bai Jiliang, a little Mengxin, over and scolded.

How to say, when he first entered the group, including before, Lu Yang thought that Bai Jiliang should be a pretense for a certain big guy as a gun.

Then the big guy will give him some resources and the like out of compensation.

But in the past few days, it seems that this is not the case, Bai Jiliang and Liu Shishi seem to be really a couple…….. These two people are your non and my nong, and they can’t wait to feed each other when they eat.

If it is really a contract couple, it is inevitable that it is too dedicated, and the acting skills are so good.

So…….. Things are fun.

Since Bai Jiliang was not pushed out as a gun by the big guy, another idea appeared in Lu Yang’s mind.


This is not the son-in-law of any family……… To the entertainment industry to pick up girls is coming.

In addition, Jihong Film and Television Investment Co., Ltd., this successor to Hongli……. I’m afraid it’s not Bai Jiliang’s step.

These conjectures Lu Yang did not say, after all, Bai Jiliang seems to be quite immersed in the actor’s identity now, and it is not like he is completely here to play tickets.

When discussing with him about Ding Xiu finding a role before, although the two understood a little differently, the brother Gongzi who came to play the ticket would care about this?

No matter what, anyway, now Lu Yang will not regard Bai Jiliang as some newcomer in the entertainment industry.

……………. 0

“Adjust, you’re a professional actor, don’t be by……. Don’t be swayed by these jokes. ”

Hearing Lu Yang’s words, Zhang Zheng nodded with a wry smile.


Although there is no way to force himself to forget about the “licking dog” thing, his strong professionalism still allowed him to shoot this one perfectly.

That silence, sadness, unattainable…….. The deduction is still quite in place.

As for Master Liu’s side, Lu Yang was actually not prepared to ask too much of her.

It is enough for the young lady to show two expressions of self-deprecation and sadness on her face, and her original positioning was a vase character.

Put on beautiful clothes and be responsible for looking beautiful like a flower, and then it’s over.

Well……. Master Liu is still very suitable for ancient costumes, and Bai Jiliang also thinks that her ancient costumes look better than modern costumes.

Otherwise, he wouldn’t like to play dragon flower Play~ with her at home so much

In the past, when I played snow with Da Mimi, Bai Jiliang was not so interested a few times.

Ahem, Master Liu played really well this time.

The so-called eyes, which have always been criticized, did not appear like blindness.

Don’t say anything is full of drama, at least you can read something from your eyes.


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Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect

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