Chapter 149 A press conference full of joy!!

The next day, “Old Jiumen” held a opening worship ceremony in Hengdian Film and Television City, and I don’t know what Second Master Guan thinks, and now basically every industry is worshiping Second Master

Jiang Yu and Zhao Liying took the mighty crew, everyone solemnly held the incense and bowed three times, and then the behind-the-scenes personnel also left

The remaining main actors attended the opening conference along with the director, screenwriter, producer, producer, etc.

“Jiang Yu hasn’t seen you for a long time, you seem to have only filmed one fairy tale drama this year, right?”

Penguin’s reporters didn’t treat themselves as outsiders at all.

“Why is Brother Wang you again? It seems that the food is good, and I have gained a lot of weight. ”

Jiang Yu fixed his eyes and smiled and quipped.

“Haha! Thanks to your blessing, the food in the cafeteria is even more delicious! ”

Penguin’s reporter said with a smile.

“Changed chefs? Or did you add dishes? I’ll try it when I have time, and then Brother Wang will be together.” ”

Jiang Yu’s eyes lit up and hurriedly said.

“Okay! When the time comes, I will recommend you what is delicious! ”

Penguin’s reporter did not shy away from saying

The two of them chatted like old friends, and the other reporters looked at the two people one by one.


Zeng Jia saw that Jiang Yu was endless, and he could only deliberately cough twice to remind him.

“Welcome to the 030 press conference of “Old Nine Gates”, we are all old friends, I will answer everyone to any questions, start asking questions now!”

Jiang Yu also reacted and hurriedly said.

“Jiang Yu, there are a total of four people who returned from XO, why did you only contact Zhang Yixing alone? Also take him personally with Liying? ”

The first reporter asked about the hot topic.

“You can go and ask them, who can accept a small supporting role in an online drama, and then ask me why I chose Zhang Yixing?”

Jiang Yu shrugged and asked directly.

“Internet drama? This “Old Nine Gates” is an online drama? ”

The reporter was also a little dumbfounded.

“yes! Paranormal TV stations definitely can’t be on ah, “Old Nine Gates” I have already sold to penguins, if it is not too troublesome in the later stage, we can all shoot and broadcast it. ”

Jiang Yu said with a smile.

“Now many people are curious about what kind of cooperation Yang Mi Studio has reached with Penguin Video, and this is the first time that several dramas have been launched on Penguin?”

The second reporter raised his hand and asked.

“Brother Pony has a lot of money, of course we choose who gives more money to sell to whom, you are here to provoke the relationship between our brothers, right? Brother Wang, you can look good. ”

Jiang Yu pointed to the second reporter and quipped.

“We know, Lao Li of Sina, don’t talk nonsense!”

Brother Wang of the penguin said without care.

“Do you also cooperate with Sina? Weibo spokesperson really acted for nothing, right? ”

Lao Li, a reporter from Sina, also quipped.


The scene suddenly fell into laughter, they are old friends who often meet, who doesn’t know who?

“Is it? How did I hear that the staff at Sina are about to hate me? I didn’t dare to enter the Sina building. ”

Jiang Yu and the others asked after laughing.

“That’s someone from the technical department, I think there are few platforms whose technical department doesn’t hate you, and there hasn’t been no one who hasn’t been scolded since you appeared.”

Sina’s old Li said with a smile

Looking at the crowd laughing again, Zeng Jia was completely speechless, this is the launch conference! Can you make a small talk?

“Everyone! This is the press conference of “Old Nine Gates”, can you ask a little about our crew. ”

Liang Shengquan said helplessly.

“Director Liang, how many times has this been the cooperation with Jiang Yu? Can you tell us what Jiang Yu is like in the crew? ”

Penguin’s reporter asked directly.

“Just a little bastard! Yesterday, I was scolded by Sister Zeng Jia pointing at her nose before being honest. ”

Liang Shengquan said with a smile.

“yes! Only old bastards can be scolded with little bastards, can’t they? ”

Jiang Yu was not used to directly counterattacking.

“No way! Who put me on a little bastard? I don’t know how to make trouble after Sister Jia leaves. ”

Liang Sheng said without looking at Jiang Yu.

“It’s okay, I won’t leave in a short time.”

Zeng Jia is also quite cooperative.

“Is this a question of whether you can walk or not? Is this something you have to keep staring at him, okay? ”

Zhao Liying also stabbed Jiang Yu silently.

“When filming “Shushan War Chronicle”, Brother Jiang Yu almost drove Brother Qi Long crazy.”

Yuan Bingyan also said weakly.

“You guys are saying that I am playing a big name in the crew, I am not there to enliven the atmosphere of the crew!”

Jiang Yu hurriedly defended.

“Yes! In the first month, I will also call Brother Qilong’s father, and in the second month, I will start calling grandpa, and the most terrifying thing is that I have my mouth scooped during filming. ”

Zhao Liying nodded and said solemnly.

“This is the launch conference of the new show, right? How is it more like an interview show now? ”

Liang Shengquan’s words made everyone at the scene laugh again.

“Director Liang, “Tomb Robbery Notes” was filmed very well, are you confident that “Old Nine Gates” will break the record again?”

A reporter raised his hand and asked.

“We are all the same team in the later stage, but we have changed a group of actors, and I believe that everyone will not be disappointed with the acting skills of Jiang Yu and Liying.”

Liang Shengquan also said solemnly.

“I see that the original book is about the story of Grandpa Wu’s generation, how are you going to shoot it in that era? The role of Zhang Qishan will also change, right? ”

Another reporter raised his hand and asked.

“Take a real picture! The characters will definitely change, and this is the script that we discussed with Xu Lei to adapt, I believe it will not disappoint everyone. ”

Liang Shengquan nodded and said.

“So, Jiang Yu is guarding Changsha for the second time, isn’t it? What if the audience plays together? ”

One reporter singled out a curious question.

“Guarding Changsha? Is it right to say “War in Changsha”? These two dramas don’t seem to have a different style at all, right? How can the audience play together? ”

Jiang Yu said with some confusion.

“Liying, this is the first time you have cooperated with Jiang Yu? Have you ever thought about working with someone else? ”

Penguin’s reporters began to stir things up.

“Isn’t my new play still on the air? Is there you in the “Langya List”? ”

Zhao Liying said and looked at Jiang Yu.

“Mei Changsu is played by me, do you have amnesia?”

Jiang Yu asked directly.

“Is it okay to order a face? Did you play Mei Changsu? ”

Zhao Liying rolled her eyes and stabbed unceremoniously.

“Scattered! Hurry up and film, I don’t want to film with her! ”

Jiang Yu said and was ready to get up and leave

A kick-off press conference that laughed from time to time also came to an end, anyway, there was no reporter who left last without a smile!

New book release asking for all data!

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