Chapter 309 The studio has enlarged the move again!!

Just when “A Slight Smile is Very Alluring” was filmed loudly and colorfully, the first shot of Yang Mi’s studio summer vacation was fired!

On the first Friday of the summer vacation of 2016, the third season of Running Man began under the watchback!

Still the original person, or the original taste, the only thing that differs is…

Yan Min fought with the god operator through the battle of wits and courage, and he was even more ruthless against the running boy group! The main thing is that there are also a bunch of detrimental people who are constantly adding oil and vinegar!

Wang Zhengyu, He Shu, He Zhen and Yan Min are not a simple person among these four!

In this life, these people have all gathered in the variety department of Yang Mi’s studio, can’t they often exchange feelings?

This comes and goes, how to abuse stars, how to engage in variety shows, isn’t it taking people’s strengths to make up for their own weaknesses?

As the first victim of this year, the running boy group is much better than the next few teams, okay?

“Laugh at me! Director Yan Min is really able to deal with it, and he is really cruel to stars! ”

“Brother Chao, Brother Chao, can you turn your brain? Can’t you see such an obvious trap? You deserve to be so miserable! ”

“I found that I really can’t look directly at Wu Jing in the future, there is no difference between me and a big fool 387!”

“Although everyone has completely let go, how do you feel that the White Emperor couple has completely gone crazy? Xiaobai is such a treasure, and all my laughs this year have been contracted by him.”

“Isn’t that nonsense? Don’t look at how many variety shows Bai Jingstop has broadcast this year, and the wanton top stream is about to become Bai Jingstop alone and pull the other three away…”

“It’s not all hard work, is it? This is all Yang Mi Studio used his life to hold him, and I don’t know what deal Bai Jingji made with Jiang Yu, Li Yifeng, Yangyang, Zhang Ruoyun, why don’t you three learn something? ”

Originally thought that the third season was not much to watch, and the audience was laughing crazy

Nothing to see? Wouldn’t it be funny if I intensified my abuse of them? Do you still have to worry about whether you have a point to watch if you have a laugh?

With the success of the third season of Running Man, more and more people are starting to look forward to the extreme pick that will be broadcast on Saturday!

You must know that the extremely picky reversal is the biggest highlight, and what breaks the rules is not comparable!

Especially Huang Lei and Yan Min’s everyone who came and went to watch was hooked! After looking forward to it for a year, I can finally see that the running man the night before was still so successful, it makes no sense that the limit of the original team will fail, right?

Sure enough, it was a great success after the broadcast!

The six people are basically thoroughly familiar, and the tacit understanding has almost been cultivated, basically the entire issue is six people against the program group, isn’t this more exciting than Huang Lei alone in the first season?

The most important thing is that these six people are not yet one heart, and they are still vigilant about the other five people all the time…

Plus the critical attack at the beginning really made everyone laugh like thunder! The two divine beasts of the bull terrier and the Shiba Inu have finally appeared!

Everyone has only one feeling, what a horse!

The third season of Running Man and the second season of Extreme Pick have successively succeeded, and the pressure has been put on the second season of Ming Detective and the first season of Past Life, which will be broadcast at noon on Sunday!

In fact, to put it bluntly, the pressure of the past program group is the greatest, after all, it is a new type of slow variety show that has never appeared!

At 12 noon on Sunday, the second season of Ming Detective officially launched Penguin Video!

In just one hour, when the program was not finished, the number of broadcasts exceeded 100 million!

After He Shu and He Zhen join forces, the quality of Ming Detective will only get higher and higher!

Not only is the case getting higher and higher, but unexpected reversals have also appeared, and He Zhen seems to have awakened the secret room, the most essential thing of the detective, in advance!

It’s just that the second season is still slowly testing the audience’s reaction, and if the response is enthusiastic, then the third season is about to come to the big battle!

The physical “Rose Hotel” has been planned, and everything is waiting for the audience’s evaluation of the secret room after the end of this season!

As for whether “The Great Escape Room”, which turns Big Honey into Girl Honey, will appear in advance, we can only wait and see!

After all, the escape room at this time is really not played by anyone, and it is still a long way from becoming a popular game in the future!

The three shots have been fired, it depends on whether this fourth shot can allow Yang Mi Studio to completely stabilize the title of variety show giant!

At ten o’clock in the evening, under the expectation of countless melon-eating people, the road of “Longing for Life” revealed its mysterious veil!


The green mountains and blue water photographed by aerial photography are so beautiful that many people are amazed! In the countryside, how many urban people are representatives of dirt and chaos in their hearts? But now?

[Under the eastern fence of the chrysanthemum, see the South Mountain leisurely! ] 】

And as the show continued to broadcast, the hearts of those who watched the program slowly calmed down!

The whole show uses a fresh idyllic scenery to show everyone the unprecedented charm of rural life, even across the screen, the audience seems to be able to breathe the long-lost pure air in the field.

The simple natural environment, the real and unpretentious labor scene, and the pure unintentional character relationship also tell everyone the beauty of exchanging labor for food and according to work.

Everyone followed Teacher He, Teacher Huang and Peng Yuchang to return to the countryside together, bringing the audience a picture of ‘self-reliance, self-sufficiency, warm hospitality, perfect ecology’!

Until the whole show was broadcast, the audience in front of the TV series was still silent in the beauty of that show!

Hospitality! Think about the fact that today’s young people are all solitary outsiders, how many can still understand the rules passed down by these ancestors?

“Longing for Life” is no accident fire, it really seems like a clear stream flowing to everyone’s hearts.

After Teacher Huang faded his identity as a star teacher, he only ate that hot meal for a few people in the family.

Teacher He faded his identity as a star host and ran around, just for the comfort of a few people in the family.

And Peng Yuchang, as if he was someone else’s child, no matter what the two teachers said, they just buried their heads and worked hard.

Slack off? Inexistent! Which time did he turn to Peng Yuchang, he was not sweating?

A family of three is self-sufficient, which may be true happiness?

No games, no PK, no arguments, only calm! So who can refuse such beauty?

New book release asking for all data!

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