Faced with this situation, major theaters began to increase the number of films in “Charlotte’s Most Troubled”.

After all, the theater line has its own judgment, pays more attention to the interests of the company, and the movies that can make money for them will naturally increase the number of performances and let more people watch.

So, starting the next day, the proportion of films in “Charlotte’s Most Troubled” directly increased to 35%.

“European Attack” is down 10%, also 35%.

Yang Mi also seized the opportunity and began to increase publicity while the iron was hot.

And also pushed the topic of her first on-screen kiss with Dinireba.

It immediately attracted a larger audience.

“Aaaaa I’m sore!! My two wives actually kissed the scene! ”

“I want to see what charm this Su Yang has to kiss my wife.”

“I heard that “Charlotte’s Most Troubled” is indeed very good, and I am also a little curious, go and support it.”

“For Yang Mi and Dinireba’s first kiss on screen, I also have to support a wave.”

With the promotion of tap water and the fermentation of word of mouth, more and more audiences have entered the theater of “Charlotte’s Most Troubled”.

The next day’s box office statistics soon came out.

“Charlotte’s Most Troubled” won 140.65 million box office, almost directly doubled.

And “European Special Attack” should have polarized reviews, with many bad reviews, and the box office plummeted, only getting 24.26 million box office!

Such an achievement directly surprised countless people.

They never thought that a comedy that had fallen could actually create such a counterattack.

This completely exceeded all expectations.

And before that, the whole network also questioned Su Yang’s acting skills and disparaged “Charlotte’s Most Troublesome”.

At this time, these tones suddenly came to a big reversal.

The whole network began to recognize Su Yang’s acting skills, and they were full of praise for the plot of the movie.

Modu Tangyan Studio.

Tang Yan frowned and looked at the data on the tablet in disbelief: “How could it have dropped so much at once?” ”

According to past examples, if a movie suddenly plummets at the box office, then the movie is obviously a complete hit on the street.

If you want to pull up the box office again, it is simply difficult.

For this movie, Tang Yan smashed a lot of money to invite actor Liang Chaowei to partner, and the popular little fresh meat became popular.

I really didn’t expect that such a lineup would be completely crushed by Yang Mi’s “Charlotte’s Most Troubled” the next day.

“Xiao Tang, according to the current box office, this movie can only recover the cost at most, the audience’s wallet and enthusiasm are limited, now “Charlotte Most Troubled” is too hot, the diversion phenomenon will only become more and more obvious, it is already difficult to recover.”

Liang Chaowei sat across from her desk and said with some disappointment.

“Mr. Liang, have you long been optimistic about our European Special Attack?” Tang Yan raised her imperial sister’s face and asked a little distractedly.

“After watching the premiere, I actually thought that there was no potential for a big sale, but I also looked away, and I thought I could at least make a small profit.” Liang Chaowei said truthfully.

“Is there really no way?” Tang Yan said a little unwillingly.

You know, this movie she pulled nearly 200 million investment, but also the hope she dropped for transformation.

How can you be willing to face failure like this?

After thinking for a while, Liang Chaowei shook his head: “The quality of the film determines the upper limit, plus now “Charlotte’s Most Troubled” is grabbing tickets, and the theater will continue to reduce our scheduling rate, and if you want to turn over, it is almost impossible.” ”

Tang Yan also understood this truth, took a deep breath, and said disappointedly: “Then we can only recover as much as possible now and reduce losses.” ”

The time of the third day was indeed as Liang Chaowei said.

Major theaters found that “Charlotte’s Most Troubles” is actually a dark horse.

Directly on the third day, the ranking rate of “Charlotte’s Most Troubled” increased to 48%!

And “European Attack” has only 22% of the number of films left.

However, from the beginning of the third day, a large number of trolls suddenly appeared on the network.

“”Charlotte’s Most Troublesome” is a spicy chicken slice, I didn’t watch it the whole time, and I fell asleep directly.”

“What kind of comedy, how I didn’t laugh the whole time, and I forced sensationalism, but I also didn’t feel it, I couldn’t see anything special at all.”

“This is a vulgar dick lust movie, Luthor’s orgy.”

“The person who wrote this script is simply brain-dead, and the class flower who doesn’t like the protagonist is green tea, and in the end he is married to an old and ugly rich man, and he has to arrange for a woman to love him with all her heart, which is simply the mentality of a Puxin man.”

“The protagonist is a scumbag, I advise all women not to go to the hot eyes, the female characters in the film are all dependent on men, and the protagonist will not leave him no matter how many nests of heroines will not abandon him, it is simply an insult to us women.”

“For this kind of scumbag who abandons his wife after getting rich and pursues the goddess of the past life, what kind of three views do you think is good-looking? Not only could I not laugh at all, but I also felt very disgusting. ”

A large number of water armies began to constantly attack “Charlotte’s Most Troubled”.

And attracted the assist of the female boxer.

This is also the characteristic of the neck, the place where little fairies gather.

And the appearance of these water armies was naturally promoted by Tang Yan behind his back.

As a competitor, how can you grab the box office if you don’t crack down?

Of course, there are brainless black water armies, and naturally there are also counter-attacking audiences.

“Watching a comedy and pulling three views is also drunk, according to your statement, Mr. Bean is not only dicky and does not want to forge ahead, but also destroys public property in all kinds of ways to affect others, which is simply a great crime, and human civilization has regressed.”

“You can’t even figure out the core foundation of the movie, so it’s really sad for you to talk about three views here!” The idea of this movie is to emphasize that people should not indulge in lewdness, cherishing reality is the right way, you know a fart. ”

“It’s really funny, you people, who still want to reshape social morality, promote equality between men and women, and call for world peace through a comedy, are simply virgin!”

“Any movie can not satisfy everyone, if you want positive energy, then the movie is made like this, Charlotte has studied hard since she was a child, her grades are among the best, she has talent for music, she is resolutely not in love early, she is indifferent to the school flower confession, and finally she is admitted to a prestigious school to become a big star, keen on public welfare, establish a good image, and harvest beautiful love, will you watch such a movie?”

“The first two days were fine, but today these bad comments suddenly appeared, and obviously someone bought the water army.”

“I went to see it with my girlfriend, and the whole screening room was laughing, and the girls in front of us were also laughing happily, I don’t know why people can still be so brainless.”


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