'Entertainment industry news: Yang Mi announced today that she will invest in and star in Mr. Dajiang's directorial work "Horror Cruise", before that, Mr. Dajiang commented on Yang Mi's acting skills, which are useless! ’

'Yang Mi cooperates with her own black fan! Is it the role of money, or do you really want to improve your acting skills? ’

'A person who makes short videos and wants to enter the entertainment industry through a black top stream actress! And he really succeeded! ’

'The "Horror Cruise" movie, with only four words, you know, a bad movie! Boss Yang may really have measured it this time! Does Kuroko have that ability to make movies? Many insiders expressed their disapproval! ’

The above is entertainment news.

After all, Yang Mi is the top of the world, and her every move has been paid attention to by the media.

Even a sneeze may make headlines.

Not to mention that she took the initiative to cooperate with a black fan of her own, and also participated in investment and starring.

Many netizens feel that Yang Mi's choice to accept other people's suggestions is acceptable.

But really make a movie with Kuroko....

Are you sure this young man can make a good movie?

Can he be better than the Little Four director?

How is this possible!

Although the director of the Little Four has a bad reputation, after all, he is a youth pain writer, and has directed a lot of movies, and the reputation is poor, but at least he can make money, the commercial value is extremely high, and there is a group of loyal fans.

Can this person who makes short videos and cross-line movies guarantee to make money?

No one believes.

Not to mention, what kind of 'horror cruise' is this, this name, when you hear it, is not a serious name, a proper garbage domestic horror film, not worth believing.

Many people think that Yang Mi may be blackened by this sunspot Shi Lezhi.

This is too humiliating to cooperate with a person who does not have a coffee position.


Those gossip about Jiang Yi's close relationship with Yang Mi was also flying all over the world.

But Yang Mi, Jiang Yi or two people obviously didn't care at all.

Yang Mi has long been accustomed to the scandals of various paparazzi in the entertainment industry, and these unscrupulous media rely on such news to attract the attention of netizens to make money, and she is immune.

Jiang Yi, on the other hand, didn't care at all.

This is his first movie in the entertainment industry, so it is natural to treat it well and not pay attention to other things for the time being.

On the day of shooting.

Jiang Yi used the 'Memory Potion' to recall all the details of the movie 'Horror Cruise' in his previous life.

Start shooting in order.

Because of the shortage of manpower, and Jiang Yi himself has the ability of 'master composition', Jiang Yi carries the camera to shoot.

And everyone present found that under Jiang Yi's scheduling, there was no need to light people on the spot.

Yang Mi was surprised.

In her impression, when shooting shots by herself, she needs fill lights and various props.

But Jiang Yi actually used natural light to shoot the texture of the movie.

"Don't you need a fill light?" Yang Mi was surprised.

Jiang Yi shook his head and said, "There is no need for that, the natural light is already good, come and see." "

Yang Mi saw that she was in the camera, which was completely different from those movies she acted in before.

Separated from the vanity of top stars, it is more like a real 'person' in life.

The light is not very bright, but it is very lifelike, so that Yang Mi can forget everything in a second and bring it in.

Yang Mi was shocked, although her acting skills were not good, she did not know very well what the specific level of the photographer was.

But even so, she can still feel that Jiang Yi's shooting technique, ability to find angles, and top-level composition ability are far beyond ordinary photographers.

To know.

In a crew, the position of the cinematographer is definitely the most important under the director.

Because he shot the same picture as the audience.

If the photographer does not have extremely high ability, the picture seen by the audience is a little sparse, and the effect that the director wants cannot be captured.

Therefore, there are also many directors who were originally photographers of the crew.

And Jiang Yi is so young that he has such shooting ability.

Yang Mi couldn't think of anything else besides 'talent'.

She almost fell in love with herself in the picture, because it was so real!

And the picture structure seems to follow the narrative.

Such a magical lens language, she has only seen it in textbooks, and it is the first time she has seen someone who can shoot it.

Director Little Four, he will definitely not do this trick.

The film has not yet officially entered the process, Yang Mi feels, is it possible, can this movie really succeed?

Moreover, soon Yang Mi found out.

It's not just that Jiang Yi has a talent for skillful lens shooting, but also, the speed of shooting is very fast!

Basically, a shot can be passed as long as their lines are okay!

This shows that the director's grasp of the script has long had a specific preconception of the movie picture.

A picture, how a plot should be filmed, has long been figured out!

Even after entering the shooting process, Jiang Yi was not holding the script.

In the morning, they had finished the first half of the shooting and officially entered the yacht shooting.

And only shouted a few clicks.

Or because several artists said the wrong lines.

If the lines are not wrong, basically all the shots have been repeated, and there is no need to edit them at all!

Yang Mi wondered, can the movie still be shot like this?

And into the cruise.

Because of the set-up site, several other newcomers had space to rest.

"Haha, didn't you expect to make a movie so simple? I think I can do it if I go up! "

"That said, I think I can be an amphibious star, an actor, and a singer."

"Our acting skills are really good!"

Next to him, Yang Mi said with a cold face: "What a fart!" This is not your ability, it is Director Jiang's ability, what shots to shoot, Director Jiang has already thought about it, making a movie, it is not as simple as you think! "

"You don't want to put the credit on yourself if the filming goes smoothly, if there is no director Jiang telling you how to act and how to move, the shooting cannot be so smooth, don't think that all filming is like this."

A few newcomers shuddered.

Although Yang Mi somewhat defended Jiang Yi, this was the case.

It is also because Jiang Yi has conceived all the pictures in the morning, if shooting, how to proceed, otherwise this morning, it is estimated that he will not be able to shoot a few useful shots.

Do these newcomers still feel that they are their own credit?

Think too much.

Confidence in it?

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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