'Fake! This rating is definitely brushed! Is Douban, too, so dark now? ’

'The Little Four director's rating is only 4.5, and this movie is 8.7? Do you believe it? I don't believe it anyway! ’

'This bean is now black and like this, and it has been occupied by the water army.' ’

I know that this sunspot is definitely not an ordinary person, he knows the entertainment industry too well, you see, there are a lot of good reviews, isn't this obviously the good reviews of brushing? ’

'Do you want to attract some box office with good reviews?' The means of this new director are too dirty, I really don't know why Yang Mi cooperates with him? ’

'I see that Yang Mi fell for this man's scheme this time, he just wants to use Boss Yang to become famous in the entertainment industry, and Boss Yang is using it alive! ’

These black fans obviously don't believe this.

And the point is that these people are also mixed with Yang Mi's fans.

These people are 'bees', fans of Yang Mi.

They didn't want to see a sunspot cooperate with Yang Mi.

Now seeing that this sunspot actually used some means to brush praise for his movie, it really lowered Yang Mi's identity.

'This director is so rubbish, in order to be famous, he even invited the water army, have you asked our family Yang Mi? ’

'Exactly! Although our family's Yang Mi may have worse acting skills, she never brushes tickets! Working with you is her biggest movie failure! ’

'I'm ashamed of you, Yang Mi, a good actor who lowered her identity and cooperated with you, I didn't expect you to let us down so much! ’

Jiang Yi was speechless when he saw these comments.

However, there are still some people who support him.

These are the people who have actually seen the movie.

'Have you people seen the movie? You just spray? ’

'That is, you go to see the movie first and then come over, see if what you say is very naïve, Mr. Oe is definitely a powerful newcomer director! ’

'This is the best new director I've ever seen!' It's the best suspense movie I've ever seen! Not one! Mr. Oe will definitely be on fire! ’

This movie went out, and Jiang Yi also successfully had his own fans.

This is not black poplar honey black.

Instead, it was attracted by his ability to make films.

Of course, there are still people who don't believe that this rating is real.

Even some professional film critics of Douban, who gave 'Horror Cruises' five-star reviews, were sprayed.

This rice circle culture is too strong.

These Jimei obviously did not believe that Jiang Yi's ability was stronger than that of Junior Four.

This matter is directly on the hot search of a big platform.

As a result, the authenticity of this website has been questioned.

After all, it's really weird that a newcomer director takes a script he wrote and excludes a movie with a high rating of 8.7!

And at the same time.

In the super words of a certain Bo's 'Micro Age 3'.

The host 'Sydney Tea' is a big fan of the rice circle and the number one fan of Little Four, but no one knows that he is the most cultural publicist.

And it's still a man.

Sydney Tea: Jimei! They actually used means to issue their own movie ratings, completely brushing down our favorite 'micro era' rating, this director is really despicable! They were the first to strike, and we must fight back! Everyone go and brush the rating of 'Micro Era' and give a bad rating to 'Horror Cruise'!

As soon as he said this, countless brain-dead fans immediately responded.

You know there's going to be a trick in it. ’

Since they are unkind, they cannot be blamed for our unrighteousness." ’

'That man is so mean, brush him off!' ’

These avid rice circle fans can be said to be completely irrational.

By such a little fire, immediately on the head.

Instantly, many people began to land in Douban, giving a bad review to 'Horror Cruise'!

In just half a day's work, the rating of 'Horror Cruise' dropped from 8.7 to 7.3!

But even so, it still proves how resistant the plot of 'horror cruise' is.

7.3 suspense films are still very rare, at least ninety percent of movies can be beaten.

The rating of 'Micro Age 3' was topped, 6.0.

At this time, the hot searches of major platforms have also noticed this.

Weibo hot topic first.

#'Horror Cruises' doubtful bean half rating, the next day's rating, down 7.3 from 8.7! #


Jiaxing Entertainment.

Yang Mi's office.

"Sister Honey, the rating of horror cruise ships has gone down again, it seems that there are many people who brush a bad review!"

Mi Feng broke in anxiously.

Yang Mi frowned: "And this?" How is this group of people like this? Can't see others being good? "

Picked up the tablet and looked at it, it really was, on the bean half, and suddenly there were many more one-star comments.

'Bad review! You don't have to watch this movie at all! ’

'What is there to see about a movie that relies on brush reviews?' Bad reviews! ’

'Can a new director have such a high rating?' What is it that is not brushed? Don't say anything, a star. ’

Yang Miqi's hands trembled, "These people, they haven't even seen it, how can they be sure that the movie is not good!" It's really infuriating! "

"Jiang Yi, you said something!"

Jiang Yi, who was playing a game, looked up and said, "Huh? Boss Yang, what are you? "

Yang Mi was really angry, this person didn't care about anything at all.

Jiang Yi looked at the bad comments on the tablet and was happy, "Haha, this rating is still above 7?" These sunspots can't do it. "

Yang Mi said: "You are still laughing, this is your first movie!" "

Jiang Yi: "It's okay, anyway, there is a second part, the third part, besides, the rating will go up." "

Yang Mi was helpless.

But no matter how anxious she is, she can't handle it.

But what is really more anxious than them is the platform of Douban.


Bean and a half company.

"Manager, some people question our platform's connivance with the water army brush score, and it has been on the top of the hot search!"

Employees from the operations department came to Liang Jin's office.

Liang Jin is the general manager of Douban Platform.


He frowned.

A movie rating website, the most important thing is fairness, can not have any meaning false ingredients, if there is false, it will definitely not survive.

There are some lessons from the past abroad.

"Which movie is their own?" Liang Jin said solemnly.

"Horror Cruise, a movie directed by a rookie, with an unban rating of 8.7! It was swiped by question, and now it has fallen back to 7.3. The person from the operations department said.

Liang Jin looked incredulous: "?? Unban 8.7? How is this possible! "

Such a high rating has not appeared several times since the creation of Douban.

"It must be brushed, go and check! See if it's the same IP segment! If you find any suspicion, apologize to netizens immediately! "

"We resolutely resist the act of brushing points!"

The manager of the operations department immediately joined hands with the technical department to thoroughly investigate the users who scored them.

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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