The comments started flipping.

Those sunspots are a little blindfolded this time.

Some childish rice circle fans thought that this apology was for Little Four.

I didn't expect to be punched in the face!

'These people, obviously, bought out the people of the bean half platform, they are too rich! ’

'I don't listen! I don't listen! They are brushed, and the rating cannot be higher than that of the primary four director. ’

'How can there be so many very popular stars in the micro era? They must have bought the platform of Douban! ’

These fans of the rice circle are completely illogical.

Dead heart thinks that there is cat greasy in this, and the cat greasy is very large.

They never feel wrong.

Without considering reality at all, if you buy off the bean half platform, this thing will not happen at all.


Yangmi Residence.

"Huh? Dou Half apologized to us? Yang Mi held up her mobile phone to Jiang Yi.

Jiang Yi smiled: "This dou and a half can really do things." "

Yang Mi was surprised: "How do you say this?" "

Jiang Yi looked at Yang Mi, who was brainless, "This dou and a half is taking this opportunity to show the professionalism of the platform, in fact, this apology is for us?" No, it was done for netizens to see. "

"It is to make netizens feel that their platform is very fair and use this matter to publicize them."

"Their platform has won traffic, fame, we have won ratings, and winning hemp belongs to yes."

Yang Mi suddenly realized.

That's really right!

I have to say that Jiang Yi's mind is really flexible, which she did not expect.

Jiang Yiyi: "But this is also a good thing for us, we don't need to advertise." "

After all, 'horror cruises' did not publicize funds at all.

Ordinary netizens contact the 'horror cruise ship' is basically the acne marks of Jiang Yi and Yang Mi, as well as Yang Mi's Weibo.

I can't afford a hot search.

Now the two hot searches of white, and they are still so topical, the fame of 'horror cruises' has at least been beaten out.

Jiang Yi: "Wait to make money, Boss Yang, the box office will rise immediately." "

Yang Mi tilted her head: "Really? "

Tilt your head to kill!

Jiang Yi was moved.

Looking at Yang Mi, her face came closer little by little.

And Yang Mi also seemed to feel Jiang Yi's strength, motionless, and even had some expectations.

No way!

As soon as Jiang woke up, I can't give up the entire forest because of one flower!

"Cough, what, Boss Yang, I'll sleep first!" Jiang fled as soon as he fell into the desert.

Yang Mi suddenly smiled badly.

See how long you can resist!


With Douban's apology statement, it also proved that 'Horror Cruise' deserves such a high score, which made countless netizens curious.

Is this movie really that good?

Why are there so many topics?

Can it look better than Little Four's 'Micro Age 3'?

And at this time.

It's been two days since the movie was released.

After the publicity of some people, the reputation of 'horror cruises' is slowly fermenting.

These people are basically running water.

After watching the movie, he spontaneously promoted the movie 'Horror Cruise'.

Moreover, because Bai has two hot searches, it can also allow these fans to tell other audiences who have not seen the movie how topical this movie is.

Jiang Yi's confidence comes from here.

And needless to say, with the outbreak of short videos, many 'movie critics' began to seize this hot spot to criticize movies, which are free to promote 'horror cruises'.

'Horror cruises' are too discussable.

In addition to Yang Mi's acting progress.

As well as himself, a new director.

As long as the quality of the film can be carried out, then the third day is the time for the box office to recover.

And this third day will be the end of 'Micro Age 3'.

Because, more people will see Yang Mi's acting skills.

The more things that are not of good quality, the more afraid they are of comparison.

The next day.

When he came to the office with Boss Yang, Mi Feng, the little assistant, came.

"Sister Honey, the box office of Micro Age 3 has dropped a lot!"

Mi Feng was a little anxious.

Yang Mi's investment in 'Micro Times 3' can be said to have made a heavy bet, and if the box office does not work, she will lose miserably on the gambling agreement.

"What? How much has it dropped? Yang Mi was surprised.

This is her biggest investment since founding the company.

Mi Feng said: "The box office is only 30 million!" At present, the total box office is only 180 million! It's a big difference from the 300 million box office we previously predicted. "

Yang Mi was stunned, "How so!?" "

The trend predicted by several of their investors is that the box office in these three days will not be less than 300 million, and may even reach 400 million.

But now it seems too optimistic.

Yang Mi looked at it, and the rating of the movie continued to decrease.

The large number of bad reviews means that those who have not seen the movie will not enter the cinema to watch a garbage movie.

The 'Micro Age 3' score came to 4.1.

It's totally a grunge movie.

'That's bad! The movies of the micro-era series are getting more and more garbage, I advise everyone to watch the suspense movie next door that is also played by Yang Mi! ’

'Also starring Yang Mi, the two movies are like two people, the conductor in this movie is torn, don't watch it! ’

'It's rubbish, if I hadn't been with my girlfriend, I wouldn't have watched this movie at all.' ’

'I have broken up with my girlfriend, she can watch such a garbage movie, and I don't deserve a girlfriend with such taste. ’

'Four directors, be a writer quietly, don't really pollute our eyes! ’

'The horror cruise next door is just nice and highly recommended! ’

This uneven bad review made Yang Mi a little confused.

There have been bad reviews before, but never so many.

"How so?" Yang Mi couldn't figure it out.

Jiang Yi gloated on the side: "It's normal, the audience's patience for bad movies has a limit, Boss Yang, the times have changed, and the capital can't do it to engage in traffic stars." "

Yang Mi was also helpless, as if the matter was really the same as Jiang Yi.

But she still spoke hard, "You're right, your box office is not high!" "

Jiang Yi smiled and took out his mobile phone, "The box office on the third day has exceeded 3 million!" "

Micro era box office, the first day, 110 million, the second day, 50 million, the third day, 20 million, the box office downward trend is obvious.

And horror cruises, the first day 370,000, the second day, 860,000, the third day already 3.04 million.

It's just exponential growth.

According to this situation, Yang Mi found that according to such a trend, Jiang Yi could easily recover his costs and even make a profit!

Jiang Yi was right!

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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